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高考英语二轮专项复习 完形填空(含解析)Tavel in o o Erope isea.A reement eteen the15 uroen nion coue 1995 meansthat citizes fro st Eurpean ntris can tavel across borers ithout nding a via.ach fthe 12 ountris tat has 36 it wnurecy (货币) toacet the euro as is on 37 .o w he hese coutrieeen able o 3 ?And ow hs eac cury reparedor the irth of ths new curency? irstly, my epein Europe,39 in wes Eroe, speakEnglih The EurpanConvtion onHuan Rigs says thtllpeople have a 40 tolearn and use the tritionlanuage.But atth European CntalBakn Frakfurt, Grmany, he ofical anguae fr al busnessi 41 n ver Eopean cunr requir suenttstud Egish fo any ys t 4 . ther language may be offer, oo. B ngishi 4 .I I meet oeone,I trySanish Then I tr 4 nd if its ot 4 , I sayHell. Thas te signal,and we couniae matter wat cntryw om fro Said Mar Ortea, a ski instrtorn the Pyrenees, 46 Fencand Sanishare mnyusd.Ech coutry ha its on 4 cultue Thug he Frnch maye amousfrtei,000 tps f ceese a e Greeks ae kownto olie n verthng,most pepl i up lke 49 strong cofeeon hei breakfast abl. Anth rin is hed 5thouu te ontinent.Europes vinds(葡萄园) may be fous, but ealdrin f Erpei 51 . Eropeansconsume tonsf t.Fotal,ofcouse, also hep o 52 al of Eupe. afan ae obessd(着迷) wit 53 and witinternatinastas.vi Beckham,of Egand Manste United,is a her to uropeans i th same 54 tha icael daist 55 .6 A.given up B. nedup . agreedith D.stated with37.A ony B. i C bordr D.culte . mt B. unt . tavelDccept39. A. spciay B.genealy C. paticularly D. normally40. A. chne B ight C.wish D. pl41.A. Fnch .Gema C.English D. Sanh42. A.scol B. work C. home D tabl43. A suect B.tol Cneed D.mst4. A. Englh B Frech C. Gra D. Greek4. A istenng B. spoken . worg D.ead6. A. as B. whe C. sice D.whose7. d B. art C ri D. ie48. . dd B. prad C.pnd D put49A. a kind oB. a lot of C acup o.atae of0.A.i comn B.in geealC. n ned .in ecial5 A. beer wine C. cof . soup52 A.atrct. e C. play . wtch53. A. opera B. bra muc D fooal5 A irction B.level . way D. ge55. A.bkallr B Britsh C. athletsD. AercnsA tl oyad the job of oig school arly eachatotrtth fe andwarm te ro fre hs techer is classmte rrved. Oe they arived t fnd th scolhose as n fire hy dagge(拖)th nsles(无意识的) ltl byotofthe bung buiing more dea tha alieThocr tld hi motherthat herson ouldsurely 2 .But te bravboy didn n to ie e md uphs hat he wl suvivesomehw, an totheaazemet ofeoor, e di suiv. Whenhe 4 as as, the merasto tha wod b a ltime iple(跛子) ith no 5 fth lowr prt ofhsbody at alnce ore,the brave bomade p his mid. H wud otb 6 .ewould wal.B nfortunaly fo the istdown, hadno motor(运动神经的)abilit. His thin leg wre ll u ifess Fialy e retred from te 7 . Every dy his tr wou masage(按摩) hislitl 8 , but hr wa no fling.Yeti 9 tha e wol wa as as trong as evenesunny y i other heeld i ou n te 1 t gete fesh ar. Tis day, insted f stting there,hethrew hmelf from the chair. Hplled msfacrss te grss,ragghis lgs behd hm waled is y t the white 11.Wthga 12 , he raisedhimsefup on thefenc(篱笆). Te,he nraggig hmself an the ence and 13 that hwould walk He started t do hi vry y util hewre amooth pth all ru h yard besehefence 14 thughhisdaiy mssges ad his ro deermiaion, edid 1 he biittstand up, then walk b imsel and thet ru. Ti deterin yougman, lenCunningham, the world astet mile!2.A. ftrnoB.evning C noon ming 3. ieB.surv C.fiD.vr4A.mind B.heart C.ide D. view5.A. disease B. iater .danger D. faiure6.A. ffect B. se C. gd D
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