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高一英语上册基本训练题10道.nhiden swin ts pool? Y. owve,they_nverd so loe.A.ma need C.ould .shoud2 Excu e?_ How Igethe earest pt ofice?Thats OK B.Pardo? CWats o? DYes?3If ougo toth oie tonght, so_ . Aw B.do am Dgo4 What ae the doing vete?They ae aing_ each oher _ wha caudFlu.Awit; r B.h;ou Co, abu Da ,on5. E-mail,as wl aslephs,_ an impotanpart in daly communicatonA.have plaed aying Care paig Dly yo aenterested i bi frien , ropme a lin.“Drpm lne” men _.talk t e .rgm Cwrite tome give a call7 Th lsson we can larn fro hckand al_ wohav unusul frends is _ rienre techerAhe ohers; hw e thes; that .ther;how Doters; that8.Frindhp eps s undrstnd _ we ar, _ we nee ecotera_ we cn doforech oter.Awat,why; how Bwo; how; what wh, wat; wy D.who;why, wat 9.m _ sorrt sa ht youde _ mistakes in youroork.oo mch; mch o B.oouch; to m C.muchtoo; to mny Dmcho; mny oo10u have noida _ tose dysA.tha we wr how busy B.howbusy wre weCatow usye were howbusy we ere11Culd I ue our ke?_.A.Yes, you couldusit By, ofcourse C.No, o ouldn D.My bik?2.As we al now,ungh is _ivr.ACinassecon lont Bthe chinas eod lnstCtesecon hias longest Dha the econd ongest13Yo _ o eret e im ifyou , butyou_! He co e son.my, mutt Baveto, eedn Cca, nednt D.cn, mstnt14Theo spnt as ucheplying vieogames s e _ tudyng.does B.had ben C.was did 5._ herhi gettig ray, sh decided to ae it dyed. .Wh B.s C.For Becau of 16. ack,ho di it_ tha you mde so may misakes i youhomework?Wel; I hve no ida, iter.A.com bou Bcur to Cbrabut D.hapd7.shir i iffeen _ thatone _ syle ad maeria. from; n Bo ; in C.to, btw Do; bwee18Whn theoters hdne, he_ and ut back herniture. A.remained Bef Cpt D.stayed1_, hre mst he een 0,00 peol ther, that is,thee ae _ 20,00 ople tere.n toal; a toa f BIn ttal; a tal o n tal; the tol .On totl; thota f0.Is that 10? A hiefis i m ho, hel is _An teway B.i i way C.on tway y te way2._ sayn t oelsin Red r Villge,tors an help h vilagers ake mne so tha th can take_therive adhe birdsABy; cae r BBy; cre of CThruh;care o .it; of2.I as _tatch snst _ evenn.A.funny; to B.fn; towars Ca fun; twad Dfun;i3hile hikng, you should _ for danrs, _spider, snakes r posonous pnts.Aatch ou; fo eaml B.tak cre, for xampe Cwatc out;schas D.takcr; such a24He had a spech to preare, _ the paty atan early ime.A.gt awa B.e y fro C.leavefr D.leavefr5Chilrenshouldn go simg inth lae _ the rewih heir aent.A.unil ness C. not .before26.H is clever, but _, e maks manyitakes.A.n thecotrary Bo th thee C.onte other hd on on hand27. youoing toBeijing _ plesre? N, Ill gto Beiin _ usines.n; o B.n; o C; on Dfor;or2Ecota s om of rvl _cmnes norm tom wh learning,_ a wy to fn otht canbe dne to lpnimals,plans and people.what; as ll a Bthat, s well Cwhich; as well D.which; as we29.Thmothroft tells rsonto be a good bo, waringhmto _ trobe.old k fr ke out of C.beakawy froD.get d of John wa aght _ the earthqke _ caued o daage.Aby; whi B.in;which C.by; nhch Din; in hich 31_y surris,_ I coudhve a word ih im, he ef.A.In; befe T; bfore .In; wen D.To; since32.Albet Eitin, _ lfehad once be vrad, wa given the Nol Prze fo physic in 1.of whom B.for ho Cfor whose Din ho33il u oshping n? Not unti I _ exprimnt.have fihed B.wilinis fiished Dhd nish34Te litle gr_h
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