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一 (.江苏省无锡市中考)The sun was shining quite brightly as Mrs Grant left her house,so she decided not to _16_an umbrella with her.She got on the bus to the town and before long it began to rain.The rain had not stopped -17_the bus arrived at the market half an hour later.Mrs Grant stood up and absent-mindedly(心不在焉旳)picked up the umbrella that was _18_on the seat in front of her. A cold voice said loudly, “That is mine,Madam!” Suddenly remembering that she had come out without her umbrella,Mrs Grant felt _19_for what she had done,trying at the same time to take no notice of the unpleasant _20_the owner of the umbrella was giving her. When she got off the bus,Mrs Grant made straight for a shop where she could buy an umbrella. She found a pretty one and bought it.Then she _21_to buy another as a present for her daughter.Afterwards she did the rest of her_22_and had lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon she got on the homeward(回家旳)bus with the two umbrellas under her arm,and sat down.Then she _23_that,by a curious coincidence(巧合),she was sitting next to the woman who had made her feel _24_that morning. That woman now looked at her,and then at the umbrellas. “Youve had quite a good _25_,she said.16.A.keepB.bringC.takeD.leave17.A.beforeB.untilC.thoughD.when18.A.hanging B.appearingC.droppingD.losing19.A.angryB.sorryC.luckyD.glad20.A.replyB.callC.suggestionD.look21.A.promised B.decidedC.agreedD.remembered22.A.hikingB.shoppingC.tryingD.searching23.A.meantB.explainedC.sawD.forgot24.A.jealousB.boredC.satisfiedD.uncomfortable25.A.day B.mealC.journeyD.present二 (福建省晋江市中考) When people find something valuable and return it to its owner, they are often given a reward. This is because the person not only found what was lost but also spent time 46 its owner or taking it to the police station.There was once a young boy 47 found a womans purse in a shopping centre. Inside the purse there 48 some money and the womans driving license. Her name and 49 were printed on the license, so the boy knew where she lived. That evening he went to her house and 50 her door. When she opened it, he said, “ I found your purse,” and handed it to her. “Thank you very much,” she said. She opened her purse and took out all the money. She wanted to give the boy a small reward, 51 there were only bills of 20 in the purse and she thought that $ 20 was too 52 to give the boy. “ Im sorry,” she said, “ but I dont have any small 53 to give you.” The boy said, “Thats all right,” and he went away. A few days later he found 54 womans purse. It also had her driving license in it, so he knew where she lived. He went to her house and said “ I found your purse,” and handed it to her. “Thank you very much, “ she said. She opened her purse and took out all her money. “Thats 55 ” , she said, “ Before I lost my purse I had a $100 bill and a $20 bill in it. Now I have a $100 bill, a $10 bill and two $5 bills.” “Yes,” the boy said, and smiled.46. A. to find B. finding C. find47. A. who B. whose C. which48. A. is B. were C. was49. A. e-mail B. address C.age50. A.cut down B. knocked on C. broke into51. A. so B. but C. or52. A. little B. few C. much53. A. change全品中考网 B. menuC. purse54. A .another B. the otherC. other55. A interesting B. exciting C. strange三 (河南省中考) Long ago,in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers,Harry and PeterHarry was very hardworking while Peter was 36 Every day Harry got up early and came home late,but Peter walked around for fun One summer there was no 37 and the crops(庄稼)were dyingHarry thought,“I must do something to save these crops,or they shall die”With this 38 in mind,he went out to find a river so that he could dig a canal(沟渠)to his fieldHe walked on and on, feeling tired and thirstyAfter a 39 search,he found a river full of blue waterHe wasvery happyHe started digging a canal to his field. 40 it was noon his wife sent their daughter to bring Harry home 41 lunchBut Harry did not goHe did not want toleave his work unfinishedHe completed his work 42 at nightHe Was very satisfiedHe went home。had a good meal and 43 into a sound sleep Peter did the sameBut he was not at all determined(有决心旳)He also 44 digging a canal to his field but he didnt have his work completedHis field did not get 45 water and all his crops died Harrys field would be watered when neededHe had a good harvest because of his hard work( )36Acruel B1azy Ccareless Dsilly( )37Arain Bwind Ccloud Driver( )38Afeeling Bdream Cproblem Dthought(
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