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备战2021年高考英语考前时事热点话题阅读热点32确保道路安全及其重要性一、阅读理解1Road traffic crashes kill 1.25 million people each year worldwide. The statistics are part of the “Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015”. The report surveyed 180 countries, and it shows the number of an nual deaths from traffic crashes is stabilizing (稳定).And that is good news as the number of motor vehicles grow worldwide. But the data also show that road crashes are the NO.1cause of death among young people aged 15 to 29. Young adults around the world are the worst driving risks. Even in the U.S.drivers aged 15 to 24. account for about 30 percent of all driving-elated accidents .But the World Health Organization(WHO) says they are preventable.The WHO report also finds a big gap in road safety and deaths between poor and rich countries Poor countries have only 54 percent of the worlds vehicles. But those countries have some of the worst safety statistics in the report. “Africa has only two percent of the worlds vehicles, but has the highest death rate on the road,” says Etienne Krug. The head of the WHO Department of Non-communicable Diseases. Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom are leaders in preventing traffic deaths.Stronger road safety laws and stricter vehicle safety requirements in developing countries would prevent many accidents .Laws can quickly influence driving behavior. In only three years. 17 countries became safer by putting tougher road safety laws into effect. Some of those laws include banning drunk driving ,requiring cyclists and motorcycle drivers to wear helmets and making safety belts mandatory(强制性的)in all vehicles. Good injury care after a crash can cut the number of deaths from road injuries in half. Of course, there are also many other ways to make roads safer.1. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. Motor vehiclesB. The statisticsC. Traffic crashesD. Young drivers2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?A. People in developed countries are very skilled at driving.B. Africa has to take some measures to prevent traffic deaths.C. The Netherlands has done the best in avoiding traffic accidents.D. Poor countries need to buy fewer cars to reduce traffic accidents.3. What is most likely to be talked about in the paragraph following the text?A. Suggestions on good injury care.B. More ways to make roads safer.C. The number of deaths from accidents.D. Other road safety laws in poor countries.4. What is the text mainly about?A. The danger of driving alone.B. The ways to avoid road accidents.C. The No.1 killer among the youth.D. The importance of helmets in driving cars.2Drivers who drive a little too close to cyclists on the road could soon be caught on the spot. A new technology adopted by legal departments in Ottawa could help carry out legal distance between bikers and cars on the road.The device, which is fixed on a bicycles handlebars like a bike bell, uses sonar( 声呐)technology to measure the distance between the bike and passing cars. The device will make a loud noise if the car is within one meter of the bike, the legal limit in the city of Ottawa, allowing the police rider to radio ahead to his colleagues so that the driver can be pulled over. “The safety of all road users is extremely vital, including cyclists. These cycling ch anges are directed at encouraging cycling, promoting road safety, and sharing the road,” said Rob Wilkinson, coordinator of the Safer Roads Ottawa Program.The authorities started the program last week with a single sonar device. One police officer rode the bike bearing the device around the city on Tuesday to prove the effectiveness( 有效性)of the technology. Within a few minutes of riding, the device was beeping, registering that two drivers had violated the one-meter distance requirement. The drivers were pulled over and given brochures informing them that they had broken the safe distance law.Wilkinson noted that the device is not currently being used to issue fines, which can go up to $110, and that there are no plans to use it for enforcement( 执法)in the future. At this point, its main use is to spread awareness about the safe distance law, which was passed last September in an effort to encourage rider safety and reduce deadly crashes.5. What will happen if the safe distance is beyond the legal limit?A. The cyclist will soon be caught on the spot.B. The police will make the driver stop by the road.C. The driver will be arrested for driving too fast.D. The device will at once call the police of itself.6. Whafs the main purpose of using the device?A. To make the bicycle attractive.B. To encourage people to walk.C. To guarantee road safety.D. To warn drivers of danger.7. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “beeping” in paragraph 3?A. Making a loud noise.B. Receiving an urgent message.C. Sending a stop signal.D. Radioing the police rider.8. What does Wilkinson say about
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