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Lesson27 Amazing English 说课稿一、说教材本课是七年级教材第五单元的第三课,它是非常重要的一课,起着承上启下的作用。学好本课不仅能更好地巩固本单元前几课的所获得的知识与技能,而且本课中着重培养的语言表达能力也有利于今后的英语学习。英语新课程标准提出一个非常重要的目标就是要激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心,使他们初步具备用英语进行简单交流的能 力,因此,我确定了本课的教学重点及难点。本课的重点难点是反身代词和情态动词 can 的理解与运用,运 用所学单词句型进行表达与交流。二、说教学目标本节课的教学对象为七年级学生,七年级学生年龄小,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,渴望被他人关注和重视,有着极强的求知欲和表现欲。根据学生的生理及心理特点,在课堂上应多以表扬为主,注重对学生英语学习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说。在已掌握了一些有关地点的词汇,结合新课标要求,我确定教学目标如下: 学 习目标知识目标: 1)语言知识1 / 9掌握词汇:letter, exactly, fact, sentence, quick, lazy, even, dig 接触词汇: fox, forwards, backwards, therein短语和句型:in fact,dig in2)语言技能学会使用反身代词,掌握情态动词 can 的用法。3)学习策略主动将所学内容付诸于实践,遇到困难积极寻求老师或同学的帮助。 4)情感态度乐于和其他同学交流自己的学习英语的方法。培养学生学习英语的兴 趣,增强学生学英语的信心。5)文化意识逐步树立对英语的兴趣,加深对应于文化的理解。三、说教法我说一说这堂课的教学思路Step 1:Review :Do the Role-play of Lesson 26 让学生角色扮演激发学 习兴趣,快速的吸引学生进入课堂。Step 2: lead-in:Free talk 让学生利用所学,展示自己,练习口语的表达能力,热身练习,进而融入本课的教学环节。2 / 9Step 2 new words-pair work 通过幻灯片,图片等方式让学生了解 本课的新词汇,短语,有利于课堂的教学。Step 3 listen and write True or False.-class work 通过听力的练习,提 高学生的听力方面的能力和抓关键词的技巧练习。Step 3 lets read and answer-individual work。通过阅读的练习,提 高语篇的理解能力和口语表达能力。Step 4 language points :让学生们认识,理解并掌握本课的重点的短 语,句型。Step 5 exercises 实战演练,复习检测本课所学,查漏补缺。Step 6 make a survey and report it. 小组合作采访同学收集更多的有关英语的有趣的事实,让学生讨论并作出报告,激发学生的语言交际能 力和口语表达能力,也锻炼了学生的写作能力。Step 7 Homework 巩固本课所学内容,预习下一课。养成良好的学习 习惯。四说学法英语课堂进行的教学活动应该是直接激发学生对语言学习的兴趣,能使学生的多元智能在活动中得以体现与发展。因此,我在设计这堂课时,尽可能将课堂还给学生,让学生活动和参与,教师只做适3 / 9当的引导。1创设情境,为全体学生营造学习氛围,学生直观感受。2本课内容贴近学生的生活,教学内容对学生来说不难理解, 关键是词汇句型的学习及运用。3自主学习法,这节课以学生为主体,在教师的引导下,自主 地学习。4对话交流,以及任务型的教学模式学习语言,运用语言。 5循序渐进,由复习已知来获得新知。6听说法、讲练法,任务型教学法来学来组织教学,逐渐培养 良好的学习习惯,提高能力。四说教学程序Class openingGreet the whole class.Step 1:Review1) Do the Role-play of Lesson 26Step 2: lead-in:Free talkIntroduce the English-speaking countries and talk about them.4 / 9How many languages can you speak?Do you know any English speaking countries?What are they?The U.K. America New Zealand Canada Singapore IndiaStep 2 new words-pair workShow the new words on PPT, let the students work in pairs to readthem, if possible make sentence with them, or at least find out them in the passage.Step 3 listen and write True or False.-class work1) Play the audiotape for Lesson 27. Play it once and ask the students just to listen.2) Play the audiotape a second time and ask the students to answer the true-or-false questions. (Lets Do It! No. 1)3) Check the answers as a class and correct the false ones.Step 3 lets read and answer-individual work1) Read the passage silently and then answer the questions on the PPT.1. Is it easy to learn English?5 / 92. How many words in English?3. How many words are used by common English-speaking people?2) Play the audiotape a third time, and ask the students to listen andread aloud with the audiotape. Remind the students to do their best to imitate the pronunciation they hear.Step 4 language points1. In fact, there are about 800 000 words in the English language.in fact 其实 ; 事实上in fact 可作状语或表语 , 可单独使用 ,既可用于书面也可用于口 中。e.g. In fact, I think youre right.事实上 , 我认为你是对的。2. There is an English word with more than 1900 letters in it .more than = over 超过,多于I read more than 100 pages today.我今天读了 100 多页。He is more than 70 years old.他 70 多岁了。3.Amazing English6 / 9A: amazing: adj. 令人惊奇的;使人诧异的 ,多与物连用。eg: What amazing news!I like reading amazing stories.B: amazed: adj. 感到惊奇的,觉得惊讶的,多与人连用。 eg: We were amazed at his rapidrecovery.C: amaze: v. 使大为惊奇,使惊愕eg: He amazed me by suddenly gettingmarried.4. Dig in and enjoy!(1)开始认真工作Youd better dig in at once. 你最好马上去做。(2) 把.埋在土里We should dig those young trees in a bit deeper.我们应该把小树埋得深一些。7 / 9Step 5 exercises1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.fact lazy letter quick sentence1) My name is Jack. The first _ in my name is“J”.2) I love football. In_, its my favourite sport.3) Can you make a _with the world?4) Dont be_. Practice English every day.5) You eat very fast. You are_.2.Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1) I can (hear/hears/heard) with my ears.2) You can (meeting/ meets/meet) us at the restaurant.3). Your cousin can (stayed/stay/staying) at our house.4). Can we (being/am/be) friends.5). I can (find/found/finding) lots of books at the bookstore.Step 6 make a survey and report it.8 / 9Work in groups. Interview your classmates and collect moreinteresting facts about English. Then write them down. After that ,the leader of each group makes the repor
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