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小升初英语 反义词近义词对应词同音词小学英语反义词、同义词、对应词、同音词 1. 反义词 quick laugh fast close small hard behind long far on stop left bottom cool like dark much cheap always high new west cry slower north late thin outside quiet up slow cry slow, slowly open big easy in front of short near under begin/start right top warm dislike/hate bright little expensive/dear never low old east laugh quicker/faster south early thick inside loud down 1 happy tall below clean in wrong first heavy young few hungry hate white old sit yes go different many wet weak dear cold good short night safe here win after sad short above dirt out right last light old many full like black young stand no come same few dry strong cheap hot bad long/tall day dangerous there lose before 2. 同义词 above father kid glad fast mother below hello plane much few small big picture movie 3. 对应词 brother this grandfather man daughter mother these girl 4. 同音词 sea meat I too sun on dad child happy quick mum under hi airplane many little little large photo film sister that grandmother woman son father those boy see meet eye two/to son 2 bike under evening speak see hear love gift laugh shop hate learn dear begin faster uncle morning tomorrow waitress red wife girlfriend know for buy wear Hour bicycle below night talk/say watch/look listen love present smile store dislike study expensive start quick aunt evening yesterday waiter green husband boyfriend no four bye where our
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