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三年级人教新起点英语下册连词成句知识点巩固练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. family, This, my, is (.)2. 连词成句。1at, duck, Look, the (.)2in, truck, the, Its (.)3is, It, fat (.)4bird, Act, a, like (.)5have, a, I, carrot (.)3. are, Here, you4. aboutWhatyou?(只写序号)5. years seven Im old(.)6. thatisWhowoman7. you, do, like, monkeys (?)8. is, Mr. Jones, this(.)9. Mondayonitssunny(.)10. Take your off cap (.)11. 连词成句。1my, is, toy, Where, box(?)2Is, your, on, desk, it(?)3The, under, is, chair, the, doll(.)4a, time, good, Have(.)12. havepupilswenewtwo (.)13. does, what, Linda, at, today, school, have (?)14. is apple where the (?)15. is this a pig (.)16. 连词成句。1that is Who boy (?)2the feed Dont animals (.)3to you Nice meet (.)4has eyes and big ears It small (.)5you from are Where (?)17. a, fox, I, am, (.)18. the, like, dogs, do, meat(?)19. your, favourite, Whats, song (?)20. 连词成句。1is, there, magic, stone, no, (.)2I, use, it, may, (?)3look, have, let, a, us, (.)(缩写形式)4the, magic, you, are, (.)5favourite, food, is, your, what, (?)(缩写形式)21. HisisDannyname (.)22. catIsait (?)23. spring fly we in kites (.)24. I, Lingling, am, Hi (, / .)25. 连词成句。1apples How do many you have (?)2only have I three (!)26. a catblackIts (只填序号)_.27. is bear it a (.)28. it, is, wall, a (?)29. your, Whats, name, (?)30. I, that, is, would, like, what, (.) (注意用缩写形式)31. are, tomatoes, they (.)32. this tree Can climb you(?)33. your in bag Is it (?)页码 / 总页数
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