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初二英语(下)复习提纲Unit 1 Will people have robots?学习目标:运用将来式(will+动原)预测未来单元目标任务:一、重点单词及辨析1、a few / a little / 以及few / little 的用法;复习:many / much / a lot of =lots of 的用法2、alone 与lonely 的用法:3、can 与be able to 的用法:4、put on / wear / dress / be in 的区别:5、such 与so 的区别:6、hundred / thousand / million /billion 的区别:7、体会构词法:pollute pollution; predictprediction; buildbuilding; pleasantunpleasant; possibleimpossible; agreedisagree; sciencescientist; teenteenager; boredboring.(区别)二、重点短语:1、on the computers 2、in ten years 3、fall in love with4、come true 5、live to be 6、on a space station复习:7、the same as 8、play the guitar / play tennis / the moon(the 的用法) 9、over and over again 10、go skating (go +ving) 11、 in the future 三、典型句子及语法功能:1、People will have robots in their homes -用“will + 动原” 构成将来式,will为情态动词(助动词) -复习:A 进行式表即将发生的动作 B be going to +动原 表计划/打算要做的事 (表位置移动的词常用进行式表将来 如:come/ go /leave /fly等)2、There will be fewer people in the future =There are going to be fewer people in the future - 理解There be 句型的将来式3、I think that France will win the next world cup. I disagree with you= I dont agree with you= I dont think so 复习对别人观点赞成与否的表达4、The head of one of the biggest movie companies predicted that no one would want to see actors talk. -A one of 结构注意的三个问题 B see/hear/watch等感官动词后动词的运用5、What will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now -A for fun好玩 B twenty years from now= in twenty years 20年后(提问how soon)6、What will the weather be like tomorrow? =how will the weather be tomorrow?7、What do you think your life will be like next month? My life will be a lot better than it is now -复习:形/副词的比较级的修饰词 much/a little/even/far等8、He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person. - 复习:形式主语/形式宾语的用法 / as 的用法三针对性练习:一、 选择题1. Usually Mike spends time doing homework than Tom. A little B few C less D fewer2. Her grandmother lived 103. A to B be C to be D be to 3. We will have a discussion about it . A three days age B after three days C before three days D in three days 4. There a party in Saturday evening. A wont be B wont have C isnt have D arent 5. Its difficult for a foreigner Chinese. A learns B learned C learning D to learn6. The child isnt old enough to himself. A wear B dress C put on D be in 7. Well move to a new apartment very soon. A can B could C be able D be able to8. The business is bad. Yesterday I sold one dress, and today its worse. A more B even C so D quite9. years ago, the population of the world was over 500 million. A Four hundreds B Four hundred C Four hundred of D Four hundreds of 10. Did you see the soccer match last night? Yes, I have never seen good match before.A so an B so a C such an D such a 11. will they come back from Beijing? In about a week. A How soon B How long C How far D How often 12. I saw him our of the building. A go B goes C went D has gone 13. He has no room . A live B to live in C to live with D to live 14. Are you here on business or fun? A in B on C at D for 15. I heard you like small animals very much. Yes, I a dog and a cat as pets. A kept B fed C found D sent 二、根据汉语完成句子1、我一看到哪个MP3就喜欢上了它 I the mp3 as soon as I saw it. 2、你十年后的生活会怎么样呢? Will your life in ten years?3、我甚至可能独自居住在哪个房子里。 I even live in the house.4、我们要把人送入太空的梦想终于实现了 Our dream of sending man into space finally . 5、没有人知道将来会发生什么 No one knows what will happen .三、用所给的词的适当形式填空1. I think it (rain) tomorrow.2. Listen, she (sing) now 3. We all (enjoy) the party yesterday evening.4. Mary is (tall) girl in her class.5. Good foods can help you to keep (health)Unit2 What should I do?学习目标: 谈论问题,提出建议,作出回答单元目标任务:一、重点单词:1. enough 的用法:32. need 的用法:33. either 的用法:too/also/either; neither/both/either; both/ all/ none 4. except与besides 的用法:5. return 的用法:6. leave (与forget) 的用法37. themselves: 复习反身代词的用法与构成8. 构词法:expensiveinexpensive; colorcolorful; hairhaircut, presspressure; freefreedom.二、 重点短语:1. keep out 2. argue with 3. out of style / in style4. call up / call sb up / give sb a call / ring up 5. ticket to / for a ball game6.on the phone 7. pay for(spend, take, cost) 8. ask sb for sthask for help9. borrow sth from / lend sth to sb / keep sth for sometime(区别)10. look for / find / find out 11. get on - get on well with sb 12. have a fight with 13. as. as possible 14. complain about15. compare with. 16. start from / begin with 17. on the on hand / on the other hand 18. nothing news 三、 典型句子及语法功能1. -Whats wrong with you? / Wha
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