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六下 unit 1 周周练(满分 100 分)班级_ 姓名_ 一、写出下列词的过去式(20 分)make read become buytake go bring eatcatch have fly getfind say tell seelet feel wake hit二、写出下列形容词的副词形式(12 分)quiet quick beautiful loud sad fast excited happy angry hard good high 三、选择合适的词填空。(12 分)1.The lion was_ .(sad/sadly)2.The lion is crying_ . (sad/sadly)3.Mike is _ about the football match. (excited/excitedly) 4.The old woman walks_. (quite/quietly)5.The students are watching the football match_(excited/excitedly) 6.The students are very _at the news. (happy/happily)四、用所给词的正确形式填空。(14 分)1.Mike _(have) dinner at LiuTaos home yesterday.2.Jim _(wake) up late this morning.3.Bobby lost hue new kite and he looked_(sad).4.He often _(go) to school on foot.5.Look! The lion _(bite) the net.6.Jack was so excited that he _the ball hard.五、根据所给中文或首字母提示填空。(12 分)1.This tigers teeth are really_(尖的)2.I can see a l_elephant drinking water over there.3.Lets c_for our classmates when the race begins.4.Can you _(够得着)the apples on the trees.5.The students are doing their homework_(安静地).6.Just then,the mouse s_the lion behind him.7.I can find many animal s_in the Aesops Fables.六、短语翻译(30 分)看起来伤心 感到开心 路过唤醒 想要吃老鼠 又小又弱让某人干某事 出去就在那时太深 把倒进 从那时起玩得很开心 从网中出来变成朋友帮助某人做某事 大声地笑想要做某事 伤心地问高兴地说在地上发现一个洞 大声地为他们喝彩 很快带来一些水 sweet shop用它的利牙咬网 在网上做了一个大洞用一张大网抓住狮子 Aesops FablesChinese idiom book hit the ball hard六下 unit 2 周周练(满分 100 分) 班级_ 姓名_一、英汉互译。(22)许多好习惯 业在上床时间前完成家庭作感到困倦早起保持干净 和整洁把整理得井井有条 的好听老师的话做非常了解某人走得慢刷牙二、词形转换。(18 分)after(反义词 )_early(反义词 )_messy(反义词) _ dirty(反义词) _bad(反义词 )_sleep(形容词)_ finish(第三人称单数)_ wake(过去式 )_bit (原形)_ 三、选择。( 16 分)( )1. Jim is good_ English.A. at B. of C. for( )2. She speaks English very_ .A. good B. nice C. well( )3. Liu Tao is a good boy, he_ goes to school early.A. always B. never C. sometimes( )4. She is singing_.A. happy B. loud C. loudly( )6. His_are very white and beautiful.A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth( )7. Liu Tao is my good friend. I know him very_ .A. well B. good C. nice( )8. Wang Bing always_ his things in order.A. put B. puts C. putting五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。( 30 分)1. I have many good_ (habit).2. He never_ (go) to school late.3. She does_ (good) at school.4. _(not watch) TV. Its time_ (go) to bed.5. I feel_ (sleep) now. I want_ (go) to bed.6. Look,he is running_ (slow) in the playground.7. You should _ (do) more exercise. 8. I can walk_ (fast) .七、阅读理解。(15 分)All students need to have good habits. When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light(台灯)is important too. Youll feel tired easily if there is not enough light( 光 线) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1. When you have good study habits, you will_.A. learn things quickly B. remember things easily C. both A and B( )2. The living room is not a good place for study because it istoo _ . A. quiet B. noisy C. good()3. Youll feel tired easily if the light is _. A. good B. enough C. bad( )4. You should remember to_ before you study.A. clean the desk B. tidy the room C. turn on the light( )5. The best title for this passage(文章) is _.A. Study in the bedroom B. Good study habits C. How to study六下 unit 3 周周练(满分 100 分)班级_ 姓名_一、词组翻译(17 分)在一个健康的饮食里 吃一些面条喝太多可乐许多食物一只小老鼠对 你 的 身 体 有 好 处喝一点水一些蔬菜太重 和我一起来 中国人每次休息一下拿一小西方人在 你 的 一 日 三 餐 中甜食二、选择填空(16 分)1.Mike has some_and milk for breakfast. A bread B breads C breades 2.There_a lot of water in the bottle. A are B is C am 3.Mike has a _diet. A health B healthy C healthly4.He has a few_in the bag. A of books B books C book5.Yang Ling likes sweet_. A food B foods C ./6.There_a lot of meat on the table. A is B are C were7.They bought some_. A potato B potatoes C potatos8.He is thirsty, so he drinks_water. A a little B a few C a lot三、首字母填空(12 分)1.He eats some m_ and v_.2.They h_to go to the supermarket.3.Yang Ling has a
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