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高考考前专项训练动词及动词词组精选160题l.-I am sorry to have _ too much of your time. -Thats OK, and I am glad to help you. A. taken up B. taken on C. taken off D. taken in2. My son John asked me to _ him off at school on my way to work because it was raining. A. take B. drop C.put D. cut3. The young woman walking on the street looked nice, so Vince _ her a lift. A. shared B. took C.gave D. put 4. Whether his experiment will be successful _ to be seen. A. seems B. looks C. keeps D. remains5. We need to _ our active vocabulary step by step. A. grow B. add C. develop D. raise6. The best selling MBA book _ economics. A. covers B. contains C. includes D. consists7. In the past ten years, Government has _ the price of certain drugs for some 11 times. A. dropped B. reduced C. lowed D. decreased8. Some companies provided special benefits when employees agree to _ a ride to work. A. share B. take C.carry D. get9. Every day we _ more than 40 000 passengers to over 100 destinations around the world. A. carry B. fly C. pick up D. bring10. Dont forget to _ the ice cream on the way home. A. hold up B. come up C. turn up D. pick up11. Could you please _ one of your sandwiches for the hungry boy? A. save B. leave C. give D. spare12. How many candidates 候选人. is the Liberty Party _ in the General Elections? A. taking part in B. running C. joining D. attending13. The teacher should answer all the questions the students _ as possible as they can. A. provide B. give C. raise D. rise14. To everyones surprise, the fashionable girl _ to be a thief. A. comes out B. finds out C. figures out D. turns out15. Children under five are not_to this primary school except those of extraordinary intelligence 智力超常. A. accepted B. received C. admitted D. permitted16. Which of the following phrases is NOT right? A. reach an agreement B. come to an agreement C. draw an agreement D. arrive at an agreement17. Anyone who attended the meeting should have raised some useful suggestions to solve the problems. The underlined word can be replaced by_. A. put up B. come up with C. provided D. given18. Mr Johnson is a man of good temper, and his good temper never _ him. A. fails B. disappoints C. controls D. worries19. In our schoolrthe women teachers _ 56 percent of the staff. A. turn up B. stand for C. make up D. send up20. If you work hard like this , you will _ sooner or later. A. give out B. break up C. break down D. fall down21. The mail was _ tor two days because of the heavy snows. A. held out B. held up C. held back D. held off22. The plans put forward in the meeting shall be _ to the letter. A. carried on B. carried out C. proved D. practised23. -How did you find your sister in such a big and strange city? - I_ her in the railway station when I was just going back home. A. came about B. came out C. came up D. came across24. After a successful operation, Ronaldo has begun to do some exercise to _ strength. A. improve B. decrease C. increase D. raise25. If you are wotking even harder,you _ to be promoted to be a manager soon. A. promise B. wish C. turn out D. prove26. I have visited a lot of countries and stayed in many different five-star hotels, but none of them _ this one. A. matches B. beats C. compares D. contrast27. -How much is your sweater _? -$25. A. cost B. paid C. worth D. worthy28. Keep the windows closed to _ the fire. A. keep out B. keep off C. keep on D. keep to29. -Did you enjoy his speech? -Sure, what he said really _. A. makes sense B. makes a difference C. makes sure D. makes it30. The town is _ with water from a reservoir水库. in the hills. A. support B. offered C. supplied D. given 31. The food in England doesnt _ me. A. agree to B. agree on C. agree with D. agree upon32. He tried to join the Army but was _ because of po
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