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八年级英语下册Unit 5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time(II).Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge ObjectsSelf check exercises.Writing practice.Just for Fun!2.Ability ObjectsTo train students ability of self check.To train students ability of writing.3.Sensibility and ValueTo be able to ask for help when having difficulties in learning.Teaching Key PointSelf check exercises.Teaching DifficultyWriting practice.Teaching MethodsSelf check method.Writing method.Teaching AidThe blackboard.Teaching ProceduresCStep Greet the class and check the homework.Ask students to show their written work.CStep Self Check 1This activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.Ask students to fill in the blanks with the word given.Ask students to make five sentences.Get them to write on their own.Have five students write their sentences on the board.Correct the mistakes on the board.CStep 2This activity provides open writing practice using the target language.First ask students to look at the pictures.Ask them to tell what they see in the pictures.Then have students plete the sentences using their own ideas.As they work,walk around the room offering help as needed.When they finish,ask each student to read his/her sentence to the class.CStep Just for Fun!Just for fun provides reading practice with the target language.Have two students read the conversation to the class.Sa:I think Ill go back to Mars.Sb:If you do,theyll laugh at you.Sa:Why?Sb:How many Martians dye their hair brown?Sa:Oh,yeah.Youre right.T:Thank you.What is wrong with brown hair on Mars?CStep WorkbookSection B1)Read the conversation.Then plete the crossword puzzle.A:After high school,Im going to go to (1 down).I want to play tennis in college.B:After college will you get a job near home?A:No,I want to be a (3 across) tennis player.B:Then you will need an (5 across).A:I know.And Ill need a (4 across),too.B:Do you want to be (2 down)?A:Not really.I dont want a lot of (6 across) watching me all the time. 2)Read the letter.Then “True” or “False” for each statement. 1.Gary wants to get a new job. False2.The new job would probably pay more than $7.00 an hour. True False3.Ahmet wants Gary to change his job. True False4.Now Gary works after school and on weekends. True False5.Ahmet will visit Gary tomorrow. True False3)Think of a decision a friend is making or might be making.Write a letter giving your advice.Use the structure if you.,youll. like the one in the example.Example: If you go to college,youll do very well.Key to WorkbookSection B1)DOWN:1.college 2.famousACROSS:3.professional 4.lawyer 5.agent 6.fans2)2.False 3.False 4.True 5.False3)Answers will vary.CStep SummaryThis class we checked the vocabulary weve learnt in this unit.And we had some writing parctice using the target language.Next class well have a revision.CStep HomeworkPreview the words in next page.Finish off the workbook exercises.CStep Blackboard DesignUnit 5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time!The sentences of students1. and Probe Reading a line graph(Social Studies)Study the line graph below and answer the questions.Twenty years ago,very few American high schools had soccer teams.Most students were interested in baseball,basketball,and American football.However,soccer is quickly being the most popular sport in many high schools.The line graph below shows the growth in interest in soccer among boys and girls in one American high school. 1.In which year were there 50 girls on the Newtown High soccer team? xx2.In which year were there 50 boys on the Newtown High soccer team?_3.How many boys were on the team in 1994?_4.How many girls were on the team in 1994?_5.Which team had the same number of members for three years on end?_6.What was the total number of boys and girls on the teams in xx?_Activity and Probe Goal:Review how to talk about consequences.Materials:Pictures cut from magazines or drawn by the teacher.Procedure:Before class prepare a set of eight or ten pictures large enough for all students to see.Each picture should show an activity or event.For example,you might show a picture of a person going to the movies,a person playing with a dog,and a person eating in a restaurant.Display the pictures where all students can see them.Make a sample statement about each one starting with the words,I think Im going to.The sentences for the examples listed above might be,I think Im going to go to the movies.I think Im going to buy a dog.I think Im going to eat dinner now.Ask students to choose one picture and make statements about it starting with the words,If you do.Possible sentences for the first picture might be:If you do,youll have
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