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河南科技大学毕业论文 基于单片机的磁悬浮小球控制系统设计摘 要 随着越来越多的磁悬浮技术应用到现实生活中的各个领域,磁悬浮这个在几年前还是很陌生的一个词现在已经广为人知。磁悬浮以悬浮力产生的原理分类可以分为超导磁悬浮和常导磁悬浮。磁悬浮的控制系统是一个很复杂的问题。本文研究的重点就是这两种磁悬浮的控制问题。超导磁悬浮是利用处于超导状态下的超导体具有斥磁力的原理产生的。超导磁悬浮的悬浮物体就是超导体本身,所以超导磁悬浮的控制重点就落在了超导体上。本文从介绍超导磁悬浮的基本应用入手,逐步深入地介绍超导体的基本物理性质,然后介绍超导磁悬浮系统的控制方法、过程和原理。与超导磁悬浮相比,常导磁悬浮的应用就更为广泛,因为常导磁悬浮的实现过程要简单得多。常导磁悬浮可以分为应用电磁铁的磁悬浮和引用非电磁性磁铁(稀土永磁铁、普通磁铁等)的磁悬浮。但是由于电磁铁便于控制和利用,所以利用电磁铁的磁悬浮义勇更为广泛。本文在常导磁悬浮方面的研究是从一个实例入手,分析电磁铁式磁悬浮的原理,从而进一步研究电磁铁式磁悬浮的控制方法、过程和原理。在本文的最后,我利用在大学里所学的知识,结合本文的研究重点磁悬浮装置的控制问题,做出了一个简单的电磁悬浮装置。这个悬浮装置的原理是利用对电磁铁电流的控制来实现一个铁球在空中的来回反复运动,达到视觉上的悬浮效果。这虽然与实际的电磁铁悬浮控制方原理不同,但是利用这简单手段也能够达到相同的目的。这个实例给了我们一个启示:简单的演示实验装置也能够说明磁悬浮列车等高新技术的工作原理,磁悬浮并不是遥不可及的。关 键 词:常导磁悬浮,超导磁悬浮,磁悬浮的控制,演示实验装置,磁悬浮列车The design of control system of magnetic levitation ball based on MCUABSTRACTAs more and more maglev technology is applied to each field in actual life, the word of magnetic suspension a several years ago was very strange has already widely known by the people. Magnetic suspension is classified and can be divided into superconductive magnetic suspension and electromagnetic magnetic suspension from the material which produces lift force. It is a very complicated problem to control the magnetism suspension system. The focal point that this text studies is that these two kinds of magnetic suspension demonstrate the design about question of controlling of the experimental provision. Superconductive magnetic suspension is to utilize the superconductor in superconductive state to upbraid magnetic force principles. To suspend object superconductor,so superconductive control focal point of magnetic suspension drop on the superconductor superconductive magnetic suspension. This text is from recommend that the using basically of superconductive magnetic suspension is started with, introduce the basic physical property of the superconductor , then the control method , course and principle to introduce superconductive magnetic suspension deeply progressively. Compared with superconductive magnetic suspension, the application that electromagnetic magnetic suspension is much more extensive , because the realization course that electromagnetic magnetic suspension is much simpler. Magnetic suspension that electromagnetic magnetic suspension and can be divided into the magnetic suspension which use the electro-magnet and quoted the non- electric magnetic magnet (tombarthite permanent magnet, ordinary magnet ,etc. ). But because the electro-magnet is more convenient and utilizes controlling, it is more extensive to use the magnetic suspension of the electro-magnet. The research in electromagnetic magnetic suspension of this text is to proceed with a instance , analyse that according to the principle of electro-magnet type magnetic suspension , thus study electromagnetic type magnetic suspension control method , course and principle further. At the end of this text, I utilize knowledge studied in the university, combine the research focal point of this text - -Demonstrate the control question of the experimental provision , has made a simple electric magnetic suspension device in magnetic suspension. The principle of the device is to make use of control on electro-magnet electric current to realize moving repeatedly back and forth in the sky of an iron plate that this suspends, reach the result of suspending on the vision . This is it control square different principle to suspend with real electro-magnet, simple means this can achieve the the same goal too. This instance has given us one to enlighten: The simple demonstration experimental provision can state the operation principle of new and high technology , such as maglev train ,etc. too, magnetic suspension is not out of reach. KEY WORDS: electromagnetic magnetic suspension , superconductive magnetic suspension ,the control of magnetic suspension,demonstrate the experimental provision, the maglev train 目 录前 言1第1章 绪论41.1 研究的背景及意义41.1.1研究背景41.1.2发展前景4第2章 系统总体设计与工作原理62.1 设计内容与设计方法62.1.1设计内容62.1.2设计方法62.1.3设计总框图62.2 工作原理7第3章 系统硬件电路的设计83.1 硬件所需元件83.2 硬件电路原理图14第4章 系统软件的设计164.1 软件的功能与作用164.1.1 软件流程图164.1.2 调试软件的介绍及调试方法19结 论23参考文献24致谢2528河南科技大学毕业论文前 言1. 设计(或研究)的依据与意义磁悬浮技术是起源于德国,早在1922年德国工程师赫尔曼肯佩尔就提出了电磁悬浮原理,并于1934年申请了磁悬浮列车的专利。1970年代以后,随着世界工业化国家经济实力的不断加强,为提高交通运输能力以适应其经济发展的需要,德国、日本、美国、加拿大、法国、英国等发达国家相继开始筹划进行磁悬浮运输系统的开发。利用磁力使物体处于无接触悬浮状态的设想是人类一个古老的梦,但实现起来并不容易。因为磁悬浮技术是集电磁学、电子技术、控制工程、信号处理、机械学、动力学为一体的典型的机电一体化技术(高新技术)。随着电子技术、控制工程、信号处理元器件、电磁理论及新型电磁材料的发展和转子动力学的进展,磁悬浮技术得到了长足的发展.电磁悬浮技术(electromagnetic levitation )简称EML技术。它的主要原理是利用高频电磁场在金属表面产生的涡流来实现对金属球的悬浮。将一个金属样品放置在通有高频电流的线圈上时,高频电磁场会在金属材料表面产生一高频涡流,这一高频涡流与外磁场相互作用,使金属样品受到一个洛沦兹力的作用。在合适的空间配制下,可使洛沦兹力的方向与重力方向相反,通过改变高频源的功率使电磁力与重力相等,即可实现电磁悬浮。磁悬浮带来了地面交通的最高速度,
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