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What is CMMI V2.0?什么是CMMI V2.0 ?CMMI V2.0 delivers the best solution to benchmark and elevate organizational performa nee with dem on strated results. It helps orga ni zati ons to quickly ide ntify the key capabilities that directly impact bus in ess results, retur n on in vestme nt (ROI), quality, and performance while reducing cost and time to market.CMMIV2.0通过给出演示结果,提供了基准和提升组织绩效的最佳解决方案。它帮助组织快 速识别直接影响业务成果、投资回报率(ROI)、质量和绩效的关键能力,同时降低成本并加快上市时间。The CMMI V2.0 product suite in cludes:CMMI V2.0产品套件包括:The CMMI V2.0 model in clusive of all CMMI practice areas包含所有CMM实践域的CMMI V2.0模型The CMMI V2.0 appraisal method defi ni tion docume nt (MDD)CMMI V2.0评估方法定义文档(MDDTrai ning and certificati on to support CMMI V2.0支持CMMI V2.0的培训和认证Step-by-step guidance for the successful adoption of or transitionto CMMIV2.0成功采用或过渡到 CMMI V2.0的循序渐进的指导New CMMI V2.0 systems and tools新的CMMI V2.0系统和工具CMMI V2.0 Product SuiteAFPHABJkL ME-mGEia MjifrIf咅TRAXVK A CEnTIFKATtlll i HI*尸1iWQ 卩*hil nV VH|4 llJIK! M H-VRuM riatH. rAEWTKPN X烏NCw mnoM* *0* 0wi vi 1-rta T fclu HTii t .rWlMCMMI V2.0产品套件模型在维护开发、服务、采购和人员模型 的同时,CMMI2.0进行了简化以减少 冗余核心加上特定的上下文 &外部材料 通过实践的演变建立改进路径评估方 法新的评估方法提咼可靠性并降低成本培训和认证更新的培训将:具有模块化的培训组件定向的学习目标具有虚拟的和面对面两种选项采用指 南从1.3过渡到2.0的指南新的采用者使用CMMI 2.0的指南系统和工具重新设计的系统使用单点登录来访问 在线模型、新的评估系统和资源What Busi ness Value Will CMMI V2.0 Provide?CMMI V2.0将提供怎样的商业价值?CMMI V2.0:? Delivers the best solutions to elevate and benchmark organizationalperformaneewith dem on strated results.?通过给出演示结果,提供了基准和提升组织绩效的最佳解决方案。? Helps organizations quickly and accurately identify the key capabilities that directly impact bus in ess results, retur n on in vestme nt (ROI), quality, and performa nee while reduci ng costs and time to market.?帮助组织快速识别直接影响业务成果、投资回报率(ROI)、质量和绩效的关键能力,同时降低成本并加快上市时间。? Efficiently builds a culture of continuous improvement using best-in-class practices with a focus on optimiz ing performa nee to the level n eeded for the orga ni zati on.?专注于将绩效优化到组织所需的等级,利用最佳实践有效建立持续改进的文化氛围。? Enables, at high maturity, a quantitative understanding of the risk and the ability to predict achieveme nt of bus in ess performa nee goals.?在成熟度高的情况下,对风险和预测业务绩效目标成就的能力进行量化理解。CMMI V2.0 helps orga ni zati ons raise performa nee by focus ing on improvi ng key capabilities that are critical to their bus in ess. These high-perform ing orga ni zati onsknow that they must in vest in an orga ni zati onalculture of continu ousimproveme nt toachievetheir bus in essgoals.Leverag ingthese capabilities en ablesorganizationalagilitywhich in turnsdrivesinnovationand competitiveadvantage.CMMIV2.0通过专注于改进对业务至关重要的关键能力,帮助组织提高绩效。这些高绩效组 织知道,他们必须投资于持续改进的组织文化以实现其业务目标。利用这些能力使组织实现敏捷性,从而驱动创新和竞争优势。CMMI V2.0 will help you deliver more value faster and at less cost with greaterquality and impact through these new enhan ceme nts:通过这些新的增强功能,CMMI V2.0将帮助您以更低的成本、更高的质量和更长远的影响,更快速地提供更多的价值:Built-in Performanee Capabilities - Performanee drives business, and CMMI V2.0en sures orga ni zati ons un dersta nd performa nee n eeds, establish performa nee goals, and track, measure, and achieve those goals. All orga ni zati ons even those justbegi nning their process improveme nt jour ney can ben efit byembeddi ng performa neeinto their processes.置绩效能力绩效驱动业务发展,CMMI V2.0使组织理解绩效需求、建立绩效目标, 并跟踪、测量和实现这些目标。所有的组织一一即便是刚刚开始其过程改进之旅 的组织一一都可以通过将绩效嵌入其过程中来获益。? Benchmark project and organizational performanee to better understand andimprove bus in ess impacts and rewards.?基准项目和组织绩效,以更好地理解和改进业务影响和回报。? Track progress from one CMMI Maturity or Capability Level to the next by model view, capability area, or practice area.?通过模型视图、能力区域或实践域,跟踪从一个CMM成熟度或能力级别到下一个CMMI成熟度或能力级别的进展。? Showcase performanee results and improvements more visibly with a performanee report tied to each ben chmark appraisal.?通过与每个基准评估相挂钩的绩效报告,更明显地展示绩效结果和改进。Improved Reliability and Value - CMMI Institute understands the importanee ofimprovi ng the con fide nce and reliability of appraisal results while also loweri ng the total life cycle costs. CMMI V2.0 appraisals fit the bus in ess n eeds of any orga ni zati on, regardless of in dustry or size.改进可靠性和价值CMM研究院了解改进评估结果的可信度和可靠性并同时降低总生存 周期成本的重要性。CMMI V2.0评估符合任何组织的业务需求,无论其行业或规模如何。? Statistically-validated random sampling approach reduces the likelihood offalse positives ,false negatives , and biases in data analysis acrossall appraisals.?统计验证的随机抽样方法减少了所有评估中“误肯定”,“误否认”和数据分析偏差的 可能性。? Focus on routine process performance vs. compliance-based evidence preparation results in a sig nifica nt reduct ion in andoverhead from the orga ni zati onalpreparation time involved.?相比基于合规性的证据准备而言,关注日常过程绩效会使得组织所涉及的准备时间显著 减少。? Simplificati on and reduct ion in scope and volume of the CMMI model practiceswhile still dem on strati ng reliability, persiste nce, and habit in process performa
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