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Lesson 75 SOS 【New words and expressions】(6)thick adj. 厚的signal n. 信号stamp v. 跺,踩helicopter n. 直升飞机scene n. 现场survivor n. 幸存者词汇详解thick形容词 a. 1. 厚的;粗的How thick is the board? 这块板有多厚? 2. 浓的,浓厚的;粘稠的;混浊的It is dangerous to drive in a thick fog. 在浓雾天驾车很危险。 3. 充满.的;长满.的F(+with)The air was thick with smoke. 空气中烟雾弥漫。 4. 茂密的;密集的We saw a few huts by the edge of the thick forest. 我们在密林边缘看见几间小茅屋。 5. (口音)重的;(声音)浊的;口齿不清的6. 【口】(脑子)迟钝的;思路不清的;笨的I have a thick head. 我脑子笨。 7. 【口】亲密的,很友好的F(+with)He is thick with my brothers. 他与我兄弟过往甚密。 副词 ad. 1. 厚厚地;密集地Dont spread jam that thick. 别把果酱涂得那么厚。 2. 浓浓地;强烈地My heart beat thick during the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。Signal 名词n. C1.信号;暗号+to-v+thatA red lamp is used as a dangersignal. 红灯用作危险信号。2.信号器;交通指示灯;【铁】信号机The car must stop when thesignals red. 信号机是红色时,车必须停驶。3.导因;近因;导火线(+for)A black womans death soon turned out to be the signal for uprising!形容词a.1.作为信号的B the lamp is used as the signal light in the fog。2. 显著的,非凡的This year has seen onesignaltriumph for them in the election.今年是他们在选举中取得重大胜利的一年。及物动词vt.1.用信号发出;标志black boxessignalthe location of the wreckage. 2.用信号通知,以动作向.示意O2+thatShesignaledthe car to stop by raising her hand. 她举手示意车停下。不及物动词vi.1.发信号,打信号(+to/for) when we need to leave,can you signal to me? 这里signal 相当于give asignalstamp 名词n. C1.邮票he is astampcollector.他是集邮爱好者。2.印花;验讫的标签3.图章,印,戳子;(印下的)戳记,标记He is looking for his rubberstamp.他正在找他的橡皮印章。4.特征;标志;痕迹the Sthestampof the age 时代的特征5.类型,种类Dont mix with people of thatstamp.不要和那种人交往。man of thatstamp那种人6.跺脚,重踩及物动词vt.1.贴邮票于;贴印花于I forgot tostampthe letter.这封信我忘了贴邮票。2.盖章于;压印于;打上(标记等)(+on/with)Hestampedhis name on all his books. 他在他所有的书上都盖上自己的名字。3.铭刻(印象等)(+in/on)Feudal ideas werestampedon her mind.封建思想在她头脑中根深蒂固。4.跺(脚);用脚踩踏5. 标出,表示(+as)O9Their behaviorstampsthem as brave people.他们的行为说明他们是勇敢的人。6.(用杵等)捣碎,压碎 To break/crush/ crumble/ mash into very small pieces; Please stamp some garlic for me,thank u不及物动词vi.1.跺脚;踩QHelp mestampon that spider, mum妈妈,帮我踩死那个蜘蛛stampout tread down the fire把火踩灭2.拒绝,扑灭,毁掉Stampout enemy positions摧毁敌军阵地3.捣碎helicopter n. 直升飞机 (另有俚语chopper)I want to go byhelicopter.我想搭直升飞机去。survivor n. 幸存者(指人) 1.幸存者,生还者; be asurvivorof a disaster 劫后余生There was only onesurvivorfrom the plane crash.这次飞机失事只有一个幸存者。2.善于从苦难中逃生的人Bear Grylls is a born survivor!贝尔格里尔斯是一位天生的逃生大师Be asurvivor, learn to change.成为生存者,学会改变survival n. 幸存的东西 Survivalof the fittest.适者生存survive vt survive + sth.(灾难) 经过某种灾难还存在,还活着 vi. 生存;存活下来 现在详细的介绍一下survive的用法【1】(1)当做 经过事故战争或者疾病继续生存下来讲 (vt/vi)例句:I survived the fire. The house survived the earthquake. . She survived the attack. people who survive cancerOnly 12 of the 140 passengers survived(2)当做 不管有很多问题,仍然可以正常的生活 (vt/vi)英文注释:to continue to live normally in spite of many problems例句:Im sure she will survive this crisis. Ive had a tough few months, but Ill survive.以上是典型的做及物动词的两个意思(同时也能用作不及物)【2】Survive (from sth); (on sth) continue to live or exist 继续生存或存在survive from 做不及物动词 而做“经过很长时间仍然继续存在【to continue to exist after a long time】”比如说 古老的建筑 或者文学著作 等等 from后往往加一段很长的时间例如Several buildings in the town have survived from medieval times.* Many strange customs have survived from earlier times. 有许多古怪的习俗源远流长.survive on 是当不及无动词做“即使有很少的钱仍旧设法正常生活【to manage to live a normal life even though you have very little money】时 on一般接很少的物质(money)参照例句:I dont know how you all manage to survive on Jeremys salary. * I cant survive on 30 a week, ie It is not enough for my basic needs. 我每周收入30英镑难以活命scene n. 现场 n.(事件发生的)地点,现场A helicopter soon arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors.一架直升飞机很快飞抵出事现场,搭救幸存者。These things were found at the scene of the murder.The criminal fled thescene. 罪犯逃离了现场。 n. 风景,景色;景象A beautiful scene always makes me delighted.offscenesound画外音3. (舞台)布景CAct 3 ,scene2第三幕第二景4. (戏剧等的)背景the S(+of)Thesceneof this play is set in Ireland. 这出戏的场景是在爱尔兰。5. (戏剧的)一场;(电影、电视的)一个镜头Cshoot ascene摄取镜头He panned the camera across thescene.他摇镜头拍摄全景Thisscenemust be very touching.这个镜头非常感人6.【贬】当众吵闹CThey made asceneof trifles.他们为小事当众吵闹【Text】When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed. The only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were unhurt. It was the middle of winter. Snow lay thick on the ground. The woman knew that the nearest village was miles away. When it grew dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, covering them with all the clothes she could find. During the night, it got terribly cold. The woman kept as near as she could t
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