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1、课程名称:mysql的安装和基本使用2、知识点概述2.1、本次预备讲解的知识点1、mysql的简介和用途2、mysql的安装注意事项3、基本术语4、基本使用3、具体内容3.1、MySQL 简介MySQL是最流行的开放源码SQL数据库管理系统,它是由MySQLAB公司开发、发 布并支持的。MySQLAB是由多名MySQL开发人创办的一家商业公司。它是一家第二代开 放源码公司,结合了开放源码价值取向、方法和成功的商业模型。3.2、据库的作用数据库系统本质上是一种管理信息列表的手段。这些信息可以来找不同的地方。如果研究的 数据,顾客的请求,销售报告,个人爱好信息等等。数据系统能处理广泛的信息,但如果是 一项简单的工作就没有必要使用数据库系统,例如:小饭店的临时记账单 数据库系统的力量只在组织和管理的信息很庞大或很复杂,用手工处理极为繁重时才能显示 处理。例如:每天处理百万业务的公司中国移动肯定会选择使用数据库系统。3.3、MySQL 安装lySQL Server Instance Configuration VizardMySQL Server Instance ConfigurationConfigure the MySQL Server 5.5 server instance.Please select a configuration type.Detailed ConfigurationL 留 Choose this configuration type to create the optimal server setup for this machine.C Standard ConfigurationUse this only on machines that do not already have a MySQL server installation. This will use a general purpose configuration for the server that can be tuned manually. BackCancelMy移 lySQL Server 5. 5 SetupCompleted the MySQL Server 5.5 Setup WizardClick the Finish button to exit the Setup Wizard.0 Launch the MySQL Instance Configuration WizardCancellySQL Server Instance Configuration TizardWelcome to the MySQL Server InstanceConfiguration Wizard Configuration Wizard will allow you to configure the MySQL Server 5.5 server instance. To Continue, dick Next.lySQL Server Instance Configuration TizardMySQL Server Instance ConfigurationConfigure the MySQL Server 5.5 server instance.Please set the networking options.I? Enable TCP/IP NetworkingEnable this to allow TCP/IP connections. When disabled, only local connections through named pipes are allowed.Port Number: |3306 三袒项.如1 现菸?切Please set the server SQL mode.I? Enable Strict Mode BackCancelThis option forces the server to behave more like a traditional database server. It is recommended to enable this option.lySQL Server Instance Configuration TizardMySQL Server Instance ConfigurationConfigure the MySQL Server 5.5 server instance.Please select a server type. This will influence memory, disk and CPU usage.peveloper MachineI This is a development machine, and many other applications will be run on it. MySQL Server should only use a minimal amount of memory.C Server MachineSeveral server applications will be running on this machine. Choose this option for web/application servers. MySQL will have medium memory usage.C Dedicated MySQL Server MachineThis machine is dedicated to run the MySQL Database Server. No other servers, such as a web or mail server, will be run. MySQL will utilize up to all available memory.lySQL Server Instance Configuration VizardMySQL Server Instance ConfigurationConfigure the MySQL Server 5.5 server instance.Please select the database usage.6 Multifunctional Database General purpose databases. This will optimize the server for the use of the fast transactional InnoDB storage engine and the high speed MylSAM storage engine.C Transactional Database OnlyOptimized for application servers and transactional web applications.:-n This will make InnoDB the main storage engine. Note that the 矽MylSAM engine can still be used.C Non-Transactional Database OnlySuited for simple web applications, monitoring or logging applications as well as analysis programs. Only the non-transactional MylSAM storage engine will be activated.NextCancellySQL Server Instance Configuration VizardMySQL Server Instance ConfigurationConfigure the MySQL Server 5.5 server instance.Please set the Windows options.V Install As Windows ServiceThis is the recommended way to run the MySQL server on Windows.Service Name: MySQLI? Launch the MySQL Server automaticallyV include Bin Directory in Windows PATH:Check this option to indude the directory containing the server / dient executables in the Windows PATH variable so they can be called from the command line.眼Cancel3.4、术语MySQL归类为关系型数据库管理系统(DBMS ),所谓关系数据库管理系统含义如下:1、数据库(DB )是存储信息的仓库,以一种简单的,规则的方式进行组织|-数据库中的数据组织为表|-每个表由行和列组成|-表中没行为一个记录|-记录可包含几段信息;表中每列对应这些信息中的一段2、管理系统(MS)是允许通过添加,检索、修改或删除记录来使用数据的软件ORACLE、MySQL、SQLServer. DB2 .3、关系(R)表示特殊种类的DBMS,它通过寻找相互之间的共同元素使存 放在一个表中的信息关联到存放在另一个表中的信息。关系数据库的能力在于它能够从 这些表中方便的取出数据,并将关联个表中的信息相结合的出问题的答案,这些答案只 依据单个表的信息是不可能得到的。3.5、体系结构在使用MySQL时,实际上使用以下两个程序,因为MySQL采用的是客户机/服务器体 系结构。-数据库服务器是一个位于存放数据的机器上的程序。它监听从网络上传过来的客户机的请求并根据这些请求访问数据库的内容,以便向客户机提供它们所要求的 信息。-客户机是连接到数据库服务器的程序,这些程序告诉服务器需要什么信息的查询。常用客户机程序:NO客户机程序说明1mysql这是一个交互式的客户机程序,它能发布查询并能看到结果。2mysqldump格存表的内容到某个文件3mysqllimport将文件内容导入某个表4mysqladmin查看服务器状态并完成管理任务注意:MySQL 指的是整个MySQLRDBMS,而mysql代表的是一个特定的客户机程序名36、基
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