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蒋军虎英文写作讲义蒋军虎英文写作讲义1一、英文考试做题顺序3二、英文小作文通用规定和注意事项三、小作文种类3,作文通用规定3,十种书信3.1 书信通用规定 :原则格式, 4 阵形32 求职信、申请信ppliction lettecover leter & Alyn lette43推荐信 romenti lttr5.4辞职信 reigntio etter52.5 建议信 suggestion lt/advic leter62.6感谢信 thank let年真题预测,今年不太也许再考72.祝贺信 conulatio letter72.8 道歉信 poogy ltte829 投诉信complaint etter8.0 邀请信 invtto tr82. 简介信 introductin letter212祈求信rodutio lette3,告知tice1.1 告知otie103.2备忘录Memo103.报告 repor104,摘要写作要点15,小作文考试重点11三、大作文模板11,文字情景作文21.1记忆要点21.2 作文模板不要写作文题,没有明确就不要写121 / 152,图表情景作文132.1 Outline322telate133,图画情景作文3.1Outlne13.2tpate4太奇教育宁波分校2 /15一、英文考试做题顺序蒋军虎教师建议的做题顺序:第一步,阅读第二步,写作,小作文和大作文第三步,翻译第四步,完形填空。顺序因素:一切环绕考分重点,即阅读和写作来投精力。完形填空作为时间的替补。二、英文小作文通用规定和注意事项1,格式规范:如作文标题,书信的开关及落款,书写整洁:阅卷规定,书写不清可以减少1 档( 3 分左右)3,虎头豹尾:作文的开头、结尾都要用事先准备好的范句,不可出错。前三句即决定成绩。4,避免明错:作文要用保险的措施,不要出明显差错,如时态,单复数,虚拟语调等。备注:1,教师阅卷是将试卷扫描成电子版,在电子版上阅卷,因此不能写出界,否则扫描不上, 小作文和大作文可以有反复的句子浮现。因小作文和大作文是不同教师流水线改卷。三、小作文种类1,作文通用规定MBA 英语二的写作25 分,分为:A节:小作文, 10 分,种类: A1,应用文 :书信,备忘录,报告,告知,便笺字数规定 100 字,一定要不小于 100 字B 节:大作文: 1分,三类:B,文字情景作文,05, 8, 9,老式考法B,图表情景作文:考试年份:06, 07,0,本年备考重点3,图画情景作文:考试年份:98, 99,, ,2,十种书信2.1 书信通用规定 :原则格式, 142阵形书信格式:规定采用缩进式,缩进可以4 或个字母书信构造:, 称呼顶格:个人:eaSr/adamJu/Ja,( 用逗号)机构: Dear Siror Maam, To h i may onrn,ohse concerned,专业:DeaM. Wng, /Der Pfesr ang, / Dear ditor Wang,2, 正文缩进4 字.一般分三段,句子数量:, ,2,或1, 5,2 内容为:首段:写信目的句中段:写信详情4或 句,一般1 句总述, 3 到 4句分述尾段:收尾 句, S1:感谢看信,S2:期待回信3, 落款在右边:ors ly, ufaithully,/ Yous sincerel,NM3 /15太奇教育宁波分校2.2 求职信、申请信 apcationl eer/over ttr & Applyng ltter1,ote :P1【写信目的求职】P2【我有资质 .教育背景.工作经验 .自身素质】 P3【感谢面试 .期待回应】Para, , witin e letter,purpse,aping for a oso Pra2,S1,yquaifcations, me yourreurmntsS2,In e irst plae, ma, in line ith hiob,Int secnd, previsworkxerience, hlp la od fondation ,Inadditn, a good team player, selfmvated ndeger to e S4,refer to m resue ttached, fr re detis.Para,1,oldaprecia t a ot, shdul n interew2,Loing frwd,o your rel, a ou ealiescon-ven-ien-e. 3,ample:pplicton eterer irr Mdam,I mwritnghis leter forthe upose o pig for thoitin as pst in tenewspape.M qualifiction,eliv, st amplymetyourequirmens. I frst pac, myaor, Enlih, i efectlnlie with tsjob.n thesecod, m previos wok eperienceas mid-schoo nlish taher hs helpe lay a solid fundation for h wor he.I aitio, I aa god tplaye, sel-motte and ge to lar.Plas rto my rsme attched formr dalIwould apprciat it lot f oucold eue n interviw f me. Looking forwadto our replt yu elstoveience.Yrstuly,LiMngK ords:Applictio申请;Ay申请;osito 职位; Pos 职位; Qulifitios 资质;Bkund:bchelorasterDcto;workexperenc:olidfndtio( 良好的基本);teamplayer,selfotvted, eager to larn(渴望学习 )4, Exaple:apyin etero wh ity coer,m wriig eltterf th purpo of appyin to be a voluner or the Beijig lymicGams. qalifictions, beliee, justml meetyorqurments In teirst ace, my spcalty,Enlih, is perfectly in arement wih h jobI the scon, myprevios woexperienesasascilvouneer has eped ay a old fuatnfor the work hee.Mreor,I a good eam plar, se-motivate, eage t lrnI wolappecie ita lot f youcould schedule an nevew or m. Lkin forwad to hearing rm tyur earesconvence.Yours rul,/ 15太奇教育宁波分校LMing2.3 推荐信 ecomendatin tter1, utneP【写信目的推荐.在找工作】 2【符合规定 .有经验 .有素质.值得考虑】 P3【感谢 .期待回应】Par1,1,recmend ou2,s emoment asa slesmangrPra,s1,ampymt yur erementsS2, rich epereces,ep ly olifoundtion 3,goodteam player, sef-otiat anea o earnS, crtai,dere your conideratinPaa3,1, pay due attention, s2, lok fow, yur reply, at yorearliest co-ve
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