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经典英语演讲稿范文bill desned o incrase urion iome and de renues, n to provdeisueagainst recesio that ill,f paditout dea,eans mor secuity for thosenw wok,mor job for those nowhou tem, an oinetiv four ecnmy. in hor, this no tm lay. i sa timforato -stong,forwadlookig action on the pedig eucatobills o help ringtligt o leanig to eey hme ndhamlet inameica; rong, ard-looking atio ou eplnt pporuitie; stron, forrd-lokg actio on thepeni foeig aidill,main cler ta e e nt feiting ou resbilities to hi hmshee or to theworl, no rasingexutiv flexibilityinte odut of our feign fairs; and stron,prmpt, and foward-looking actionon ermiingappropiatin bills.in ti ew spi of acton, he cogssn epete full oprationand support f the executiveranc.n, i prticr, iledge tt theexpendituesof or vernent ill be admnited ith the utmost thrift andfugality. iwll nss atte ovemet get adolr vale or a llr spent. th goernen wl et an examle ofrude nd ecnom ths es not a that ewillnot meet ouruiled eds or tht w i not onor ourcommitment.wewill do both one w has long ervednboth oues e congrs, ifrmly elieve nthenpendene andthe iegrity ofthe lgisativebanch. ad promiseyuthat sll waysrespct thst sdeep ithe mrrwofmybone with qulfrmness, i beeve in tecapacityandi believe in the bilitf the congres, dspitete divisio f opinonsic haractrze our ain,t c -to wsly, taciorously, to ac speedy n the nedise te neis here.the needs ow i ak your help. emet inrif, bt l u so mee i renewed ddctionand newed vgor.et us meetin action, ntolerc, d i muul udersandng. jn kenney ;sdethomands ht is life conveyed - thtameica must move foad. the tie ha ome or amerino all rcesad creeds nd pltial belies to undersada to especone anotr. s let t n end t the thing ante preacin of hae n el and lene. et s tr awy fromtefnic f e ar lt nd he farrh, fm the apostesofbitteness ad bigory,fromthose dfint of a, andhosewho pour ven no onation&39;s bootea. i prfound hpe tat the tragedy ad he trmnt of teterble ay il bind s ogeth n ewfellosip, mking u on peop i ou ou sorro tus here highly resove that johnfitzgerald knnedyidnotlive o diein va ano this tansgiving ve,as gather together oask the lod#9;sesing, and ge him ur thaks,let s unite in toefamiar and chrished wrs: america, mera, od sed hisrace nhee,nd own hy good it brotehod fro sea t nigs.
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