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2022届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Making the news单元学案 新人教版必修5单元基础词汇语法回顾.单词拼写1Father _(同意)of my playing games for relaxation as long as I do well in studies.2Youd better make an _(预约)with the doctor before you visit him.3In the accident, many people were killed, but _(与此同时)there were some unhurt.4The figures they have used are just not _(精确的)5It is a long _(过程)to obtain a drivers license.6The editor felt _(内疚的)about not publishing your article.7It will be fine whenever you e, but youd better _(通告)me of that before you e.8The fifteen _(指控) young men from different parts of England denied the charges.9The firm is reported to be _(集中于) on increasing their markets overseas.10They investigated the problem _(彻底地) before making the decision.答案1approved2.appointment3.meanwhile4.accurate5process6.guilty7.inform8.accused9concentrating10.thoroughly.单句语法填空1I cant give my _ (approve) to such an agreement.2I was _ (delight) to be invited to her party.3Many _ (journal) as well as photographers have been invited to their opening ceremony.4Thanks for giving me the _ (inform) I wanted.5His unusual behavior is really _ (admire); we should learn from him.6My colleague is eager to find two _ (assist) to help with her research.7Its said that she is not a _ (profession) player; she is just an amateur.8It seems strange that he should have missed the deadline _(deliberate)9The knowledge _ (acquire) in ones childhood will make a stronger impression on him than what he learns at any other life stage.10I have made an _ (appoint) with one of the senior students in this college.11I have no way yet as to _ to deal with such a plicated situation.12He denied _ (steal) the money.13He wrote an article on childrens education, _ (depend) on his experiences.14As a Chinese, we have to bear/keep in mind _ when we go abroad, we are not just another person, we are ambassadors for our country.15He defended himself _ the charge.16Tom is two years senior _ me.17They had a photo _ (take) on the top of the mountain.18He is _ (suppose) to be studying in the classroom now.19It is the first time he _ (make) an appointment with the doctor.20He is looking forward to _ (publish) his novel.答案1approval2.delighted3.journalists4.information5admirable6.assistants7.professional8.deliberately9acquired10.appointment11.how12.stealing13depending14.that15.against16.to17.taken18supposed19.has made20.publishing.单句改错1My brother acquired for a knowledge of puters by careful study._2You can depend on that he will e to your help when needed. _3The boss has been told several times that the workers are demanding on better pay._4All of you supposed to finish your homework before you go out to play football. _5We had a thoroughly cleaning of our house at the weekend._6Youll be faced with two choiceswhether to be fired or not, depend on your performance in the work._答案1去掉for2.on后加it3.去掉on4.supposed前加are5thoroughly改为thorough6.depend改为depending.语法填空Theres a science to setting goals. Below, we share some researchbacked tips to help you carry out successful goals.Choose a goal that matters, not just easy to win.A meaningful goal_1_ that truly inspires you to changerequires going deeper. Think about what you want in the ing year, then ask yourself _2_ you want that. For example, if you want to quit _3_ (smoke), ask why do you want to quit? Then, if you want to quit for your health ask why do you want good health? Then, if your answer is to be alive long enough _4_ (meet) your grandchildren, ask why do you want to meet your grandchildren?Set up your goals positively.How you describe your goal makes _5_ big difference. Focusing on _6_ you want to “bring into your lifenot what you want to avoidwill make you more likely to _7_ (actual) pursue it.”Prepare for failure (in a good way)Moments of failure _8_ (be) unavoidable, but most of us abandon the goal entirely when slight failures and setbacks start piling up. At the moment when you fail, often the first instinct (本能) is to push the goal away. Its so _9_ (fort) to be in that condition of selfdoubt or selfcriticism and guilt.Your task is not to avoid failures, _10_ to plan for them. Ask yourself, how am I likely to fail? For example, if youre likely to choose unhealthy meals when youre hungry, carry a light snack with you.答案1one2.why3.smoking4.to meet5.a6.what7actually8.are9.unfortable10.but.短文改错Dear Tom,Im glad to hear that you are very interesting in Guoxue. Let me to give you a simple introduction to it.Generally speaking, Guoxue
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