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(怀化专版)2017年中考英语命题研究第二编语法专题突破篇专题十动词的时态(精练)试题专题十动词的时态( C )1.(2016河南中考)Everyone wants to reach the top of the mountain,but all the happiness happens while you_it.AclimbBclimbedCare climbing( A )2.(2016玉林中考)_you ever_Han Hong sing live?Of course.A couple of times in different cities.AHave;seenBDid;seeCDo;see( C )3.(2016安顺中考)What would you like to have for supper,Jack?Either noodles or rice_OK.I dont mind.Aare Bwere Cis( B )4.(2016陕西中考)My mother_a good example for me since I was young.Awas Bhas been Cwill be( A )5.(2016济南中考)Sun Hai_his mother make dinner when his father got home from work.Awas helpingBhelpsChelped( B )6.(2016北京中考)Where did you go last weekend?I_to the Great Wall.Ago Bwent Cwill go( B )7.(2016天水中考)By the time I got to the cinema,the movie_for ten minutes.Ahas been onBhad been onChad stopped( C )8.(2016北京中考)Please dont make so much noise.The baby_now.Asleeps Bslept Cis sleeping( B )9.(2016济南中考)I think our teacher,Mrs.Allen,knows everthing.I agree.Because she_over 2,000 books.AreadBhas readCreads( B )10.(2016十堰中考)I shouted to you at the gate,but you didnt hear me.Really?I_a telephone call to my mother.AmakeBwas makingCmade( A )11.(2016十堰中考)I heard your father had gone to Beijing on business.Yes.And he_in three weeks.Awill returnBhas returnedCreturned( B )12.(2016上海中考)Last week Vivian_a dress for her mother with her firstmonth salary.Abuy Bbought Cwill buy( A )13.(2016呼和浩特中考)I have to be off right now.What a pity!I_you could stay a little longer with us.AthoughtBam thinkingCthink( B )14.(2016广东中考)Unless the weather_,we will have to cancel the picnic.AimproveBimprovesCimproved( A )15.(2016随州中考)My husband always_me flowers every week before we got married,but now he never_Asent;doesBsends;doesCwas going to send;do( A )16.(2016河北中考)Grandpa_glasses when he reads.AwearsBworeChas worn( B )17.(2016武汉中考)Who is that lady?Shes Miss Green.She_us music,and she is so good.AtaughtBteachesCwill teach( C )18.(2016江西中考)Mary I speak to Mrs.Black?Sorry,mom cant come to the phone now.She_a shower.Ahas Bhad Cis having( C )19.(2016绵阳中考)Anita,where is your brother?He_out in the garden with a group of kids.Aplays Bplayed Cis playing( A )20.(2016无锡中考)My mind wasnt on what he was saying so Im afraid I_half of it.AmissedBwas missingCwill miss( C )21.(2016武汉中考)I dont feel very well,Jack.Im afraid you_me your cold.AgiveBhad givenChave given( C )22.(2016随州中考)Have you returned the book to the library yet?Not yet.Dont worry.I_it soon.AreturnBreturnedCwill return( C )23.(2016河北中考)Just go down this road and you_the library next to the bank.Asee Bsaw Cwill see( A )24.(2016常德中考模拟)Where is your father?He _ the World Cup in the living room.Ais watching BwatchesCwatched( C )25.(2016岳阳中考模拟)After Steven sent some emails,he _ surfing the Internet.AstartsBwill startCstarted( A )26.(2016湘潭中考模拟)There _ a great concert in the theatre next Saturday evening.Awill be Bwill haveCis going to have( B )27.(2017原创预测)Do you think grandpa and grandma _ late?No,the train is usually on time.AwereBwill beCwas( B )28.(2017原创预测)Youre in a hurry.Where are you going?To the cinema.Sue _ for me outside.Awaits Bis waitingCwas waiting( C )29.(2017原创预测)Mr.Li will check our homework this afternoon._ you _it?Not yet.Im doing it right now.AHad;finishedBWill;finishCHave;finished( A )30.(2017原创预测)When will our uncle come to see us?Hell come this weekend.He _ me that by email.AtoldBtellsCwill tell( C )31.(2017原创预测)Is Richard still living here?No,he_ to Paris already.Ahad moved BmovedChas moved( C )32.(2017原创预测)Which singer do you think _ the Voice of China?Im not sure.There are still 3 rounds to come.Awon Bhas won Cwill win( B )33.(2017原创预测)Tom _ the piano every day when he was in primary school.AplaysBplayedCwas playing( A )34.(2017原创预测)I wonder whether Brazil will win the match later tonight.Go to bed first.I will wake you up as soon as the match _.AstartsBstartedCwill start( C )35.(2017原创预测)I _ my hometown for a long time.I really miss it.Aleft Bhave leftChave been away from( C )36.(2017原创预测)A nice tie!A present?Yes,it is.My aunt _ it to me for my birthday.Awas sending Bwill sendCsent3
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