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SPIRITS BASICS烈酒基础A REVIEW OF FERMENTATION AND DISTILLATION. 对发酵和蒸馏的回顾。THE DIFFERENCES AND THE PRODUCTION区分和生产TECHNIQUES OF ALL THE MAJOR SPIRIT TYPES.全部主要烈酒类型的方法。 SPIRITS BASICS- Seminar Outline烈酒基础学问-探讨纲要1. History历史2. Fermentation ,f:mentein发酵3. Distillation ,distilein蒸馏4. American Whiskey美国威士忌5. Canadian Whisky加拿大威士忌6. Irish Whiskey爱尔兰威士忌7. Scotch Whisky苏格兰威士忌8. Vodka伏特加9. Gin金酒、杜松子酒10. Tequila tki:l 龙舌兰酒11. Rum朗姆酒12. Brandy白兰地酒13. Cognac knjk & Armagnac :mnjk干忌&阿玛尼亚克Ps:阿尔玛涅克(Armagnac)是法国白兰地的2大产区之一,另一个叫干邑(Cognac)。干邑的白兰地主要用于出口,而阿尔玛涅克(雅文邑)主要是内销,中国国内是比较少见的。14. Cordials k:djl & Liqueurs likju甜酒&利口酒History历史 Spirits are potable alcoholic liquids obtained through distillation.烈酒是由蒸馏获得的可饮用的酒精液体。 Only possible to produce since the discovery of distillation. 蒸馏的发觉使其生产成为可能。 Distillation was perfected in the early 1300s by the Arabs. 蒸馏的完善是由阿拉伯人在1300年头早期。 They gave us the terms Alcohol (Al-Kuhul) and Alembic (Al-Alembic).他们给了我们术语酒精(Al-Kuhul)和蒸馏器(Al-Alembic)。What is Fermentation什么是发酵?C6H12O6 + Yeast = 2C2H5OH +2CO2 + 56Kcal.Sugar + Yeast = Alcohol + Carbon Dioxide + Heat 糖 + 酵母 = 酒精 + 二氧化碳 +热量What is Distillation什么是蒸馏? The process that separates and captures the alcohol from any liquid that contains alcohol. 从任何含有酒精的液体中分别和提取酒精的过程。 Possible because alcohol vaporizes veipraiz at 173 degrees, while water vaporizes at 212 degrees. 可能是因为酒精在173度挥发,水在212度挥发。 As alcohol vapors rise, they are captured, cooled, and stored in a container.由于酒精挥发上升,他们被提取,冷却,然后存储在容器里。What are Distilled Spirits什么是蒸馏酒?Distilled Spirits are potable liquids obtained by distilling a fermented liquid to a higher proof liquid. The factors that make them different from one another are the contents, aside from alcohol, that are necessarily distilled out with the alcohol. These are the flavoring elements, the small amounts of alcohol other than ethyl, and the solids and materials that differ in fruits, grains, sugarcane, agave or whatever raw material is used.蒸馏酒是通过将发酵液体蒸馏成为高浓度液体来获得的可饮用液体。蒸馏酒是乙醇浓度高于原发酵产物的各种酒精饮料。因素使他们相互区分的内容,除了酒精,那肯定是蒸馏的酒。这些调味元素,少量的酒精除了乙基、固体和材料,不同水果、谷类、甘蔗、龙舌兰或任何原料运用。Spirit Types烈酒种类: Brandy白兰地 - A potable spirit, often aged in wood, obtained by distilling wine or a fermented mash of fruit. 有 VS VO VSOP XO几种级别,XO是其中一种。是用葡萄发酵经蒸馏,酒精度在60 -65度,再经过木桶储存而成,其级别是由其储存年限而定。 Whiskey威士忌 - A spirit, usually aged in oak, obtained from the distillation of a fermented mash of grain. 