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Module4 第4课时Cultural corner.单项填空1Helen_with anger when she saw a fly in her soup.AexplodedBexplainedCexpressed Dsaid答案:A此处表示“勃然大怒”之意。2All of us still remember the terrible earthquake that_Tangshan twenty years ago.Aattacked BstruckCknocked Dexploded答案:Bstrike意为“袭击”。表示地震、洪水等灾害侵袭某地,也可用hit。3No matter how much you may dislike the adverts, theres no way to_them in an age of globalization.Amiss Bmeet Csee Descape答案:D考查动词词义辨析。句意:不论你多么不喜欢广告,在这个全球化的时代,没有方法能够逃避它们。关键是对句子的理解,否则易误选B项。4Each player of chess is trying to trap the other players king into a position_escape is impossible.Awhen BthatCin which Dfrom which答案:Descape from a position“从处境中逃脱出来”。介词from提前。5_of food_to the countries struck by the seaquake(海啸)ALarge quantities; is sent BLarge quantities; are sentCLarge numbers; is sent DLarge numbers; are sent答案:Blarge quantities of/a large quantity of既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词;large numbers of/a large number of只能修饰可数名词。另外,当quantities of名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数,所以答案为B。6Now many crops can be improved_different species of plant, such as rice, wheat.Aby making Bby crossingCby converting Dby changing答案:B这里by doing something是指“通过某种方式来做某事”,通过常识我们可以判断,物种改良主要通过杂交,故答案为B。7I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson_.Acut in Bcut downCcut out Dcut up答案:A本句句意:我正要跟玛格里特说话,突然约翰逊打断了我们的谈话。本题考查以cut为中心词的短语辨析:cut in“插嘴;(突然)插入;汽车抢道”;cut down“砍倒;减少”;cut out“剪除;剪掉;停止;放弃”;cut up“切碎;歼灭”;根据句意选A。8Along with the letter was his promise_he would visit me this coming Christmas.AwhichBthatCwhatDwhether答案:B这是一个同位语从句。解释promise的具体内容,要用that引导。9Hi, this way, please.OK. I sometimes have no sense of_when I arrive at the crossroad.Aposition BdirectionCsituation Dcondition答案:B“嗨,请这边走。”“好,当我到达十字路口时,有时会没有方向感。”direction“方向”。10Nearly all the streets are in_lines, running from east to west. Those that run from north to south are called avenues.Adirect Bright Cstraight Dlong答案:C句意:并非所有的街道都是东西走向的直线。那些南北走向的街道被称为大街。.完形填空A famous actor in a successful play once took a part of a noble who had been in prison for 20 years. In the last act, a jailor(狱吏)would come on the stage with a_1_which he would hand to the_2_. Even though the noble was expected to_3_the letter at each performance, he always insisted that it be_4_out in full.One night, the jailor decided to play a_5_on his fellowactor to find out_6_after so many performances, he had_7_to learn the contents of the letter by heart. The_8_went up on the final act of the play and revealed(展现)the noble sitting alone in his dark cell(牢房). Just then, the jailor appeared with the letter in his hands. He entered the _9_and handed the letter to the noble._10_the copy he gave him was_11_a blank sheet of paper. The jailor looked on,_12_to see if his fellowactor had learned his lines. The noble_13_the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. Then he said,“The light is dim(暗). Read the letter to me.” And he immediately handed the paper to the jailor._14_that he could not_15_a word of the letter, the jailor replied,“The light is_16_dim, sir. I must get my_17_”_18_this, he hurried off the stage. Much to the nobles_19_, the jailor returned a few seconds later with a pair of glasses and the_20_copy of the letter which he started to read to the prisoner.1A.letter BbookClight Dnote答案:A在一次演出中,为了考验一下搭档演员是否记住了台词,另一名演员故意交给他一封空白信。结果,让他机智地解决了。本题考查的是上下文理解,从下文表演读信得知此处为一封信。2A.actor BprisonerCother Dpolice答案:B这是一幕戏,表演的是一位贵族在狱中的戏。此时,当然要把信交给“囚犯了”。3A.write BreceiveCread Dspell答案:C从上下文可知,每一次演到此处,“贵族”都要读一封信。4A.written BsentChanded Dtaken答案:A导演希望演员能够把台词背下来,但是这个演员却要求把内容写下来,所以选A。5A.game BjokeCfun Dpart答案:B依下文可知,扮演狱卒的演员想和他开个玩笑。play a joke“开玩笑”,其余搭配不合语境要求。6A.how BwhenCif Dwhat答案:C描写了狱卒的心态,想要看看这个演员“是否”已经记住了台词。7A.tried BmanagedCfailed Dpretended答案:B从上下文语境了解到,狱卒想要知道此演员是否成功的记住了台词。8A.jailor BprisonerCcurtain Dlight答案:C从文中可知,此时最后一场戏的“幕布”拉起。9A.stage BplayCtheatre Dcell答案:D舞台上展示的是那位贵族坐在牢房的情景,所以,狱卒进入的也就是牢房(cell)。10A.But BSoCAs DBecause答案:A狱卒给贵族一封信,“但是”却是空白的。11A.hardly BreallyCsimply Dfinally答案:C根据上下文得知,那封信几乎是空白的。hardly“几乎不”;really“真正地”;simply“仅仅;只是”;finally“最后”。12A.worried BeagerCafraid Dsurprised答案:B形容词做状语,表达狱卒迫切想知道结果如何。worried“担忧的”,eager“渴望的”;afraid“害怕的”;surprised“吃惊的”。13A.stared at BtoreCfolded up Dcorrected答案:A根据上下文知,演员是看信看了几分钟。stared at“凝视”;tore“撕;扯”;folded up“折起”;corrected“纠正”。14A.Finding BHopingCWatching DChecking答案:A狱卒发现他也忘记台词了。分词做状语。15A.understand BreadCremember Dsee答案:C面对一张白纸,要一字不漏地说出具体内容,此时的狱卒发现他也回忆不起信的具体内容。16A.not BindeedClittle Dslightly答案:B这里表达了狱卒的心情,发现自己也记不起信的内容时,他附和贵族的话,加以肯定,“光
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