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精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除一 用所给词的适当形式填空(15分)1.How many (watch) do you have ? Only one!2.Wang Bing and his sister often do some (run) in the morning .3.His grandmother often (wash) clothes in the morning.4.We live on the (four) floor of ZhengYangStreet near the hospital .5.There are (three) days in a month .6.Look!Some children ( play) basketball on the playground !7.I often help my mother (do) some shopping in the supermarket .8.Do you like (take) photo ?9.Would you like (have) some bananas ?10.They want (buy) some fpuit this afternoon .11.Id like (go) swimming with you !12.Let me (teach )you English .13.Please dont (climb) trees .14.Can you (skate) ?15.Is GaoShan (make) cakes ?三根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词 (40分)1.他姐姐不在洗衣服,在扫地 。His sister isnt ,but she is 2.王明在书房看书吗?不,不在 。 WangMing the ? No, he .8.李明在书房里扫地。LiMing in his study . 10.我现在不能去超市,我在做家庭作业。I cant .Im .12.看!那只小鸟在树上唱歌呢!Look ! The bird the tree ! 四选择题 (20分)( )1. You are making a model ship .Sorry, you are .Im making a model car .A. right B. not C.wrong ( )2.I cant , but I can .A.sing , swim B.singing , swim C. sing , swimming( )3.Whos in the playground ?A. run B. running C. running( )4. What you ,Mum ? I m cooking .A. are ,doing B.are ,do C. is, doing ( )5.Mike is music .A.listen to B.listening to C. listening ( )6.-What is your father ? -Hes .A.do ,read B.doing ,read C. doing ,reading ( )7-What you doing?-I drawing a picture .A.can ,can B. do ,do C.are, am( )8.-I like very much .-I dont like it . A. maths B.mathes C.Maths( )9.-What is Jack doing in the study ?- A.Yes, he is B.No,he isnt C.Hes listening to music .( )10.-What are John and David doing in the library?- A They have an English now . B Yes,they are C They are reading books ( )11. -Is Mrs Green doing housework ?- A.No,she doesnt B. No, she isnt C. No, she cant ( )12. -Is Lucy dancing ?- A.Yes ,he is B.Lucy is dancing C.No,shes singing .( )13.-Are you the theater ?-Yes ,we are .A. go to B. going to C . going( )14.-Are Jack and Jim playing cards ?- A.No,we arent B. Yes ,they are C.No, they arent ( )15.They are showing their things each other .A. to B. for C. on ( )16.Here some water for you .A.is B.are C.am ( )17.Look!The cat is running the mouse .A.up B. for C.after( )18.Do you often play computer games ?- A.Yes ,we are B. No ,we dont C .No,we arent( )19. The mother is looking her son now .A. to B. of C. for( )20.I have dog , dogs name is HaoBo .A. a , a B. a the C.the ,the 用所给词的适当形式填空练习(1)1. Listen, Jim _(sing) an English song in the music room.2. Wang Bing _(like) (make) model ships.3. I _(live) in Nan Jing , but my friend (live) in England.4. My father (like) (read) newspaper, but my mother (not)5. Its two oclock in the afternoon. We _ (have) an English class now.6. I like _(sing), she _(like)_(dance).7. What Helen often (do) at the weekends? She often (catch) insects.8. He _(do not) want (eat) bread for breakfast.9. I _(have) a friend. Her name _(be)Susan. She _(like) singing and dancing10. _Yang Ling (have) (some) hobbies? Yes, she . 11. Where (be) Helen and Tom from? They (be) from (American)? 12. She usually _(go) shopping with her mother.13. Whats (Nancy) hobby? She (like) (grow) flowers.14. Mr Smith _(come) from Australia. He speaks (England).15.Look, They _ (play) football in the playground.16. _(do) your sister (watch ) TV every day? No, she .17.Liu Tao can (swim) (good) . (he) mother can (dance) _(beautiful).18.I often go _(swim) on Sunday afternoon. But my mother (go) (shop)19. (Nancy) parents
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