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关于“询问问题”的基本词汇和句型WORDS & EXPRESSONS 基本词汇表达program 计划,项目benefit 福利abroad 在国外,在海外bonus 奖金,红利remuneration 酬劳,酬金origin 血统,出身schedule 日程安排表,时刻表notify 通知hear from 收到的消息BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达【面试方】1) Do you have any questions you want to ask? 你有问题要问吗? 2) Any questions about the job? 对这份工作还有什么问题? 3) Is there anything you want to know? 有什么你想知道的吗? 4)You may ask questions about us, if you have any. 如果有问题,你可以提问。5) Do you have any questions you would like to ask me? 你有什么问题要问我吗? 【应聘方】关于公司部分:1) I have learned that your company will send employees to US to attend training programs. Id like to know how you choose employees to attend these programs. 我知道贵公司准备派出部分员工到美国参加培训计划,我想知道你们怎样挑选这些员工。2) Do you have a training program for new employees?贵公司对新员工有培训计划吗? 3) Are most of your foreign customers Americans or do they come from many different countries?贵公司的大部分外国客户是美国人呢? 还是来自许多不同的国家? 4) Do you have any recreational activities for employees?贵公司有员工娱乐活动吗? 5) To whom should I report? 我应该向谁负责? 6) How many staffs are there in your department? 这部门共有多少人? 7) What kind of computer you are using now? 你们现在用什么类型的电脑? 8) Is the job full-time or part-time? 这工作是全职的还是业余的? 9) What are the hours? 上班时间是几点? 10) What are the normal working hours? 正常上班时间是几点? 关于个人部分:12) May I ask how much the bonuses are? 能否问一下奖金有多少? 13) Is there overtime? 有加班吗? 14) Is there opportunity to advance? 有提升的机会吗? 15) What would my duties be? 我的工作职责是什么? 16)I have one question to ask: would I have to work overtime very often? 有一个问题,我要经常加班吗? 17) What are the benefits? 有什么津贴? 18) Whats the salary? 薪水多少? 19) When will I know if I have the job? 我何时能知道我获得工作? 20) Can you tell me a little about employee benefits such and the health in such as the health insurance program? 能告诉我关于健康保险之类的员工福利吗? 21) I would like to know if there would be any opportunity to work abroad in the future. 我想知道将来是否有出国工作的机会。22) May I ask about the remuneration? 我可以问问我的酬劳是多少吗? CONVERSATIONS 会话【Dialogue 1】I: Do you have any questions you want to ask?A: Yes, Id like to know if there would be any future opportunities for specific training.I: If necessary there will be. Any other questions?A: When will I know your decision?I: Well give you our decision in a few days. How can we get in touch with you?A: I can be reached at my office during work hours and at home in the evening. My office phone number and home phone number are in my resume.I: Thank you for your interest in our company.A: Thank you, sir. I expect to hear from you soon.I: Would you please let the next applicant come in on your way out?A: All right. Goodbye.【Dialogue 2】I: Well, thats all for the interview. Thank you for your interest in this job.A: You are welcome. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to interview me.I: May I call you about our final decision?A: Yes, please. My telephone number is 2974-5328, and you can call me at any time in the daytime.I: We will get in touch with you by the end of next week.A: Great. I will look forward to hearing from you. And do I need the second interview?I: Well notify you if necessary. Goodbye.A: Goodbye.关于“联系方式”的基本词汇和句型WORDS & EXPRESSIONS 基本词汇表达dormitory 宿舍postal邮政的convenience 便利,方便dial拨号,拨打电话contact 接触,联络positive 肯定的,正面的 page 找寻,呼唤,打传呼CONVERSATIONS 会话【Dialogue A】A:When can I know whether I am accepted or not? I:I think well send you a letter by early next week,if you are wanted. Or we may give you a call. By the way,have you got a telephone? 你有电话吗? A:Yes,My office phone number is 3738323.I:Whats the best time to call you,then? A:Between four and five in the afternoon,Im afraid.I:Thank you for coming,Miss Yan.A:The pleasure is mine. Its been nice talking with you,madam. Good-bye.【Dialogue B】A:When can yon give me the final decision? I:Well notify you next Thursday at the latest. Shall I telephone you? A:You wont be able to reach me directly by phone,but you can page me over BP. My BP number is 127-2650866.I:All right. Thanks for coming today.A:Thank you for your interview with me,madam.【Dialogue C】I:How can we contact you about our decision? A:By telephone,please. Do you have my number? I:Yes. I see it here on the resume. May I call you at your office about our final decision? A:Yes,please.I:Thank you,Miss Zhao,for your interest in this job. Good luck to you.【Dialogue D】I:Any questions you would like to ask me? A:When will you let me know the result? I:You will be hearing from us by next Saturday. By the way,shall we notify you by mail or by phone? A:Youd better do it by mail. It would be difficult for you to reach me by phone since I live in a student dormitory.I:All right. Thats all for you. Ive got some more candidates to interview. Thank you for coming.A:Thank you very much,Mr. Wilson. Ill look forward to hearing from you. Good-bye.I:Good-bye.关于“面试结束”的基本词汇
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