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英语中学作文10篇在学习、工作乃至生活中,很多人都写过作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递学问信息。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是我为大家收集的英语中学作文10篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。英语中学作文 篇1Last night, when I got sleep, I heard some voice, it sounded like the baby was crying, then I looked out of the window, but no one was outside. As the voice kept going on, I could not sleep, I have to figure out what was going on outside, I went to my backyard, then I found a cat was calling, not the baby. How surprised I was.昨晚,当我睡觉,我听到一些声音,听起来就像是婴儿在哭,然后我往窗外看,但是外面没有人。由于声音不停止下来,我无法入睡,我不得不弄清晰外面发生了什么事,我走到后院,发觉一只猫在叫,不是婴儿。我感到很惊讶。英语中学作文 篇2Its snowing very hard, The sky is dark and gloomy。 The ground is covered with white snow。 A cold wind is blowing from the north。 How cold it is! Mr。 Jenkins is walking in the snow。 He is wearing a very thick coat。 His two hands are both in the pockets。 But he isnt wearing a hat on his head。 He feels a little cold walking in the snow。 Now, he is missing his warm house。It was Sunday afternoon。 Li Ming and I were walking to the park。 Suddenly we saw a boy fall off his bike。 We both hurried to him。 Since one of his legs was hurt badly, the boy couldnt stand up。 He began to cry and we tried to comfort him。 We put him on the bike and took him to hospital。 The boy got treated at once。 I telephoned his parents and told them about the whole story。 They thanked us again and again。 It was dark then and we said goodbye to them。 We felt happy though we couldnt get to the park。英语中学作文 篇3But also to the weekend,this weekend,the family is still so busy.Dad went to work.There are a lot of home mother did not finish.I do,we are busy in the books.Over the weekend,why is it so busy?翻译:又要到周末了,这个周末家人照旧是这麽忙.爸爸要出去办事.妈妈还有一大堆家务没干完.我呢,也要劳碌于书本之中.周末,为什麽会这样忙?英语中学作文 篇4My hometown is a beautiful small village, my father said that the original home of hanging about the village, is full of trees behind the house, lush and green all the year round, there is a small river east village, the water crystal clear, fish, the sky was crystal clear.The few families lived in the village, the life is comfortable, but I dont know since when, the environment began to deteriorate. Say we river first, she was now the sewage river, there is a paper mill in the waste water into the river, the river with a layer of white foam, stinking, former aquatic plants and the fish disappeared, flowers reflection of the river was gone. Dad said the river but he was a child often play place, now people here to hurry past, wu hold its mouth. The river when you are sad all the day.The earth is our home, a good environment is the premise of our happy life. In order to our survival homeland to sweet and comfortable, I put forward three Suggestions:The industrial wastewater emissions dont, best can recycle after unified handling.Second life garbage recycling, in order to reuse. Called on people to care for the environment, and in some poor hygiene area eye-catching warning label.Three to supervision and control of air pollution, especially for those emissions exceed the chimney rectification within a time limit.Around us there are many people environmental protection consciousness, I hope more people join the ranks of environmental protection, let the home environment is becoming more and more good.我的老家是一个漂亮的小村庄,听爸爸说,原来的老家村前村后、房前屋后到处都是树,一年四季郁郁葱葱,村东头有条小河,河水澄澈晶莹,鱼翔浅底,天空湛蓝深远。村里住着百十户人家,日子过得都还舒适,可是不知从什么时候起先,环境起先恶化了。先来说说我们的小河,她现在简直成了污水河了,岸边有家造纸厂在往河里排放废水,河面上泛着一层白白的泡沫,臭气熏天,从前的水草和鱼儿不见了,鲜花倒影的河面不见了。爸爸说河边可是他小时候常常玩耍的地方,现在过往这里的人行色匆忙、捂嘴掩鼻。小河终日愁眉不展。地球是我们的家园,美妙的环境更是我们快乐生活的前提。为了我们生存的家园能够温馨舒适,我提出三条建议:一工业污水不要随意排放,最好能够统一处理后循环运用。二生活垃圾要分类回收,以便再利用。号召人们爱惜环境,并在一些卫生状况较差的区域贴上醒目的警示标记。三对空气污染进行监督和治理,尤其是要对那些排量超标的烟囱限期整改。在我们身边还有很多人环保意识淡薄,真希望有更多人加入到环保行列当中,让家乡的环境变得越来越好。英语中学作文 篇5Today, pollution has become a serious problem to us. It means that the air, seas, rivers and land are polluted by waste or poisonous things. It does harm not only to human beings but also to animals (It does harm to animals, as well as human beings.)。We cannot have fresh air because many factories have the poisonous smoke sent into the air. Beautiful parks are made dirty by plastic tins and bags. Fish die from the polluted water. It is said that strange diseases have appeared in some places because of pollution.I hope scientists can find ways to solve the serious problem. We are looking forward to seeing the clear sky, clean rivers and beautiful parks again.英语中学作文 篇6One day, when I woke up and took out my cellphone to read the news, suddenly, the news about Michael Jacksons death shocked me.My first reaction was that it was a joke or a rumor, because there was always the news about celebritys death which turned out to be a mistake. But as there more information about this mans death, the fans realized that their idol had passed away.It was such heartbroken, Michael Jackson was the great music pioneer. People lost the great idol.Many popular singers a
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