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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 常熟市第一中学20132014学年第二学期质量测试卷初一英语 2014.3 一、 单项选择 (1*20 = 20)( )1. -Look at _ key ring. Its so nice. - Which one? _ one beside the pencil case? A. a; The B. a; A C. the; The D. the; A( )2. Pauls father_ buy some bread. _we buy some, too? A. shall;Will B. will;Shall C. is;Shall D. are;Shall( )3. Mother tells the visitor_ walk quietly and _wake the baby up. A. toto B. not tonot to C. not toto D. tonot to( )4. -What does the boy like?-He is_ his father. He also_ eating mangoes. A. likes; like B. like; like C. likes; likes D. like, likes( )5. Feeding animals is interesting work. It is also _ job.A. an, aB., an. , /C. /, aD. / , /( )6.- Mum, this pair of shoes _ old. Would you buy me a new_? A. is;one B. is;pair C. are;one D. are;pair( )7. He arrived Shanghai 6:00 the morning of June 2nd. A. at, at, in B. in, at, on C. in, at, in D. at, in, on( )8. -Would you like _ milk in your coffee? -Yes, just _.A. any, a few B. some, a little C. any, a little D. some, a few( )9. I will be free then. I dont know_ for my holiday.A. where to go B. to go where C. where to go to D. to go to where( )10. His father works in an office_ his home. A. far from B. away from C. is far way from D. far away( )11.The shirt is not mine. Its . A. else someone B. someone elses C. other someone D. someone others( )l2It_ me five minutes to walk to school Aspends Btakes Ccosts Dhas( )13What_do you want to buy? Aother Belse Celse things Dothers( )14 He is _ in hospital, so he is a _ person. A. ill, ill B. ill, sick C. sick, ill D. /, ill( )15What_ your dream home_? Its very largeThere are many rooms in it Ais;like Bdoes;like Care;like Ddo;like( ) 16. We can see the teachers desk _ the classroom.A. before B. after C. in front of D. in the front of( ) 17. This is _ English class. I hope you can enjoy English.A. our the first B. the our first C. our first D. first the our( ) 18. .Lets go and have a picnic.That sounds_.A. good B. well C. bad D. badly( ) 19. -What can you see on the table? We can see four _ and six _. A. bottle of milk, tomato B. bottle of milks, tomatosC. bottles of milk, tomatoes D. bottles of milks, tomatoes( ) 20. Do you have _ chicken _ beef?A. some, and B. any, and C. some, or D. any, or二、 完形填空 (1*10 = 10)Clocks and watches help us to get to the place on timeThey can make our life 21 Have a quick look at a watch or a clock, 22 we can know the time If we have little time,we must be quickIf we have 23 time,we can take our time (慢慢做). We know the time,so we can do everything in timeBut what about the blind(瞎的)people ? They 24 see clocks or watchesOf course they dont know 25 it is! What a hard life they are having! Thats 26 someone makes a “talking watch”for blind peopleThe watch can 27 them the right timeThere is a button(按钮)on the watchWhen you 28 the button,a voice “tells” the timeWhen it is dark 29 ,everyone can find the talking watch 30 The talking watch helps people a lot( )21Adifficult Beasy Cbusy D1ate( )22Aand Bor Cbefore D. but( )23Aa little Bmany Cany Dmuch( )24Amay not Bmustnt Ccant Ddont have to( )25Awhat time Bhow much Cwhat color Dhow far( )26Awhere Bwhen Cwhich Dwhy( )27Asay Btell Cspeak Dtalk( )28Aopen Bclose Ctouch Dmake( )29Aat noon Bin the afternoon Con weekends Dat night( )30Aexpensive Bfriendly Chelpful Dbeautiful三、 阅读理解 (2 *10 = 20)ADo you hope to do a lot of homework every evening? Are you interested in your English classes? Who do you want to teach you? Maybe you have lots of questions in your mind before school starts.Well, I want to give you some good advice on these problems.First, keep calm(平静). Dont worry about all the problems you have. Put your heart into learning, and you can find something you are interested in. Do it actively.Second, try your best to finish your homework quickly. Dont spend a lot of time on it. Do more reading or writing in English. Think about the problems you have and
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