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摘 要摘 要绩效考核是绩效管理的关键环节,绩效考核的成功与否直接影响到整个绩效管理过程的有效性。绩效考核是指考评主体对照工作目标或绩效标准,采用科学的方法,评定员工的工作任务完成情况、员工的工作职责履行程度和员工的发展情况,并且将评定结果反馈给员工的过程。中国的IT软件研发企业,不同的开发模式、管理模式、企业文化和员工价值的差异,对管理要求的个性化较高,绩效虽是企业和员工发展的推动力,但从绩效考核结果分析,目前IT企业研发人员绩效考核体系存在些问题。本文本着提高软件开发人员的质量为目的,在项目考核的基础上,IT企业绩效考核应针对员工个性化的考核内容。以项目考核为主、部门考核为辅的态势进行设计实现。其中项目考核为员工日常工作考核,根据项目周期进行考核。项目考核指标确定为用户满意度,同时反映了项目的质量;部门考核是考核员工能力、工作态度、工作成果等,工作成果以项目考核结果作参考,将部门考核结果指导员工的成长方向和成长空间。通过项目考核和部门考核,从工作成果和个人成长两个层面完成对员工的考核,实现考核的战略、管理和开发的目的。针对本系统和软件开发绩效考核的实际特点,系统从开发设计形式上采用了B/S架构模式,功能上采用多层次的软件功能架构,使用了DAO技术,将系统底层数据访问逻辑与业务逻辑分离开来,同时,使用了Struts框架,实现了MVC设计模式,将系统视图和业务逻辑,数据模型进行分步式管理,实现本系统在任何时间、任何地点、任何系统,通过使用浏览器上网异地浏览和信息采集的灵活性,并可以保证系统数据的安全性和一致性的特点。关键词:私募股权投资;退出;并购IAbstractAbstractThe exit of private equity (PE) investment refers to a process for the investorsto withdraw their value-added capital. After the PE investor invests a project company, it can bring some support about technology, management and social relations to the project company, which will increase the projects value. As the value added, its time for the investor to exit from this project company to acquire returns.The exit routes mainly include IPO, M&A, Trade Sale, Buyback, Liquidation, and investors can choose one or more of these routes to withdraw their investment according to the timing and return of the exit. Among all those exit routes, IPO may bring out the highest return and reputation, however, as the listing opportunities become more limited and the listing requirement turn into stricter, difficulties will arise when investors exit through IPO manner. Therefore, its inevitable that M&A should be the other main exit route for PE.This thesis principally studies the exit of PE, including the introduction of dominating exit manners and the analysis of factors affecting exit manner choice. By contrasting the exit data between home and abroad, I find that the exit mechanism of PE in developed countries is dominated by trade sale or M&A, the proportion of IPO is very low, but its opposite in China. Based on the research of PE exit, this thesis emphatically focuses on M&A exit manner.This thesis is mainly divided into 5 parts: The 1 st part is introduction, including the background and significance of the research. The literature review also exists in this part. The 2nd part is introducing some information about private equity, such as the relative definitions and developing history. The exit of private equity is mainly discussed in this part, involving the importance, a few routes and some factors about the exit. The 3rd part of this thesis is analyzing our countrys exit status, as well as discussing some main reasons for it. The 4th part is mainly about the exit route of M&A, which plays an important role of this thesis. 1 make objective analysis on the advantages&disadvantages of M&A, and the effects brought out by implementing M&A. Procedure of M&A is also discussed from the perspective of sellers, which is practical for PE to exit the investments by M&A. At the end of this part, a typical case is analyzed to support the above content. The 5th part of the thesis is about the certain suggestions on how to propel the M&A exit route of private equity in our country.Based on studying many literatures home and abroad, this thesis summarizes and analyzes the relative content about the exit of private equity. Meanwhile, the thesis illustrates our countrys current exit situation, and figures out a few reasons about it. At last, some advices on how to improve the unbalanced situation are provided. The purpose of this thesis is to let the entrepreneurs and PE investors know more about the exit route of M&A, and offer some certain references when implementing this route. At last, I hope this thesis can make a small contribution on breaking the exit imbalance and broadening the exit channels.Key words: Private equity investment; exit; M&A东北电力大学硕士学位论文目 录摘 要IAbstractIII第1章 绪 论11.1 课题研究的背景及意义11.2 文献综述21.2.1文献分析和评述31.3 本文研究方法及创新点31.3.1研究方法31.3.2本文创新点3第2章 私募股权投资的退出42.1私募股权投资退出的意义42.2私募股权投资退出方式的比较52.2.1IPO52.2.2股份转让62.2.3清算退出72.2.4几种退出方式的比较8第3章 中国私募股权投资退出现状及问题113.1中国私募股权投资退出情况概述113.1.1中国私募股权投资 IPO 方式退出现状123.1.2中国私募股并购方式退出现状133.1.3 中国私募股权投资退出方式存在的问题143.2 中国私募股权投资退出方式存在问题的原因分析153.2.1 没有健全的场外股权交易市场153.2.2 创业板发展不成熟163.2.3 中介服务落后173.2.4 投资机构参差不齐17第4章 并购退出方式研究184.1 私募股权投资以并购方式退出的优劣势184.1.1 并购退出的优势184.1.1 并购退出的不足204.2 私募股权投资并购退出的效应204.2.1经营协同效应214.2.2财务协同效应214.3 并购退出程序中所考虑的因素224.3.1并购退出的具体交易结构234.3.2并购过程中需要考虑到的法律因素244.3.3关于并购过程中的税收问题254.4私募并购退出过程中的各参与方及其作用254.4.1出售方254.4.2收购方264.4.3并购顾问274.4.4投资方294.4并购出售方式的效益分析294.5“英孚思为”案例分析314.5.1背景分析314.5.2出售过程324.5.3并购利益334.5.4案例启示34第5章 推动我国私募股权投资以并购方式退出的建议355.1 观念的转变355.1.1被投资企业管理者应当转变思想观念355.1.2私募股权投资者需要转变投资理念365.1.3地方政府领导者对政绩观的适当改变365.2政府应当制定和完善相关的政策法规375.2.1建立并购退出的政策支持环境37
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