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外研高一必修3 Module 4基础知识巩固基础知识归纳与环保相关的语块Phraseslead a green life过绿色生活collect waste paper or bottles for recycling收集废纸和瓶子以便循环利用 increase our awareness of environmental protection 提高我们的环保意识 adopt a greener lifestyle采取更环保的生活方式 live in harmony with nature 与自然和谐相处 provide free public transport提供免费的公共交通 reduce air and noise pollution减少空气和噪音污染 cut back on the use of disposable packaging 减少一次性包装的使用 burn waste to produce electricity 燃烧垃圾发电 waste-to-energy plants 垃圾焚烧发电J develop renewable resources 开发可再生资源 nature reserve自然保护区SentencesIt is very important to take care of our environment.保护好我们的环境非常重要。Protection of the environment is everyones responsibility. 保护环境,人人有责。The amount of water which is suitable to drink is getting smaller and smaller. 可饮用水越来越少。Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.许多河流和湖泊受到严重污染。Do something useful to protect the environment.做些有用的事来保护环境。Dont litter,不乱扔垃圾。The earth is what we all have in common.地球是我们共同拥有的家园。Local communities have come up with solutions to deal with their own waste. 当地社区已经想出解决办法来处理自己的垃圾。If the waste is not disposed of properly, it can lead to disease, pollution and other environmental issues.如果废物处理不当,会导致疾病、污染和其他环境问题。基础知识默写单词carbon n.atmosphere n.dioxide n.garbage n.campaign n.recycle v.absolutely adv.mask n.沙尘;灰尘 环境 .公民;市民 .力量;力气 此预告;预报 V.融化 adj.紧急的 cycle v.(.)chemical n.(adj.)此抱怨;发牢骚(儿) .进程;过程(机) n.污染(v.) .保护(v.)。勿.主要的;多数的(.大多数) n.根据;证明(adj.明显的) frightening adj.(frightened adj.v.)coastal adj.(n.)mass adj.(几)concerned adj.(v.)短语cut downtake ingive outin a nutshell浏览 个接_个地 突然遭遇(风暴等) 对.有坏影响句式Its + adj. + to do sth.原句:Its difficult to breathe and the dust makes me ill.语法1. 不定式的用法2. but +不定式基础训练篇I. 根据首字母及括号内的英文释义在横线上填入一个适当的英文单词。1. The report fthat the price of the raw materials would rise by 3% nextmonth, (to say what you think will happen in the future based on information thatyou have now)As the car sped down the dirt road, it left a cloud of dbehind, (the finepowder made up of very small pieces of earth or sand, etc.)Im sorry, but I dont have enough sto lift the box by myself, (the qualityor state of being physically strong)They are studying various ways to rgarbage into fuel, (to makesomething new from something that has been used before)The river has been pwith poisonous waste from local factories, (to makeair, waler, soil, etc. dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use)If you are unhappy with the service, you should cto the manager, (to sayor write that you are unhappy, sick, uncomfortable, etc., or that you do not likesomething)We should know that medical research is a slow p. (a series of actionsthat are done in order to achieve a particular result)We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the e. (the naturalworld in which people, animals and plants live)用括号内单词的正确形式填空。1. This is the most(frighten) disease Ive ever encountered in my career.2. The company claimed it was not responsible for the(pollute) in the river.3. Today, people are much more(concern) about their health than theywere in the past.4. Is there any scientific(evident) that a persons character is reflected intheir handwriting?5. These laws may not provide enough(protect) for some endangeredspecies.II. 将A、B两栏相匹配组成合适的短语,并用其正确形式完成下面句子。ABgive outthe salty sea aircut downthe photo albumtake inthat old treelook througha rainstormbe caught ina terrible sound.b.d.e.1. Unfortunately, well have tobecause it may fall on our housein a bad storm.2. He isto find a picture of him and all his sisters when theywere kids.3. Last night weon our way home and had to find shelter.4. The young lady stood on the shore,.5.1 guess we need to change the batteries in the smoke detector because it is 能力提升篇阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Zambia in south central Africa, one of the worlds most vulnerable I.(region) to climate change, is experiencing its most severe drought in a century.Following two years of poor rains and failed harvests, the rural poor 2.(face) with the worse consequences. In Zambia alone, 2.3 million people are severely food insecure and in need of 3.(assist) from others.Reduced rainfall is also affecting the countrys urban middle classes. Zambias energy sector is heavily 4.(depend) on hydroelectric power, but dammedwater levels arc hitting record low capacity. Therefore, load shedding (用电限制)is leaving homes without electricity for lip to 16 hours a day.During the long power cuts, families still have to prepare their meals and boil water 5.(drink) their regular cups of tea. But Zambians have fewalternatives. Gas is not 6.(wide) available, and petrol for generators is tooexpensive, 7.means the most convenient energy source is charcoal (木炭).Load shedding is undoubtedly a main driver of increased demand 8.charcoal among urban households, said Kaala Moombe, a senior resea
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