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专四词汇专题讲座如何突破考试前的“高原期” 或许我们都有这样的体验,考试前复习功课到一定程度后,尤其是复习一两遍之后,便会产生一种莫名的厌倦情绪,不想再看复习材料了。想一想,又觉得自己还有许多地方复习不到家,但是又腻烦得很;精神困倦,可想睡又睡不着;注意力分散,读了几行字竟不知其什么意思,还要从头再读 一、要设法使自己的头脑冷静下来,不要着急。要明白“高原期”是下一个飞跃的前奏。这个停顿是必然要出现的。不经过这个阶段,就不会到达巅峰。 二、把自己要复习的功课总结、对比一下,根据教学和考试大纲的要求去寻找差距。 三、认真对待各种测验和模拟考试。 四、一切杂事尽快办完,即使办不完的,也最好放下来,集中精力抓复习。 我奉劝大家不要老是在找所谓的“捷径”,踏踏实实的走好每一步才是王道。 Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without defeat. 知彼知己,百战不殆 专四词汇知多少? 专四词汇考什么? 词汇怎么来扩大? 专四词汇难点与考点解析专四词汇知多少?专四词汇知多少? How many words are there in English? Two separate studies (Dupuy, 1974; Goulden, Nation and Read, 1990) have looked at the vocabulary of Websters Third International Dictionary (1963), the largest non-historical dictionary of English when it was published. When compound words, archaic words, abbreviations, proper names, alternative spellings and dialect forms are excluded, and when words are classified into word families consisting of a base word, inflected forms, and transparent derivations, Websters 3rd has a vocabulary of around 54,000 word families. This is a learning goal far beyond the reaches of second language learners and, as we shall see, most native speakers. At present the best conservative rule of thumb that we have is that up to a vocabulary size of around 20,000 word families, we should expect that native speakers will add roughly 1000 word families a year to their vocabulary size. That means that a five year old beginning school will have a vocabulary of around 4000 to 5000 word families. A university graduate will have a vocabulary of around 20,000 word families (Goulden, Nation and Read, 1990). These figures are very rough and there is likely to be very large variation between individuals. These figures exclude proper names, compound words, abbreviations, and foreign words. A word family is taken to include a base word, its inflected forms, and a small number of reasonably regular derived forms (Bauer and Nation, 1993). Clearly the learner needs to know the 3,000 or so high frequency words of the language. These are an immediate high priority and there is little sense in focusing on other vocabulary until these are well learned. Nation (1990) argues that after these high frequency words are learned, the next focus for the teacher is on helping the learners develop strategies to comprehend and learn the low frequency words of the language. 请问专四考试要求的词汇量是多少?与大学英语六级相比,哪个考试词汇量要求更大? 高等学校英语专业教学大纲规定专四水平学生应认知词汇5,5006,500个,正确而熟练地运用其中的3,0004,000个及其最基本的搭配。而考生们比较熟悉的大学英语六级考试要求5,500个单词。 从考纲规定来说,专四的词汇量比六级更大,而且专四对词汇搭配、词义辨析考查得更加细化和专业;由于新六级考试已经取消了词汇语法题,因此在词汇用法的掌握方面要求明显低于专四。 这里面尤其要注意,专四毕竟跟非英语专业的英语基础水平测试题目有不同,他要考察的是英语专业学生的技能,所以常常会对一些高难度的词法和语法点有所涉及。所以也要学会记住各个考点所涉及的难点和例外情况(词法和语法的一个特色在于他们经常会有例外)。 有些内容是需要强硬记住的,他们常常不符合任何规则,是一种惯例,这就是语言的特色,很多东西是约定俗成的,没有什么理由可以推敲,对付他们最好的办法就是见到一个记牢一个,这在专四考试里也屡见不鲜,要特别留意。专四词汇考什么? 语法与词汇部分,考试时间是15分钟。测试形式采用多项选择题,从2005年开始,本部分为30道题,每题有4个选项:题目中大约50%为词汇词组和短语用法题,50%为语法结构题。分数比例:每题0.5分,共15分。 辨析固定搭配根据逻辑关系作出判断词汇怎么来扩大? 怎么办?怎么扩大词汇量? Betty advised me to label our luggage carefully in case is gets _ in transit. A. misused B. mishandled C. mistaken D. mislaid I must have mistaken your meaning/what you meant. Dont mistake me, I mean what I say. ( get a wrong idea about sb/sth) She is often mistaken for her twin sister. (Wrongly suppose that sb/sth is sb/sth else)前缀记忆法 前缀(prefix),就是附加在词根前面的部分,具有一定的含义,通常改变词的意义而不改变词类。前缀prefix这个词本身就是由前缀pre- (前)加词根fix(固定,缀)构成的。前缀在构词中的地位和作用仅次于词根。同一前缀pre-可以在许多不同的词中出现。 monogamy monolingual monoxide monologue monoplane monomolecular monotonous建立词与词之间的关联记忆 Heavy Rain 大雨 Heavy Rain Icy 大冰雨 Heavy Snow 大雪 Heavy T-Storm 强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms 局部雷雨 Light Drizzle 微雨 Light Rain小雨 Light Rain Shower 小阵雨 Light Rain with Thunder 小雨有雷声 Light Snow 小雪 Light Snow Grains 小粒雪 Light Snow Shower 小阵雪 Lightening 雷电 Mist 薄雾 Rain Shower 阵雨 Scattered Showers 零星阵雨 Scattered Snow Showers 零星阵雪 Scattered Strong Storms 零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms 零星雷雨 Showers 阵雨 Showers Early 早有阵雨 Showers Late 晚有阵雨 Showers in the Vicinity(邻近) 周围有阵雨 Snow / Rain Icy Mix 冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog 雾夹雪 Snow Shower 阵雪 Snowflakes 雪花 Sunny 阳光 Thunder 雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity 周围有雷雨 T-Storms Early 早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late 晚有持续雷雨 Windy 有风 Windy Rain 刮风下雨 Wintry Mix 雨雪混合 通过阅读来扩大词汇量 To read well, you need a strong vocabulary. To build a strong vocabulary, you need to read well. Nation & Waring (1997)的调查结果显示:在阅读中通过语境学习词汇,是外语学习者词汇量增加的主要手段。 结合古希腊神话学习英语词汇 Atlas:阿特拉斯(Atlas)曾经被天帝惩罚,用自己的身体支撑天穹。他的名字现在常常被借用来指称地图集,因为在文艺复兴时期,著名的地理学家麦卡托出版的地图册封面上就印着一幅阿特拉斯撑天的图画。结合古希腊神话学习英语词汇 Titan:现代人如今仍然相信地球曾经是由一些巨大的生物所统治的。其中一种被称作泰坦巨人(Titans)。一些巨大无比的机器,如挖掘机和起重机,就会被比作泰坦巨人。形容词Titanic的意思是巨大的,特指力大无比的,
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