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UNIT 1 add1 to put together with something elseeg. Please add something to what Ive said. Will you add more sugar to your coffee?2. to join numbers, amounteg. Please add up these figures for me.add to: to increaseeg. What he did has added to our difficulties.Two _ _ four is six. (added to)add up: add togethereg. Her son is too little to add up properly. It all seemed to add up.add up to: to amount toeg. The cost added up to 100 million yuan.His whole school education _ no more than one year. (added up to)The various facts in their report just dont _. (add up)These figures dont _ right. (add up)pointn. 论点,观点;重点,要点;意图,目的;时刻,关头;地点eg. She made several interesting points in the article. The point is that you shouldnt go out alone at night. The point of the passage is to compare the two countries. We were on the point of giving up. This is the point at which the river divides.see ones point: understandmiss the point: not understandThere is no point in doing something. (arguing with him.)upset adj./v.upset-upset-upset upsettingeg. She was very upset when she heard the bad news. adj. I felt upset about it. adj. She had an upset stomach. adj. If the rain keeps falling, it will upset our whole plan. v. He upset his stomach by eating too much rich food. v.ignore: to pay no attention toeg. The patient ignored the doctors advice. Alice saw John coming, _. (but ignored him)calm adj./v.eg. After the storm, the sea became calm. adj. The doctor advised his patient to keep calm. adj. He took a deep breath to calm himself. v. It was difficult to _. (calm down the fans)have got to do something= have to do somethingeg. SorryIve got to go now.They dont have got to go there. be concerned abouteg. He was very concerned about you. We are all concerned about her safety.be concerned with 與什么有關繫eg. Im not concerned with that matter any longer. The meeting was concerned with foreign trade.as/so far asbe concernedeg. As far as Im concerned, the earlier, the better.walk v.遛;走过;带着走eg. I walked my dog in the park yesterday. I have walked this area for miles round. We take turns walking him to school. We got off the bus and walked the last few blocks. _ the tightrope. (It needs courage to walk)loose adj.松的;零散的;自由的eg. She wore a long, loose coat when I came in. I bought these cookies loose. The sheep got out and were loose on the road.cheat n./v.eg. The old lady was so honest that the cheat easily cheated her of her gold ring. He was caught cheating in an exam.reason n./v.eg. She has a good reason for doing it. She has a good reason to do it. The reason why I dont trust him is that he has often lied. The reason whyis that I reasoned that he was lying. I reasoned him out of accepting the invitation.list n./v.make a list; put ones name on the list; a black listeg. He listed all the things he wanted to buy.share v.eg. Her property was shared equally among her children. We need friends _. (to share sorrows and happiness)feeling n.eg. I have no feeling in my right leg. What you did hurt her feelings. _. I know everything. (Dont hide your feelings)go through经历;审查;完成;浏览;通过eg. My father went through many dangers during the war. The police went through the pockets of the thief. Go through the text and get the main idea. The thread went through the eye of the needle. I cannot go through these letters in an hour.hide awayeg. The enemy hid away in the mountains. Where is the gift hidden away? _. Its not safe. (Dont hide away behind the door)set downeg. Ill set down one or two points while they are fresh in my mind. She listened carefully and set down every word he said. The table was set down before the window. The bus stops to set down and pick up passengers. Monday has been set down for the next meeting. I set down his bad temper to his poor health.set about doing sth.; set out to do sth.; set off; set back; set upseries单复数同形eg. We have won a series of victories. There _ (has/have) been a series of car accidents at the crossing. has A series of TV play _ Channel 1 these days. is onI wonder if/whethercrazy adj.eg. The boy is crazy on football. They are crazy about the pop stars. Its crazy of you to buy the bike at such a high price. Its crazy to go out in such hot weather.do witheg. I wont have anything to do with him. I find it difficult to do with her. He didnt know what to do with the property his father had left.the beauty of nature; the laws of nature; the bala
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