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最新中考英语名词性从句练习题及答案一、初中英语名词性从句1 is obviously right is to give all children equal opportunities to develop their special gift. A.WhichB.AsC.ThatD.What【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:明显正确的做法就是给所有的孩子提供平等发展特殊才能的机会。连接词引导一个主语从句,并在主语从句中做句子的主语,故选D。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句。2_ is known to us all that the old scientist, for _ life was hard in the past, still works hard in his eighties. A.As; whoseB.It; whoseC.As; whomD.It; whom【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:我们都知道,那位老科学家,过去生活很艰苦,到了八十多岁还在努力工作。第一空it is known to us all that是个固定句型,意为“众所周知”;第二空为介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,先行词the old scientist指人,作介词for的宾语,只能用whom,故选D。 【点评】考查名词性从句和定语从句,本题涉及固定句式it is known to us all that和whom引导的限制性定语从句。3Has it been announced _? A.when are the planes to take offB.that are the planes to take offC.where are the planes to take offD.when the planes are to take off【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意: 飞机什么时候起飞已经宣布了吗?此处是when引导的主语从句,且要用陈述句语序,故选D。【点评】考查名词性从句,it作形式主语,关系副词when引导的从句作真正的主语。4- made her ashamed of herself?- the lowest mark in her class.A.What; Because she gotB.Was it what; GettingC.What was it that; That she gotD.What was it that; Get【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:是什么让她对她自己感到羞愧?是她获得了她班上的最低分让她惭愧。A中的what是句子的主语,但是because引导的从句不作主语,是原因状语从句,故排除;B的第一空是错误形式,故排除;C、D两项的第一个选项是一样的,说明第一个题干是一个强调句型,特殊疑问句下的强调句型,有what引导;第二个空是对what的回答,因为what是上一句的主语,That she got the lowest mark in her class是从句,可以作主语;而D项的get是动词原形,不能作主语,故答案为C。【点评】考查强调句型的使用和对特殊疑问句的回答,注意问什么回答什么,也就是说疑问词what是句子的主语,回答的内容也需要在句子中能作主语。5_ made me more unhappy was _ the boy asked my friend to be his girlfriend and she agreed. A.What; thatB.That ; thatC.What; whetherD.It; that【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:让我更不高兴的是那个男孩要求我的朋友做他的女友,她同意了。第一空填what,它一方面在句子中引导主语从句,另一方面又在主语从句中作主语;第二空用that引导表语从句且从句中不缺成分,表示对前面情况的说明。故选A。【点评】考查了名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句以及that引导的表语从句。6_ amazed the NBA world is _ Kobe Bryant scored 81 points just in one game. A.That, whatB.What, thatC.That, thatD.What, what【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:使NBA世界惊讶的是Kobe Bryant在一场比赛中得了81分。根据句意可知,句子主语是一个主语从句,引导词即起引导作用又要做从句的一个成分,所以第一空填What;第二空是that引导的表语从句,只起引导作用,故选B。【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及关系代词what引导的主语从句和表语从句的应用。7_ we may find interesting is that it usually takes more to be polite. A.ThatB.WhatC.WhichD./【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我们可能会发现有趣的是通常需要更多的礼貌。此处是主语从句做主语,从句没有引导词,缺少宾语,故答案为B。【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句的应用。8They lost their way in the forest, and _ made matters worse was that night began to fall. A.thatB.itC.whatD.which【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:他们在森林里迷路了,更糟糕的是天开始黑了。根据连词and可知,本句需要一个引导主语从句的连接词,该词同时还要能在从句里充当主语。that不能在句中作成分;it不能引导主语从句;which意为“哪一个”,不符合本句语境。排除A、B、D三项。故选C。【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句的应用。9_ has been proved is that animals and insects have their own languages. A.WhatB.AsC.ItD.That【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:已被证明的是动物和昆虫有自己的语言。根据is判断,此处为主语从句,分析该从句,缺少主语,用what。选A。【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句的应用。10_ matters most in learning English is enough practice. A.WhyB.ThatC.WhichD.What【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:学习英语中最重要的是有足够的练习。A. why为什么;B. that引导名词性从句只起引导词作用,不充当成分;C. which哪一个;D. What什么。根据语境用what引导主语从句,并在句中做主语。故答案选D。【点评】考查主语从句的引导词。主语从句属于名词性从句的一种,填哪个连接词要分析从句缺少什么成分,然后确定所选的词。11It matters little _ a man dies, but _ matters much is _ he lives. A.how; what; howB.how; it; howC.why; it; whyD.that; what; that【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:一个人如何死去并不重要,重要的是他如何生活。it为形式主语,how从句为真正的主语。What matters much (=the thing that matters much)。第一个how引导的是一个主语从句;it作形式主语;what引导的是主语从句;第二个how引导的是表语从句。故选A。【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及主语从句和表语从句的应用。12Exactly _ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565. A.whetherB.whenC.whyD.how【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:土豆被引进欧洲具体的事件不被确定,但是可能是在1565年左右。根据时间状语round 1565得知这里是指时间不确定。故选B。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及when引导的主语从句。 13_ makes me feel wo
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