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八年级下册英语期中试题模拟题第I卷(选择题,共75分)一、听力理解(每小题1分,共20分)(一)、听句子,从A,B, C中选择一个与你所听到的句子意义接近的选项1.A. Chinese is as useful as math. B. Chinese is more useful than math. C. Chinese is not so useful as math.2. A. David and Bob dont finish their homework. B. David and Bob have finished their homework. C. David has to finish his homework,so does Bob3. A. The train will leave the station in half an hour. B. The train will get to the station in thirty minutes. C. The train has been at the station for half an hour.4. A. The cats ears are black. B. The cats legs are black. C. The cat is black and white.5. A. He has bought a book for me. B. He has paid for a book. C. He has returned the book to me.(二)、听录音,从A、B、C、中选择一个能回答问句的答语6. A. I did my homework. B. I was washing clothes. C. I was hungry and tired.7. A. You are welcome. B. It doesnt matter. C. Sorry!I wont do it again.8. A. I dont know. Theyre both quite difficult,I think. B. I prefer math. C. I agree with you.9. A. What about you? B. Let me go. C. What a good idea!10. A. Not too many. B. Not too much. C. Thats not very clear(三)、听对话和对话后的问题,从A,B,C中选出一个正确的答案11. A. Alices sister. B. Marys sister. C. Marys mother.12. A. In a park. B. In a shop. C. In a school13. A. Three. B. Four. C. Six14. A. Difficult. B. Interesting. C. Easy.15. A. 1:30. B.1:45. C. 1:15.(四)、听一段短文和短文后的几个问题,从A,B,C中选出一个正确的答案16. A. Eighteen. B. Thirty. C. Seventeen.17. A. At home. B. At school. C. In the office.18. A. A foolish man. B. A nice boy. C. A good student.19. A. A pen B. A piece of bread. C. A chair and a desk.20. A. Every year. B. Oct. 26. C. Sep. 3.二单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)21. He like _ her things_ others.A. borrowing,from B. to lend,from C. lending,to D. lend,to22. I dont do well in English,what should I do?_ A. You must read -and listen more B. You will read and listen more C. You should speak as much as possible D. You can read and speak23. At last I lost my way,I didnt know. A. how to do B. what to do it C. which to do D. where to go24. The teacher told us the earth _ around the sun. A. would move B. will move C. moves D. moved25. I _ if he _ to my party. A. will happy,comes B. will be happy,comes C. am happy,will come D. will be happy,will come26. What _ you _ when you saw the UFO? A. are,doing B. did,do C. does,do D. were,doing27. He is _ English than I. A. good at B. better in C. better at D. doing well in28. There _ a party tomorrow. A. will have B. will be C. is D. are going to be29. Please _ the chairs _ We dont need them. A. bring,hereB. bringing,here C. take,away D. taking,away30. What _ in 50 years? A. is happening B. happened C. will happen D. will be happen31. What do you usually eat_ breakfast?A. of B. at C. for D. in32. _is important for us to learn English well.A. This B. That C. So D. It33. Paying a bill depends _how good the service was.A. in B. at C. on D. of34. We should try _make noises.A. not to B. to not C. dont D. arent35. Would you mind_ the door?A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened三完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)It was December 25, 1972. Marie, a 13-year-old Australian girl, was happy. It was Christmas and Maries mother made an unusual cake. She put four small coins(硬币)into 36 . This four small coins were for good 37.After dinner Marie and her family ate the cake. When they 38 the cake, there were three coins on the table. One coin was 39 . Maries mother didnt notice.After Christmas Marie got 40 . She coughed and couldnt speak. Six weeks later she felt better, but she 41 couldnt speak. So Marie went to the hospital.Doctors at the hospital looked over Marie. They took an X-ray(X光). Maries mother asked the doctors, “Why cant Marie 42 ?” The doctors said, “We dont know. Maybe she will speak again. Maybe she wont. Were 43 , but we cant help.”For twelve years Marie didnt speak. She grew up and got a job. But she never spoke.One day when Marie was 25 years old, she got ill. She began to cough. She coughed up a lot of blood. She also coughed up 44 small and black from her throat(喉咙). What was it? Marie didnt know. She took it to the hospital. A doctor said, “This is a coin.”The doctor 45 Marie, “I think you can speak again.” Soon Marie began talking.36. A. the cake B. her pocket C. Maries bag D. the box 37. A
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