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Un1 Lifestyles 相应学生用书3话题:饮食健康话题单词1.baln bl n. v.平衡;对比2.beneft /benft/n& .利益;受益3helt /hel n健康4.healhy /hl/ dj.健康的5.comfoable/kftbl/ adj.舒服的;安逸的6.urioty /kjrt/ n好奇心;求知欲7strngth /re/ 强项;长处;力量8.ingredien/nint/ n成分9smelly /mel/ad有臭味的1.tmn /t/ n.维生素11.limit /mt/ .界线v.限制12.nutiin /njtn .营养13.nergy/d/ n.精力;活力1.ibr /fb/ n纤维;纤维制品话题短语1.tell a lietel lies 说谎2.eel frustrate 感到沮丧folow sbinto plae 跟随某人进入某地drivesbino plae 迫使某人进入某地5d some reac(on) 进行研究.eep sbfit使某人保持健康.a newlyopen resunt 一家新开张的餐馆8.aefo 主食9get mrrid 结婚10.are a怒视话题句型1.Nhiis me reos than yu keep it.再也没有什么比你保持健康更贵重的了。Accordingto m psn expriec,neier you no m likly ersadehi to al h hmatt medately.根据我的个人经验,你和我都不也许说服她立即解决这件事。3Only in this ay can w keep baance eweenstd adlesue.只有这样,我们才干在学习和娱乐中保持平衡。Wh not it down ad av lk?为什么不坐下来谈一谈呢?5Wed bee hve s rnnin fo lf an o evey day.我们最佳每天让自己跑步半小时。6Aserybdy knows,it isiprta t keep t bace ofstdy andpasre.人们都懂得,保持学习和娱乐之间的平衡非常重要。7.Execie s enefici to ou health.运动有益于健康。8.Theraae t quidifficultous o go on a log jurney.这场雨使我们长途旅行很困难。话题语篇请以“TheWays toKeep ealthy”为题,写一篇短文。提示:1.人人都想保持健康;2.饮食要健康;3有良好的生活习惯。【话题模板】e Was to Keep HelhyIn moiio,veynehopes be in god eat.ut ow? Now,Ill sa h ve learnt abot itwh you.oud bterat more frs frt ad egel,becauethey ae a lot f fier nd vitasYu soud ea less bur,heese,cffeer choole,foey ontato much sgarn fat,whh will mk oupuon wigt qicky.Sond,wesold fr agod abto l,such a dingexercie regularly and hvin nugh sleep.edes,on be too ired and dn smoke.Aw all kow,m is bad foro healhna ord,ifyowat to eep helth,you houd ha a baancd diet and good iing haits. 相应学生用书P4.单词过关A拼写单词 vi. 要紧,有重大关系 vt. 觉得,猜想3. v. 转换,转变 vt. 忍耐,忍受5 n&vt. 设计6. dv. 否则;此外7 t. 减少;减少. n. 专家. n. 疾病10. n 半夜,半夜B拓展单词1. v.遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛 n苦难;受苦2. v.更喜欢;宁愿 n喜好;偏爱13 vi.毕业 毕业 t.&n.支持;支撑 n.支持者;拥护者1. n挑战 adj.挑战性的6 ad轻松的,令人放松的 vt.vi.放松 ad松懈的;放松的17 adj.厌烦的,不感爱好的 a令人厌烦的;无聊的 n厌烦;无聊1. .宁静的;和平的 n.和平 ad.和平地;安静地9 ad社交的;社会的 n.社会0. .志愿者 adj.自愿的;志愿的C识记单词1vuntee. v 22itn v. .soal d. 4.form adj 25ditnce n 2.ugn aj. 27.orgaise t. 2advertisementn 29contn n. pperwrk n. D语境运用Iont ant towr uner nd am eager for ajo tht int .(stress)2Th peopl hopdth hedispute s to be sed and geem could bsign soon as pssible.(ae)3.Nowad whthe deloment ofoet,many lketodo wo without n pay.(vluteer)34.As a wo from ky nierty,he wsofferedaatisfact jb after .(gadue)35.Generally pkin,we el while listeingtosm msic(rax)Lucy sweets sher snacks whil Lily as a fr uts.(per)答案:A.1.mattr2.suppo 3.switch4.n .desi .othewis7.rec 8.expe 9sickness 10.mdightB1sfe;suffrg1refe;reerece13.auat;gradon 14.suort;supore 15aleng;hallegig 6.laxing;rel;rexe 7bord;orig;bredom18.pecful;pec;peacefully 19.oca;ociety 2.volunteer;voluntary.2志愿者 自愿提供;自愿做 2.饮食;节食节食,按规定进食 23社交的;社会的4.正式的,合礼仪的 2.距离2.急切的,紧急的27组织 28广告2.会计(师)3.平常文书工作D.31.sres;strefu32eaefu;eaely;peace3volntees;volunta 4.graduate;graduted;grauaon 35.elae;elxi3.reers;preference.短语排查A.短语翻译1. (铃、爆竹等)响2. 占据;开始从事;拿起3 布满着4. 忍受,遭受5 此刻,目前 数年间7. 弄清,查明8 成果9. 换衣服,更衣10 轮流做某事11 在中起作用1 追上,赶上;想出,找到1 盼望,盼望4. 除之外还;和15
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