威士忌是由大麦及其他谷物经粉碎、糖化、发酵、蒸馏 ,酒精度也在60-65的范围,经木桶储存数年而成。 Rum 朗姆酒- a potable spirit, aged in wood, obtained from the distillation of sugar cane juice or molasses. 是以甘蔗为原料,将甘蔗榨汁后发酵、蒸馏后在橡木桶中储存而成,是世界上消费量最大的酒品之一。 Vodka伏尔加 - The American version is a neutral spirit obtained from a grain mash and filtered so it does not have any distinctive aroma, taste or color.是从俄语“水”一词派生而来的,是俄国具有代表性的白酒,起先用小麦、黑麦、大麦等作原料酿造的,到18世纪以后运用土豆和玉米作原料蒸馏而成。 Gin金酒/杜松子酒 - a flavored beverage obtained by redistilling a high-proof neutral spirit in the presence of juniper berries and other flavoring agents. 又称“琴酒”或“杜松子酒”,是人类第一种为特殊目的所造的烈酒,琴酒的家乡在荷兰,它起源于1660年,最先是由一位荷兰的高校教授Sylvius所独创,其目的是为了让荷兰人预防感染热带性疾病,最初是作为利尿、清热的药剂运用。酿造:主要是以谷物为原料,经过糖化、发酵、蒸馏成高度酒精后,加入杜松子、柠檬皮、肉桂等原料,再进行其次次的蒸馏形成。金酒在鸡尾酒的调制中运用量特别大,一些出名的鸡尾酒的成份大都离不开金酒。 Tequila龙舌兰酒- made from a fermented must of the agave plant. 必需由龙舌兰发酵而成。 Cordials and Liqueurs甜酒和利口酒- Distillation or infusion of a flavoring agent in a base spirit.蒸馏或在基酒中剂注入增味剂。Whiskey Production威士忌生产 Mashing磨碎 - Mixing the grains that have been ground to grist with warm water that completes the conversion of the starches into fermentable sugars. This is called the wort or the mash. 将发芽后的大麦进行加工磨碎,使其更易溶解,同时也会释出一种甜味的液体,称之为麦芽汁。在磨碎过程中所需的材料是水和经过发芽的大麦。水质在这整个过程中都起着特别重要的作用,当然也确定了最终生产出的酒。 Fermentation发酵 The mash is cooled and placed in a fermenter. Yeast is added and the mash bubbles away for two or three days until it becomes a liquid known as distillers beer. This is about 8-9% alcohol. 酵母是一种单细胞的微生物,这也就是说,它是一种个体只能通过显微镜才能视察出来的活的生物。它是植物王国里的一员, 真菌的一种。酵母有很多不同的种类,但是在蒸馏和酿造业中最常见的则是一种叫做Saccharomyces Cerevisiae的酿酒酵母。给这种微小的微生物一个形象的概念吧!把3个成熟的酵母细胞首尾相连,它的长度是1英寸的千分之一,而1磅的酵母中最多有70亿个细胞。 Distillation 蒸馏- This mash is then heated in the still, the vapors which contain the concentrated flavors and alcohol are cooled and captured in a separate vessel. 蒸馏是在几对带有鹅颈弯头的铜壶里进行的。通常一个比另一个大,但是在不同的酒厂,它们的形态、高度和尺寸都是不同的。蒸馏器的寿命取决于它的运用状况,通常是在15到30年左右。两个主要的蒸馏操作是将液体转化蒸汽,再将蒸汽转化成液体,即蒸发和冷凝。蒸馏其实就是通过这些操作来起到分别的作用。液体可以从固体中分别出来,或者从一种液体到另一种液体。蒸馏物和残渣总有一样会被留下来。 Maturation - American straight whiskies, with the exception of corn and light, are placed in new charred white oak barrels. This mellows the whiskey and gives it color. 威士忌只有在橡木桶里保存至少三年以上,才能被合法地称作是苏格兰威士忌。假如麦芽酒要作为单一麦芽威士忌销售,那么它至少要经过8年,最好10到12年的醇化。Whiskey American威士忌-美国 A product distilled from the “mash” of grains (corn, rye, barley, wheat). It may be blended or straight. 生产美国威士忌所运用的主要谷物有玉米、大卖和黑麦。虽然有时也运用小麦。发酵的意义特别重大,
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