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雅思阅读长难句翻译练习之定语从句篇雅思阅读长难句翻译练习之定语从句篇同学们都知道,定语从句可以分为限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句。这种分类方式是根据中心词与修饰成分之间的关系亲密程度决定的,那么我们在翻译和理解雅思阅读长难句的过程中,就可以根据定语从句的不同种类采取不同的翻译方法。1. 非限定性定语从句的翻译方法在非限定性定语从句中,中心词本身意义是明确的,修饰中心词的定语从句起补充说明的作用。所以在翻译时,将非限定性定语从句与之前的主句译为并列构造即可,即先翻译主句,再翻译非限定性定语从句。例:This all amounts to heightened activity and noise levels, which have the potential to be particularly serious for children experiencing auditory function deficit. (J9T2P1P2)讲解:由于have是复数形式,所以which指代前文的heightened activity and noise levels。可译为:这一切增加了活动量与噪音级别,这对患有听觉功能障碍的孩子有潜在的严重影响。但是这在中文中指代抽象,所以虽然句子成分分析p 准确,但是仍然不能理解句子和含义。修改如下:这一切增加了活动量与噪音级别,增加了的活动量和噪音量对患有听觉功能障碍的孩子有潜在的严重影响。2. 较短的限定性定语从句在多数限定性定语从句中,中心词本身的意义不够明确的,需要定语从句修饰后才能确定准确含义。因此在翻译一般的限定性定语从句时,将定语从句像一般的定语一样翻译到中心词之前就可以了。注意,适用于这种翻译方法的定语从句长度一般较短。例:In addition to the reptiles, birds, mammals and insects which we see all around us, other groups that have succeeded out of water include scorpions, snails, crustaceans such as woodlice and land crabs, millipedes and centipedes, spiders and various worms. (J9T1P3P1)可译为:除了在我们身边看到的爬行类、鸟类、哺乳类和昆虫外,其他成功从海水中出来的种群还有蝎子,蜗牛,甲壳纲动物(木虱、陆生螃蟹、千足虫和蜈蚣)、蜘蛛和各种蠕虫。3. 较长的限定性定语从句那么对于不包括在上述范围内的较长的限定性定语从句,我们在翻译和理解的时候,可以像翻译非限定性定语从句那样,将其后置;假如像较短的限定性定语从句那样置于中心词之前翻译,可能会因为修饰成分过长打断翻译思路,影响对句子的整体理解。可译为:除了立即进展如此长间隔 的答复不可行之外,人们还提出了一系列道德问题,这些问题将必须等国际社会达成共识来解决。以上就是今天雅思学科频道为大家带来的有关雅思阅读中定语从句的翻译方法,相信下次同学们再遇到这种长难句的时候都能翻译地很通畅。以后还会为大家带来其它语法知识的讲解,今天先到这儿,下期见!祝各位都能考出好成绩噢雅思阅读机经真题解析-Beste Considerate putingA“Your battery is now fully charged”, Announced the laptop puter to its owner, Donald A Norman, with enthusiasm-perhaps even a hint of pride?-in its synthetic voice. To be sure, distractions and multitasking are hardly new to the human condition. “A plicated life, continually interrupted by puting requests for attention, is as old as procreation,” laughs Ted Selker of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab. But increasingly, it is not just our kids pulling us three ways at once; it is also a relentless barrage of e-mail, alerts, alarms, calls, instant messages and automated notifications, none of them coordinated and all of them oblivious to whether we are busyor even present. “Its ridiculous that my own puter cant figure out whether Im in front of it, but a public toilet can,” exclaims Roel Vertegaal of Queens University in Ontario.BCNumerous studies have shown that when people are unexpectedly interrupted, they not only work less efficiently but also make more mistakes. “It seems to add cumulatively to a feeling of frustration,” Picard reports, and that stress response makes it hard to regain focus. It isnt merely a matter of productivity and the pace of life. For pilots, drivers, soldiers and doctors, errors of inattention can be downright dangerous. “If we could just give our puters and phones some understanding of the limits of human attention and memory, it would make them seem a lot more thoughtful and courteous,” says Eric Horvitz of Microsoft Research. Horvitz, Vertegaal, Selker and Picard are Eric Horvitz among a small but growing number of researchers trying to teach puters, phones, cars and other gadgets to behave less like egocentric oafs and more like considerate colleagues.D“Attentive” puting systems have begun appearing in newer Volvos and IBM has introduced Websphere munications software with a basic busyness sense. Microsoft has been running extensive in-house tests of a much more sophisticated system since 2022. Within a few year, panies may be able to offer every office worker a software version of the personal receptionist that only corner-suite executives enjoy today. But if such an offer should land in your inbox, be sure to read the print before you sign. An attentive system, by definition, is one that is always watching. That considerate puter may e to know more about your work habits than you do.EFGBest/Enhanced Telephony, a Microsoft prototype based on Horvitzs work, digs a litter deeper into each users puter to find clues about what they are up to. Microsoft launched an internal beta test of the system in mid-2022. By Last October, Horvitz says, about 3,800 people were using the system to field their ining phone calls.HIQuestion 14-19Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2? In boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet, writeTURE if the statement is trueFALSE if the statement is falseNOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage14. According to Ted Selker, human reproduction has been disturbed throughout history.15. If people are interrupted by calls or e-mails, they usually put up with it instead of feeling sickness.16. Microsoft is now investigating a software which is patible with ordinary offices.17. People usually have misperception about whether they are busy or not.18. Experts in Carnegie Mellon University conducted a research observing all occupations of IBM.19. Current phone and
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