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Unit 4 Global Warming学案4doubt 怀疑知多少doubt一词由于词义特殊,其用法较为复杂。其具体用法如下: 一、作及物动词常用于下列句型中,作怀疑;不能肯定;不大相信解,一般不用进行时态。 1.后接名词、代词或V-ing形式。如: Ive always doubted his honesty. 我一直对他的诚实表示怀疑。 We may have it ready, but I very much doubt it. 我们也许能够把它弄好,但我认为可能性不大。 Nor do we doubt being able to finish it in time. 我们也相信能够及时完成它。 2. 用于否定句或疑问句,后接that引导的宾语从句。如: I dont doubt that he is telling the truth. 我毫不怀疑他在讲真话。 Do you doubt that he will win the match? 你怀疑他会赢这场比赛吗? 3.用于肯定句,一般接whether 或if引导的宾语从句.如: I doubt whether we will make a profit out of it. 我认为我们不可能从此事中获利。 We doubt if she will be persuaded. 我们不知道她会不会被说服。 4.用于肯定句,后接that从句,表示疑虑更大,表示不相信,相当于dont believe / think.如: I doubt that she will get the job. 我不相信她会得到那个工作。 二、作不可数名词,作疑惑;怀疑(间或作可数名词)或不确定状态解。 1. 接about, as to等。如: There is not much doubt about his guilt. 他的有罪是没有多少怀疑的。 I have my doubts as to the report being true. 我怀疑报道是否真实。 I have no doubt about who did it. 这件事是谁干的,我心中有数。 2.否定句中doubt多接that同位语从句。如: There is no doubt that they will ask you for help. 毫无疑问,他们会请你帮忙的。 I have no doubt that you will succeed. 我毫不怀疑你会成功的。 3. 肯定句中doubt多接whether (一般不用if代替) 同位语从句。如: Theres some doubt whether hell keep his promise. 他会不会信守诺言还难说。 She had her doubts whether the new book would sell well. 她怀疑新书是否会畅销。 4. no doubt 表示多半;很可能;必定。如: No doubt he was just trying to help, but in fact he just got in the way. 他多半只是想帮忙,可事实上他只是帮倒忙。 They will no doubt punish such a foolish man. 他们必定会惩罚这样一个愚蠢的人。 -John will be late, wont he? 约翰会迟到的,是不是? -No doubt. 肯定会。 5. 用于习语中。 1)in doubt 意为怀疑的;未确定的。如: He is in doubt (about) what to do. 他尚未确定做些什么事。 The whole matter is still in doubt. 整个事情仍然未见分晓。 2)without (a) doubt; beyond / past (all) doubt表示无疑地。如: Dont worry; hell come back without doubt. 不要担心,他一定会回来的。 Her guilt has been established beyond reasonable doubt. 她的罪状已经无可置疑地被确立了。 3)have no doubt of 意为对毫不怀疑。如: I have no doubt of your ability. 我对你的能力毫不怀疑。
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