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从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划分读音不同的选项( ) 1. A. sight B. case C. nose D. list2. A. neighbor B. fight C. enough D. daught 3 A. ground B. about C. out D. would4. A . look B. book C. good D. moon 5. A. another B. either C.though D.through6. A. grow B. now C. low D. snow7. A. though B. through C.another D either 8. A. mind B. limit C. since D. city9. A. brown B. south C. loudly D. bought10. A. expensive B. exercise C. exit D. text11. A. glory B. grammar C.large D. gay12. A. time B. light C. like D. with13. A. office B. horse C. noise D. place14. A. libraries B. grapes C. changes D. tables15. A. cold B. old C. whole D. some16 A sad B.match C. fast D have 17 A south B loudly C bought D brown c18 A match B fast C have D sad B19 A grapes B changes C tables D libraries DCCDDDBBADACDCADC 下面个划线部分中有一处有错,请指出 1. Its easier for me to go there on hot than drivng a car ( driving a car )2. Jim was upset last night becausehe had to do too many homeworks( many homeworks )3. He found it impossible to finish the work with such a sjort time( with )4.Now more and more young people are learning for the little hero. ( for )5.Now that the newspaper arrived we can see the scores of the tennis matches. ( arrived )6.In new tonian it is not difficulty to write down the basicthat must be solved in( not iefficulty )7.You should be working in stead of lie there in bed. ( lie )8.He speaks English more flrenthy than his brother is. ( is )9.The instructor had gone over the problems many times befor ths students will take the final examination. ( will take ) 从给出四个选题中选出最适合句子的选项1.The road is kept open_A_the year.A. throughout B though C.thought D.through2.“Im leaving now”“Make sure_D_the door”A for you to lock B to have locked C after locking D you have locked3. She did not feel_C_going out,as she had a slight headache.A. fot B. about C like D. after4. _D_many of the customers work doing the day, Billy has to collect the money from them at night. A. Although B. therefore C. from D. since5.He is very interested in the film,_D_I dont like. A. when B. which C. how D. that6.Inquiries_C_the condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone. A. following B. revealing C. concerning D. affecting7.This is a _C_argument.A. convinced B. convincing C. inconvincible D. convince8.The government will have to work hard_D_the confidence of the people after the terrible Event.A. to win through B. to come up with C. to come at D. to win back9. Unless he is C intense love. he hardly evers eyes for very long A. granting B. covering C. confessing D. refusing10. If you cant pay the bill youre going to( B ) A. be in trouble B. fall in troubles C. do troubles D. take trouble11.The observers statement about the accident was very_D_.we know almost very thing about it now. A. special B. specific C. especial D. exceptional 12.I_D_my paper because it is too easy for me.A.have handed out of B. have handed over C. have handed with D. have handed in13. The noise of the traffis A panl form his work.A. annoyed B. upset C.prevented D. distracted 14. He is the problem B you should pay attention.A. which B. to which C. on which D. at which 15.I know that either you or you father C a copy.A. have had B. have C. has D. are to have 1.完型填空1. Washoe is a young chimpanzee. She is no ordinary chimpanzee, though. Scientists are doing a research on her. They want to see how civilized she can become .Already she does many things a human being can do For example, she has been learning how to exchange messages with people. The scientists are teaching her sign language.When she wants to be picked up ,Washoe points up with one finger. She rubs her teeth with her finger when she wants to brush her teeth. This is done after every meal. Washoe has also been trained to think out and find answers to problems. Once she was put in a room with food hanging from the ceiling. It was too high to reach .After she considered the problem She got a tall box to stand on . The food was still too high to be reached.Washoe found a long pole.Then she climbed onto the box , garsped the pole, and knocked down the food with pole. Washoe lives like a human,too.The scientists keep her in a fully furnished house.After a hard day in the laboratory, she goes home there she plays with her toys
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