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欧阳与创编2021.03.08仁爱版七年级英语上册语法练习时间:2021.03.08创作:欧阳与一、用 be 动词及其正确的形式填空。1.- _you Michale? - No,I_. 2.What_Janes phone number?3.- Where _she from? - She _from the USA. 4.- Where _Lily and Lucy from? - They _from the USA.5.- _those apples ? - No, they _. They _cakes.6. -_that cap red? - No, it_. It _yellow. 7.The girl in green _Lisa.8.- How much ( 多 少 钱 ) _these apples? - 10yuan a kilo.9.- How much (多少钱)_this salt (盐)? One yuan a kilo.10.There_twelve people in his family.11.There_ some vegetables (一些蔬菜) desk.on the欧阳与创编2021.03.08欧阳与创编2021.03.0812.There_ some water (水) in the bottle (瓶 子). There _ (not be) any milk13.I _ a student. 14.We _ friends. 15.He _ a good boy. 16.She _ is my sister.17.They _ playing football. 18.You _ my friend.19.I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not. 20.The girl_ Jacks sister.21._ your brother in the classroom?22.Who _ I? 23.The jeans _ on the desk.24.My sisters name _Nancy.25. _a doctor. 26.My father_a policeman. 27. Mike _ from Canada.28.Her sister _a nurse.29.They _ my classmates. 30.He _ my brother.31.She _ a dancer. 32.I_a student. 33.His mother_a housewife.34.We_Chinese 二、写出下列缩写或完全形式。I am_ who is _ what is_ Therere_ is not_arent_wheres_donot_ doesnt_ theyre_ 三、用 has/have 填空。欧阳与创编2021.03.08欧阳与创编2021.03.08I _a happy family. My parents both ( 都 有 )_big ears. My mother _long blond hair and my father _short black hair. Does my sister Rose _big ears, too? Yes, but she doesnt _long blond hair like my mother. My pet (宠物) Kitty _short legs and big feet. Do you _a nice family ,too?四、用 do, does 及其正确形式填空。1.- Excuse me. _you have any good friends?- Yes, I _.2.- Kangkang and Jane, _you have different looks?- Yes, we_.3.- What _Kangkang look like? _he have strong arms?- Yes, he_.4.- _Jane have blue eyes?- Yes, she_.5.- _you have any pets (宠物) at home(在家)?- Yes, its a cat.- _it have a name?- Yes, its name is Tommy.- Thanks a lot.- Not at all.五、在需要的地方用 a ,an ,填空。 _ruler_phone_head _orange _eraser _apple_English car _oldman _arm_uncle _ear_officeworker _actor _toy_university (大学)_elephant _hat欧阳与创编2021.03.08欧阳与创编2021.03.08_umbrella(雨伞) _rabbit _hour _idea _ honest boy_interesting(有趣的) book _easy question (简单问题)_orange dress _apple pie(苹果派) _X-ray machine (X 射线) _ice cream(冰 淇淋)_ car _egg _pen _teacher _old teacher_young teacher _new teacher _ big nose _ big eyes_ small mouth _ big ears _round face _five feet_short legs _short arms _hand _arm _mouth六代词填空1.Could_(你)ask_(他)tocall_( 我)back(回去)?2.Dont forget_(我们).3._( 我们)would like to buy_ (他们).4.Could_( 你们)help_( 她)out?(出去)5. Theres one dollar on the floor( 地板上有一美元 ) . Pick_(它)up(捡起它来).6._(他们) are friendly (友好的) to_ (你欧阳与创编2021.03.08欧阳与创编2021.03.08们).7._(我)like_ (她)a lot.8._( 她 )brings (带) _ (他们) to_ (我们).9.Does_ (他)give_(它)to_(他)? 10._(他)does_(他的)homework on Sunday. 11._(它)cant find_(它的)way home. 12._ ( 她 ) looks after ( 照 顾 ) _( 她 的)grandmother(祖母).13.This is_(我的)pen. Thats_(你的)。14.These coats arent_( 我的). I think theyre_ (你们的)。15._( 他的)jacket is blue._(她的)is white. 16.-Whose bike is this? - Its_(他的). 17.Those are_( 我们的 )desks. _ (他们的) are over there.18.- Are these TV sets _ ( 我 们 的 ) ? - No ,theyre_(他们的)TV。七用所给的动词的适当形式填空。1. -_she _(like)noodles?-Yes, she_. 2. Jane_(have)a new pen .But Tom_(not have)one.欧阳与创编2021.03.08欧阳与创编2021.03.083. Maria_(try)on the new dress.4. Let me _(help)you.5Where does he_(come)form? 6He _(come)form HongKong. 7She_(be)from Cuba.8I_(look) like my mom.9She_(look) like her father(父亲). 10 -_he_(come)formGuiyang?-No,he_八.句型转换:1I am a teacher.(转换成为一般疑问句并回答)2They are reading a book. .( 转换成为一般疑问句 并回答)3.He is playing computer games. ( 转换成为一般疑问 句并回答)4.We are having an English class.( 转换成为一般疑问句 并回答)5.She is dancing. (转换成为一般疑问句并回答)6I a
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