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译林版英语三年级下册第六单元教学要求教学内容及课时安排:1.话题和功能:Asking and talking about time2.日常用语与句型:What time is it?/Hurry up./Its . oclock./Its time for.3.词汇:wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, these, heres = here is, class, bed, OK, lunch, eleven, twelve, bag4.歌谣:Wake up, Eddie5.语音:字母t在单词中的发音。八课时单元教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:What time is it?/Hurry up./Its . oclock./Its time for.2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, these, heres = here is3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词class, bed, OK, lunch, eleven, twelve, bag4.会诵读歌谣:Wake up, Eddie5.能听懂、会说、发音准确:字母t在单词中的读音。单元教学重点、难点:重点 句型:What time is it?/Hurry up./Its . oclock./Its time for.词汇:wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, these, heres = here is, class, bed, OK, lunch, eleven, twelve, bag语音:字母t在单词中的读音难点句型:What time is it?/Hurry up./Its . oclock./Its time for.的正确读法和在情境下的正确运用。词汇:wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, these, heres = here is, class, bed, OK, lunch, eleven, twelve, bag的用法语音:字母t在单词中的读音译林版英语三年级下册第六单元教学设计方案 NO:1教学内容Unit 6 What time is it?课型新授课时间教学目的1.能正确地听、说、读单词wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, these, heres = here is, class, bed, OK, lunch, eleven, twelve, bag2.能在真实的情景中正确运用What time is it?/Hurry up./Its . oclock./Its time for.重点、难点1.能正确地听、说、读单词 wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, these, heres = here is, class, bed, OK, lunch, eleven, twelve, bag2.能在真实的情景中正确运用What time is it?/Hurry up./Its . oclock./Its time for.课前准备pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件课 时第一课时教学过程:Step 1. Greeting and warm up 1. Greetings.T: Its time for class. Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, .T: Nice to see you.S: Nice to see you, too.1. T: Last lesson, we learned the numbers. Can you count from one to ten? Ss: Yes! (Ss count from one to ten, PPT show the numbers at the same time.)T: Please look and guess what number is missing? Ss: Eleven, twelve. (Teach eleven, twelve)2. T: Do you know what it is? Yes, it s a clock. It can tell us the time. Today, we will talk about the time. (Teach: time)Step 2Presentation and practice . 1. T: I have a clock here. What time is it? (反复,然后带读) Oh, its four. We can also say “Its four oclock”. (带读)2. T: Look at these three clocks. Can you talk about the time like this? Please ask and answer in pairs.3. T: Whats the time? Ss:Its ten oclock. T:Its time for class. (重点教句型) We can do different things at different time.Step 3. Learn to say . 教师出示自己一天的主要作息时间表,引导学生谈论时间和相应活动T: Look at tha clock. What time is it?(时间拨到7点)Ss:Its seven oclock.T: Yes, its time for breakfast. T: What time is it?Ss: Its twelve oclock.T: Yes. Its time for lunch.T: And look, is it twelve oclock?Ss: No, it isnt. Its six oclock.T: Yes, its time for dinner. This is my day.T: Now ,look at this picture. Whos he? Ss: Hes Liu Tao. 1.Watch the cartoon 初步感知课文 T: Lets watch the cartoon and try to choose a title about the story.A. Liu Taos Day B. Liu Taos weekend2. T: This is Liu Taos Day. Can you help to finish Liu Taos timetable? Listen to the dialogues and find out the timeHomework1.Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.2. Read and recite Story time.二度修改板书设计Unit 6 What time is it?A: What time is it?B: Its oclock. Its time for 译林版英语三年级下册第六单元教学设计方案 NO:2教学内容Unit 6 What time is it?课型新授课时间教学目的1.能正确地听、说、读单词wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, these, heres = here is, class, bed, OK, lunch, eleven, twelve, bag2.能在真实的情景中正确运用What time is it?/Hurry up./Its . oclock./Its time for.重点、难点1.能正确地听、说、读单词wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, these, heres = here is, class, bed, OK, lunch, eleven, twelve, bag2.能在真实的情景中正确运用What time is it?/Hurry up./Its . oclock./Its time for.课前准备pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件课 时第二课时教学过程:Step 1 Free talk and motivation 1.Free talk T: Hello,boys and girls.S: Hello.T: How are you today?S: Fine, thanks.2.Brain storm T:Can you count from one to twelve? Show a long hand and a short hand. Whats this? Ss: Its a clock. T: Can you tell me the time quickly ? (快速出示钟面时间,学生抢答)3. Review Part A T:What time is it? Ss: Its seven oclock. T: Liu Tao wakes up and starts his day. Can you retell his day? Step 2 Presentation 1.T:Ill do something. Please guess what time I do it. (做吃饭的动作) What time is it? S1: Its eleven oclock. T: No. S2: Its twelve oclock. T: Yes. Its time for lunch. Now you can play this game in groups. Ss: (小组内开展活动)2. 教师出示一个钟面,钟面朝着老师,老师拨完时间,让学生猜测 T: What time is it? Ss: Its T: Yes. / No. Its time for.(做动作) T: Who wants to show us your clock? (让学生拿出自己设计的钟面) S1: What time is it?Ss: Its .Ss show their clocks (小组
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