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新概念英语测试题 姓名:_ 成 绩_一、单词填空(1分/题,共20分) 01. _ (宁静的) 02. _ (吞下) 03. _ (贼) 04. _ (服务) 05. _ (睡着) 06. _ (遗忘) 07. _ (认出) 08. _ _ (售票员) 09. _ (罚款) 10. _ (开玩笑) 11. _ (小学生) 12. _ (硬币) 13. _ (顽皮的) 14. _ (国外) 15. _ (介绍) 16. _ (错误) 17. _ (黑暗的) 18. _ (成为) 19. _ (完成) 20. _ (眼镜)二、选用适当的词语填空(2分/题,共20分) 1. The thief e_ the house quietly. 2. Excuse me, madam. Could you change the one-pound note for c_? 3. A beggar k_at our door yesterday evening. 4. He cant swim. N_ can I.5. There are many p_ on the bus.6. All r_ lead to Rome.7. Our family t_ around the world last year.8. To my s_ , he is a millionaire. Can you believe it?9. Columbus is f_ for his discovery of America.10. Have you heard the l_ news of the terrible air crash?三、单项选择(2分/题,共20分) ( )1. I _ my glasses everywhere, but I couldnt _ it anywhere. A. found; look for B. looked for; found C. found; looked for D. looked for; find ( )2. When we _ supper, Tom came in. A. are having B. had C. were having D. have ( )3. _ of us are from China. A. Both two B. The both C. One D. Both ( )4. Someone knocked _ the door while I _ my breakfast. A. on, had B. at, were having C. on, am having D. at, was having ( )5. I dont like green. Jane doesnt like green_. A. too B. either C. nither D. same ( )6. Have you got any money to lend me? No, I have _. A. none B. some C. not many D. no ( )7. When I _ the cinema, the movie _. A. had got to; started B.got to; had started C. got to; started D. had got to; had started ( )8. Mr Smith is one of the foreign teachers who _ in China . A. are working B. has been working C. is working D. works ( )9. _ silly of you!. A. How a B. What C. How D.What a ( )10.Shall I tell John about it ? No, you _. Mary has told him already. A. wouldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt四、阅读理解(2分/题, 共20分)( A )A woman was trouble by mice.They ran inside her house at night.In the day,they hid themselves.The woman thought,“What I need is a good cat.”She knew of a man who had cats for sale.So she went to see him.“Do you have a cat thats good for the mice?”She asked the man.“Well,yes,I have a cat thats good for the mice.”Answered the man.“Ill take it,”said the woman.She paid for the cat and took it home.Some days later,her house had more mice.She went back to ask the seller,“Your cat simply wont catch them.I thought you said he was good for the mice!”“Thats right.”said the man.“He is good for the mice.Come to think about it:Hes a really very good for the mice.”依据短文内容推断正(T)误(F)( )1.A woman was troubled by cats.( )2.The woman wanted a cat that could eat mice.( )3.The cat ate a lot of mice.( )4.The seller misunderstood the woman.( )5.The mice werent afraid of the cat.( B )Light and shadow are friends.They usually go together.We receive light every day.At the same time,we produce shadow.Light cannot shine through you.Your body stops it from passing.There is a dark spot(斑点)on the ground next to you.The light cannot reach the dark spot.This is your shadow.At noon the sun shines over your head.Your body stops very little light from reaching the ground.So your shadow is quite short.But in early morning or late afternoon the sun is low in the sky.Its light moves over more of your body.Then your shadow is quite long.Your body keeps a lot of light from reaching the ground.We love light,especially sunlight.Without sunlight life on the earth is impossible.Most of us like to stand in the shadow of a tree in summer.But some people are afraid of their own shadows at night.They do not want to walk in a dark street.They do not want to see the shadow,either.But still light and shadow usually go together.( )1.The sentence“Light and shadow are friends”means_. A.when we get light,we can get shadow.They are always together. B.the light usually follows the shadow. C.they usually get on well with each other.( )2.Light cannot shine through you because_. A.it is too weak B.your body stops it from traveling on C.your body is tall and strong.( )3.Your bodys shadow is long because_ A.the sun is low in the sky in the morning or late afternoon. B.the sun is over your head. C.your body stops very little light reading the ground.( )4.
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