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广州外国语学校2011年秋季招生考试英语部分(满分80分)I.语音:请找出划线部分读音不同的单词。(共5分)1.A. WaiterB. dayC. todayD. Mo nday2.A. pearB. bearC. hairD. here3.A. thingB. thirdC. theyD. Jhin4.A. busesB. orangesC. clothesD. boxes5.A. watchedB. played.C. cookedD. helpedII.语言知识与运用。(共20分)第节:单坝选择。6.-How much is that ring?on lv $29 .A. That sB. They reC. This sD. It s7.This dress istha n the blue one.A. More nicerB. more attractiveC. prettyD.cheap8.is my hobby.A. Playi ng basketballB. Play basketballC. Play ing pia noD. Play pia no9.I want some socks. How much are the blue and white?A. SockB. onesC. thatD. one10.Pleasethe exercise books here tomorrow.A. bringB.to bringC. takeD. to take11.Mv uncle ishis thirties.A. inB. onC. atD. for12.Hele n is in Pola nd. Shes a great time.A. doingB. havi ngC. maki ngD. liki ng13.What?A. is the weather likeB. does the weather likeC. is the weather lik ingD.do the weathers like14.I look at your new watch, please?A. AmB. CanC. DoD. Must15.Lin daillafter noon.A. is , lastB. was, yesterdayC. were, lastD.is , in第二节:语法选择。As the time goes on, all kinds of the new inventions comes into our daily life. New machines are 16 used all over the world. Why are machines so important and necessary (必要 的)17 us? Because they can 18 us do things 19. For example, microwaves canheat water or cook food 20 we used to.A washing machine helps us to wash clothes. A printing ( E卩屈U) machine helps us to print a lot of books , newspapers, magazines and many 21 things 22 . Bicycles , cars, trainsand pla nes are all mach in es. They help us to travel faster tha n23 foot.The computer is a won derful mach ine. It was inven ted not long ago. It 24 stores in formati on but also counts nu mbers milli ons of times as fast as a scie ntist 25.Lets study hard and try to use all kinds of mach ines to build China into a moder n coun try.16. A. widerB. more wideC. widely17. A. withB. ofC. for18. A. be helpedB. helpC. helpi ng19. A. faster and betterB. fast and betterC. fast and good20. A. much fast tha nB. much faster tha nC. more fast tha n21. A. othersB. the otherC. other22. A. quickB. quicklyC. quicker23. A. onB. byC. in24. A. not at allB. not onlyC. both25. A. didB. doC. doesIII.完型填空。(10分)In En gla nd win ter is notvery cold and summer is notvery hot. There is not a great26summer and wi nter .Do you know 27?En gla nd has a mild win ter and a 28 summer because it is an isla nd country. In win ter the sea is 29 tha n the land. The winds from the sea bring warm air to En gla nd. In summer the sea is 30 than the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air to England.En gla nd has 31 rain all the year. The west of En gla nd is 32tha n the east. Thewinds must blow over the highla nd in the west. They leave more rain here. The east of En gla nd is drier tha n the west.The four seas ons are all three 33 long. Win ter is in December, January and February. Spring lasts from March to May. Summer 34 in June and goes on to August. Autu mn is from September to 3526. A. differentB. reas onC. differe neeD. same27. A. whatB. whyC. whileD. how28. A. hotB. coldC. coolD. dry29. A. coolerB. drierC. colderD. warmer30. A. colderB. hotterC. warmerD. cooler31. A. manyB. a littleC. a lot ofD. little32.A. wetterB. drierC.hotterD.colder33.A. daysB. weeksC.mon thsD.years34.A. stopsB. startsC.en dsD.lasts35.A. SeptemberB. Jan uaryC.NovemberD.DecemberIV .阅读理解。(共20小题,20分)Dear Mom,Please bring my ID card to school. Its in the drawer of the dresser in my roomMom.Feifei(A)Thank you,Dear Liu Hua,Do you go to school now(现在)? Please take the pencil case to my daughter Li Ying. I think(认为)she needs it.Thanks.Li Min glia ngDear Tony,These are Tom s CDs. Please take them to him. My CDs are at his hom家).Please bringthem to me.Than ks.JaneDear Jenny,You and Lisa are good frien ds. Where is Lisa, do you know? This is her no tebook. Please take it to her. Than ks.Amy()36. Feifei needs her .A. CDsB. ID cardC. no tebookD. phone card()37.is Lisas good friend.A. AmyB. TomC.JennyD.Jane()38.are at school now.A. Feifei and Li YingB. Tony and Jane C. Jenny and Tom D. Jenny and Tony()39. Where are Jane s CDs? They are.A. at schoolB. on the drawer C. at Tom s homeD. at her home()40. Li Ying is Li Min glia ng s .A. son B. daughter C. sister D. We don t know.(B)s trunk (THE ELEPHANTThe elepha nt is the largest of all ani mals that live on land. An elepha nt象鼻
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