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五年级英语音标及发音归类卷Name _ Class _ No. _/i:/ e he she we me maybe evening e these zebra ea clean please teacher peach sea each jeans ee Halloween three tree between see meet thirteen need sleep sweep ey key i policeman ski/i/ i big fifty picture fridge sister tin sit six chicken fridge y family lovely many sixty twenty ay Sunday Monday Saturday ui guitar e English excuse eraser/e/ e egg get ten guess seven vest very telescope telephone yes yellow twelvehelp pen a any many ea bread breakfast sweater head/ a bag hand man map maths match apple jacket has ae have /u:/ u blue ruler o whose who to whos oo room school too spoon afternoon ou you wo two/u/ oo cook look good football book classroom bedroom o woman u put/o:/ al ball call tall wall small walk au daughter or for forty or morning bored horse oor door floor our four your yours/o/ o on orange box clock sorry wrong a what watch water want/:/ a father class glass after banana vase dance ar car park garden pardon guitar marble are au aunt ear heart/ u us under cup up hundred number umbrella o come some son mother brother ou touch young/:/ er her hers ir girl first bird skirt shirt thirty circle thirsty thirteen sir or worker word work world ur turn nurse hamburger/ a about cinema policeman postman woman e student open er mother father sister tin-opener teacher waiter or doctor/ei/ ae cake make tape grade plane table baby name ea great ei eight eighty ay play may today way ey they/ai/ ie five fine like time beside white write i behind find hi ie pie tie y my eye goodbye by uy buy igh light right night/oi/ oy boy toy oi toilet /u/ o old go mango open zero no so photo cold o e home those oa coat goat ow know show row window/au / ou blouse mouth trousers playground house ow how now down brown towel/ air chair hair airport ere there where are square hare ear pear bear eir their theirs/i / ere here ear hear ear dear/p / p pear picture jeep apple play/b/ b box brother about bored/t/ t ten two tiger T-shirt/d / d door stand food/k / k kite cake desk think take c clock colour come ck black sock jacket back/g / g girl get great bag guess guitar/f / f find four for forty breakfast office coffee ph photo telephone /v / v volleyball five seven eleven over vase/m / m me marble music/n / n next new one banana/ nk think thank blanket ng thing evening morning sitting triangle rectangle orange/s/ s swim skate ski student this purse ss class guess dress chess glass c cinema face nice/z/ z zero zone zebra zoo s is his these nose excuse/ th think thing thank thirty three mouth/ th father mother brother with that they there this these those grandfather/l/ l lamp listen blue eleven follow yellow pencil school apple wall call/r/ r right brown zero three wrong ring /h/ h have here hot hamburger how house horse/w/ w watch welcome window worker sweater u square/j/ y yes yellow young your/tr/ tr tree trousers street/dr / dr driver dress hundred drink draw bedroom/ts / ts hats shirts students/dz / ds birds hands friends playgrounds/ sh shall show shoe English wash ship short s sure/t/ ch chair much touch watch chip China Chinese/d/ g orange fridge j jeep jacket job/ / s pleasure/ju:/ u use
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