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-七上 U8复习要点总结(一定要牢记哦!)1.疑问词 + to do:穿什么/ 做什么/ 去哪儿/ 如何做这件事 / 他们正在讨论给Simon买什么礼物.What to wear/ What to do /Where to go / how to do it. They are talking about what present to buy for Simon. 2.在床上多呆十分钟 再来一些书 / 再来几个蛋糕 / 再来一些牛肉 spend ten more minutes in bed=stay in bed for another ten minutes. some more books / a few more cakes / a little more beef 3.你的女士衬衫尺码是多少.4号。What size is your blouse Size 4.4.今天我们将向你们展示不同样式的服装.Today we are going to show you different styles of clothes.5.我正穿着运动装和一双运动鞋.I am wearing sports clothes and a pair of trainers.6. Simon过来了!Here comes Simon. = Simon is coming.7.他们两个都穿着蓝色牛仔裤. 年轻人真的喜欢牛仔裤.Both of them are (They are both / Both A and B are) wearing jeans.Young people really like jeans.8.今天的演出到此为止。Thats all for todays show.9. 由制成This bottle is made of glass. (看得出原料)Paper is made from wood. (看不出原料)/ It is made in China. (接产地) 10.大部分年轻人喜欢牛仔裤。Most young people like jeans. = Most of the young people like jeans. =Jeans are popular among most young people. 11.他和他的朋友们正在操场上踢足球。He with his friends is playing football in the playground. 12.她正在写一封有关这次时装表演的信给她的朋友.She is writing to her friend about the fashion show. 13.现在她正在和其他的队员一起练习。Now she is practising with other team members. 14.他们正在车站等谁.Who are they waiting for at the bus stop15.我正在找我的舞鞋.I am looking for my dancing shoes.16.我正躺在床上看电视. /在厨房里做饭Im lying on the bed and watching TV. /cook in the kitchen17.妈妈今天晚上必须得去吃顿大餐.她穿白色看着很棒。Mum has to go for a big dinner this evening.She looks great in white. =White looks great on her.18.我计划和Millie明天去阳光公园。它们适合长距离行走。/ 这食物不适合孩子吃。你应该多运动以保持健康。这双鞋非常适合我。I plan to go to Sunshine Park with Millie tomorrow.They are fit for a long walk. / The food is not fit for kids. You need to do more e*ercise to keep fit.This pair of shoes fits (me) very well.19. 你觉得我的红手套怎么样.What do you think of my red gloves / How do you like my red gloves20.这件衣服感觉柔软而光滑。The coat feels soft and smooth.21.你戴着你的新帽子看上去很可爱You look lovely in your new hat.22.这是我设计的一件衬衫,夹克衫,一条牛仔裤和一双运动鞋.Here is my design for a shirt, a jacket, jeans and a pair of trainers.23.我认为白衬衫看起来干净并且白色和任何一种其它颜色很相配.I think white shirts look clean, and white matches any other colour very well.24.上海比中国其他任何一个城市都大。(同一范围)上海比印度任何一个城市都大。(不同范围)Shanghai is larger than any other city in china. (- anyoftheothercities in China.)Shanghai is larger than any city in India.25.牛仔裤在学生中很受欢迎,因此我的设计包括了一条蓝色牛仔裤.Jeans are very popular among students, so my design includes a pair of blue jeans.26.多棒的一场表演啊!What a great show! = How great the show is! 27.叫*人(不要)去做*事 妈妈叫我早点起床 我们老师叫我们上课不要玩.Ask / tell sb. (not) to do sth.My mother asks/tells me to get up early.Our teacher asks/tells us not to play in class.28.你能借我一些邮票吗. 我能借你的一些邮票吗.Can you lend me some stampsCan you lend some stamps to meCan I borrow some stamps from you (Can I borrow you some stamps)29.我花了半个小时做作业。I spend half an hour (in) doing my homework.I spend half an hour on my homework.It takes me half an hour to do my homework.30.美小圆旧黄,法国木书房。数量+限定词+大小+新旧+颜色+产地+质地A nice small round old yellow French wood reading room.31.词汇表本单元单词见课本P12832. 语法:现在进行时的含义、构成、-ing变化规则(特殊)、不用进行时态的动词。见课本P122. get/ swim等14个动词和die/lie的ing变化. Unit 7 期末复习要点总结(牢记要点,灵活运用)1.沿这这条街道有一家新购物中心。There is a new shopping mall down the street.2.讨厌做*事/讨厌吃鸡蛋hate doing sth. / hate to do sth.(用法同like)3.我想去购物.I would like to go shopping. =I want to go shopping.(sb. want to do sth.)I want you to go shopping with me.(want sb. to do sth.)I want a book. (want sth.) Would you please carry the bag for me 4.但是我没有钱。But I dont have any money.= But I have no money. 5.我需要你搬所有的包。I need you to carry all the bags. (need sb. to do sth.)Mary doesnt need to go to school today. (need to do sth) Mary needs some pocket money. (need sth.)Mary neednt go to school today. (情态动词)6.一个服装店a clothes shop7.两个花店two flower shops8.一些鞋店some shoe shops9.一个体育用品商店a sports shop 10.许多玩具店many toy shops11.许多礼物店many gift shops12.一些女医生some women doctors13.一些男医生/ 一名男工人some men doctors / a man worker14.圣诞就要来了Christmas is coming.15.给他买一些邮票buy him some stamps / buy some stamps for him16.也许他对听音乐没兴趣。Maybe he is not interested in (listening to) music.17.我不确定这件事。 相信自己!你肯定会赢得这场比赛。 我确信你会很快赶上你的同学。I am not sure about (of) the thing.Believe in yourself. you are sure to win the match.I am sure that you can catch up with your classmates very soon.18.寻找(动作) / 找到(结果) / 查明,弄清look for sth. / find sth. / find out19.我能帮你吗.(商店售货员用语)Can I help you=What can I do for you20.稍等一会just a minute / wait a minute21. 看一看(这双鞋子)have(take) a look (at this pair of shoes).22.这些卡片要多少钱.How much do the cards costHow much are the cardsWhats the price of the cards23.他们每张一元。They are one yuan each.They each are
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