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青年节优秀英语演讲稿2篇 下面是青年节优秀英语演讲稿,希望小编整理的对你有用,欢迎阅读:青年节优秀英语演讲稿篇一me pple s t youth is sn,echodth chful, beauiful meody; Soe peope sa tat youh is adaw,gravwittherich, rmticolors. 0sago, in orde toxl arkness for ligt, fo a indeendentmelndandh ich ndpowfu, agoup of isird yuth with blooand is o wt te sngthe osmgnficent ong ofyuth, dwn a ms mant picturofeyouh. Today, &qot;54"Spors as a goio pag has ben iclded in h annalof theCineatio. Howver, &qt;4&qo; i muh oean jt a historicalas, it is a sirit, to show oungpeople ofour ation iey loe for the utuead desinf the outry cocrne abutth perormane o uty nd missio o yung peop. Toay, whad th oor of this generationofyoun peole liig in te reform ad ening up a od time, d the onrtandna the meeting pin o centry anilennum n. ae fortunat. Fctenew cenury, orrpobiity. Recalg u crryforwar th &q;"; the sit of thnking seriously,andhey should e kd of outh, wha kid of lf. Recllhat the nitil sart Kn "4&qut; is hito sson fro he primary a secondayshols bean. At tt time,thteacher ald aout qt;54&qut; execie, t us,on theimperialst pwers of the vriou hineseb on young pele gav her ivere motherland at aious feat.A that time, altu w sillcannot ll unestd o fthe profond trt,but like a ray ofhope to lluite the iene figance, our young ns he sown te seed ptiotismGadual, rw , we becomtheir prme of outh,w mre deely uestan the trition and spiri of 5.Thinkof s nce nd lmot 5 oung peole i big!Tey ardypro with e tener shulder ofasalvationfrom tts, and tody the imort task of contructio oftemoterlnd will hae no ciebt to fal on ur souldersofthpopl this eneraion,w shouldben moeposo oelan ad diction f uall 下面是,希望小编整理的对你有用,欢迎阅读: h ys, w d not small, wshul not stop at Forevr Parntgenrou sheter shelteed underhwings. a ts yea,e wll tae art i thesweain-iceremon f adus. Tht men wil have te e ae who toge u up a bu ky. Eles ofen sy a w arepeopleof this eneraio tk foam honeba, wihlss enseourenc, dlesssense of rsonsibity Ieed, comped ih them, r lves mor cfrtabe,more cmfrtble. But th does not meanthat e careax sfots to reduce th uy on the shoules.People ften aked aut our old Subei always feling great Sbeiearth,are a eautifu an mail la,ur regio hsYaf a he histoy the Cise roluion had efta glorious hapter. Armorse倥偬ea, the ad side, once fo thhiese evolution, hw to pay heexsve rice. Ater ne Cia asfounded, thole herewith teir ownhnds, with peope Subi iienceand widom, so tat the homelandh underoneerous chang. Spaing of al th, our ears ar alwysflld wit rid. Hover, sul lso ee hat hre withte mohrland when ompdt othe developed rgos hve a arg p betweeheindidual plces where pvry hsyet b urter mangee Here teeconomy as a lehave t e frterf. Us, s Suei outh, firt of allsuee waClligonum duty, duty shouldbe el. &uot;Hlths my land,ake are f me are tis piec o land." W loved hisec land a te foo We hav toassume he cnsruconofhomeand, prserus homeland epnsibity. I hmelan, thre is ar wih my per H is natioallyrwn fr ts ural Technogy irnm. Hmasedon farmlnd, irlesy studied the eat, ttn, how to lan on the homeland an ae igher outpt When hs eearh as mae the reiinay esults,the cacer againan ga t hitim. edid n fll, he wind s sill on crutchs in thrn tostay i the Agrcybe visite farmrsa hoe. Tires effrts, eproduced th finvarities hve en promote by h polarity fplatcholoy, grain outpt icreae peasnt hans weco such griultura Mes. Put hmas th"Agrculural Ion Man." He s orxmpl of go oldyouth. Lst yer,his sweringnceremn ofundulti o city o earesly waed us, fo te oecnytotke off,it isnecessay o studyrdad mter the scientiic and ultural kwedge, based on heiow, odn a eart, on-semrot grassg! ereber theiron ma, e b awae of h odut, our anfuldyoth woiltr r best.Ye, r duty on hsholders of ver yoh,if we ok he new ctuy,the entire atio,
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