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Melting Pot1. race: Therere black, white and yellow people in the US. The white are descendents of the early European settlers, WASPs. The black are descendents of the slaves shipped from Africa. The yellow are descendents of Asians.2. ethnicity: Therere many ethnic groups, like Hispanics, Black, Irish peasants fleeing famine at home, political refugees from Germany, impoverished Italian tenant farmers and Eastern European Jews who were forced by pogroms. Therere also Asian A mericans. Early Chinese were shipped to America as “coolies”. They worked in mines and made a great contribution to the railroad construction. Filipinos, South Koreans and Vietnamese also immigrated to America.3. religions: Protestants outnumber other religious groups. Therere also Buddhism, Roman Catholicism, Muslim and Hinduism.4.launguages: English is spoken by most people in America. Hispanics speak Spanish. Several different regionalisms of English have developed in different regions such as the South, the North and the Midwest. Black English is also a dialect of Englsh.5.social status: The rich people are the monopoly capitalists, who live in luxury own luxury homes and maintain private planes and cars. The poor have to live in ghettos in urban area, eating food made for dogs. Between the rich and the poor are the middle-class. They usually live a comfortable life. They own their homes, cars and enough money to prepare their children for middle-class jobsAbraham Lincoln:1. the 16th American president.2. He led the North in the American civil war and won.3. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation and preserved the Union.4. He paved the way for American economic prosperity in the 19th century.
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