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inspecci de seguretat integral, informar sobre la comprovaci, sistema de cstig estricte, per trobar el problema, posar-lo a persones, rectificaci. Membres claus de les responsabilitats dequip de gesti de seguretat sn els segents: 1, projecte (1) projecte de director s el responsable dEnginyeria de seguretat i eren directament responsable. (2) tecnologia de seguretat dirigides les organitzacions dna les baixes. (3) responsable dorganitzar laplicaci de mesures de seguretat. (4) qualificat dequipament de maquinria construcci, lnies temporals electricitat per organitzar la inspecci i lacceptaci, abans dutilitzar. (5), responsables de la construcci civil, regles normalitzar i civilitzada lloc de construcci. (6) sobre una base regular per organitzar la regulaci de la seguretat operaci, treballadors de leducaci en les operacions illegals i seguretat organitzativa violacions (7) comprova com a mnim un cop per setmana,. Comprovar al voltant de, entorn de treball i va trobar amagat a prendre mesures immediates per eliminar abans que pugui treballar. (6) un accident o gaireb enfonsat informar immediatament al responsable del projecte i per protegir el lloc, participar en la investigaci. Seguretat cinc objectius (1) seguretat construcci estndard lloc ndex de qualitat: normes de seguretat complet lloc activitats, normes davaluaci final dany. (2) mesures de control de seguretat: no seriosament lesionat dins i fora el personal de lloc de construcci durant el perode de construcci (ambds inclosos) o ms accidents, malaltia professional taxa de 0; eliminar lesions de transport (o ms) major sinistralitat, accident explosius, accidents de foc, enverinament massiu i control acumulativa prdues econmiques en anys per completar la construcci del valor de 0,06 per mil. Sis, suport de construcci i anti-lliscant bloc suport de disposici i control lliscant sortir fixa comentaris tenint llosa amb enviar placa jssera elevaci i set abans de la construcci preparat per backfill pendent 1, con en lloc, grues i llarga ruta de camions ha de ser suau, pis, no denfonsament, aix com no per retardar laixecament de temps, fent construcci suau. 2, fer front i tapa de formig estrep del perode de manteniment. 3, llosa de formig periode de curaci. 4, primer esbrinar totes les vores de placa feix i rodaments de goma, goma dna suport a lembarcador amb pegament epoxi a. 5, llest per controlar lexpansi de Junta, 4cm i estores de jsseres de placa de ferro, Pau gruixut - 8mm 15mm. 6, durant tot el procs de construcci, atenci ha de prestar productes semielaborats i acabats (com el sl, placa jsseres, Cap, afrontament i aix successivament) en manteniment. 7, aixecament de tot el personal ha justament distribut, cada procs hauria de ser sota el comandament dalg. Vuit i seleccioneu mecnica Sha Yixi pont i oli desprmer apurat , pont, i oli espremut apurat II, pont i final de cavallof the situation, the cultivation of strategic thinking and historical thinking, dialectical thinking, creative thinking, the bottom line of thinking, a profound analysis of the new trend of the development and change of international and domestic situation, facing opportunities and challenges, and constantly enhance the predictability. At the same time, to in-depth investigation and study, a profound understanding of the characteristics of current stage of Chinas development and in different places and different fields of specific performance, find Chinas development is facing the contradictions and problems, understand the expectations of the people, make our Decisions and work more in line with the actual more in line with the wishes of the people. Adhere to the partys ideological line, we must insist on emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and keeping pace with the times, pragmatic, the core of which is to seek truth from facts. This is on the thought course of the party spirit, the practical requirements of a highly generalization. Development of practice is endless, understanding the truth is endless, theory and practice innovation is endless. Adapt to the demands of the age development, with many new historical features in the great struggle, winning the completion of a comprehensive well-off society, there is an urgent need for us to greater courage and wisdom, and actively explore, bold experiment, study the new situation, summarize new experience, continue to promote Theoretical innovation based on practice, scientific and technological innovation, cultural innovation, system innovation and other aspects of innovation, with new ideas, ideas and initiatives, efforts to solve the economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, ecological civilization construction and the construction of the party faces new problems, and constantly open up the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics development in the new situation. How to un
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