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Unit 4 Food and RestaurantsLesson 24Eat Good Food!课时分层训练(二十四)Lesson 24.根据句意及所给英文或汉语提示完成句子1Do you like _ (看) The Voice of China(中国好声音) on TV?2Mum buys some delicious _ (三明治) for me.3Jack has _ (仅仅) one friend in his class.4I dont know how to do it. Can you give me some _ (tip)?5Please _(eat) some vegetables and fruit. They are good for our bodies.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空get enough rest, watch TV, be away, order takeout, every day1My uncle _ for some days.2Julie is good at English. She reads English _.3You are too tired. You need _4I dont want to cook. Lets _5After supper, my mother _ and my father reads newspapers.单项填空()1.He feels sick, because he drinks _ juice.Atoo many Bmuch tooCtoo much Dmany too ()2.Our teacher is away _ a week.Aof Bon Cfor Dwith()3._ eat too much chocolate. Its bad for your health.ANot BDontCArent DCant()4.P.S. is short _ postscript.Aof Bon Cfor Dwith()5._ the vegetables?In the fridge.AWhat is BWhat areCWhere is DWhere are.根据短文内容及首字母或所给词提示完成短文I am Ling Jing. I am a 1._(China) girl. Sandwiches are my favourite 2.f_. I love 3._(they). I think they are 4.n_. I like to have them 5._ breakfast. 6._ eating too many sandwiches is not good for me. So I eat 7.o_ one a day. I also like all kinds of 8._(fruit), such as pears and apples. I think we need 9._(eat) them every day. 10._ about you? Do you like fruits?.阅读理解Andy loves donuts, pizza, fries and hamburgers.For drinks, he always likes coke, juice or drinks full of sugar.“You cant always have these things!” Andys mum says. “You may have a toothache and you will have to go to see a dentist”But Andy doesnt agree with(赞成) his mother. “Why are all the delicious things bad for me? I dont like carrots or cabbage. Im not a rabbit.”“I know, but you need healthy(健康的) food for your teeth, eyes, and even your brain(大脑)!” Mum says. “Tomorrow morning, you will see eggs, some bread, some fresh fruit, and a glass of milk on your table. If you dont have healthy food, I will not buy any snacks(零食) for you.”Andy is not happy, but he thinks his mother is right. And he really doesnt want to see a dentist.()1.What kind of food does Andy like?AFruit. BVegetables.CHealthy food. DSweet drinks.()2.The underlined word “dentist” means“_” in Chinese.A教授 B律师 C经理 D牙医()3.What is healthy food for Andy?ACarrots. BCabbage.CEggs. DAll of the above.()4.Tomorrow Andys breakfast may have _. Adonuts Ba hamburgerCan apple Dcoke()5.What can we learn from the last paragraph(段落)?AAndy listens to what his mum says. BMum buys Andy some snacks.CAndy feels very happy.DAndy goes to the dentist.课时滚动训练Lessons 2224.完形填空Its 12:00 now. Its time _1_ lunch. My friend Pat and I are _2_We go to a _3_There _4_many people in it. A waitress _5_ up when we sit down.“Can I help you?”“Yes,please. Id like some spring rolls(春卷) and _6_What about you, Pat?”“Id like some dumplings. And I also want _7_ a bowl of soup.”The waitress serves(端上) the food. It is very delicious _8_ the soup has a strange taste(奇怪的味道)The waitress says there are some herbs(中药) in it. Its a special Chinese soup. Its good _9_ us. We like Chinese food and the _10_ soup.()1.A.inBonCforDat()2.A.sad BthirstyChungry Dhappy ()3.A.school Brestaurant Chome Dlibrary()4.A.have Bhas Care Dis()5.A.go Bgoing Ccome Dcomes()6.A.chickens BfishesCfish Dmilks()7.A.eat Bto eatCdrink Dto drink()8.A.and Bor Cthen Dbut()9.A.for Bin Cwith Don()10.A.well Bspecial Csweet Dbad .阅读理解下面是某餐馆部分食品的价目表及Rose、Meng Li 和Wang Lei在该餐馆吃午餐时所点的食物列表。FoodPrice(yuan)DrinksPrice(yuan)Sandwich3Coke(can)3Hamburger5Orange juice(bottle)3Hot dog2Milk(glass)2Egg1Water(bottle)1NameWhat would they like?Rosea bottle of juice,two hot dogs,an eggMeng Litwo cans of coke,a hamburger,an eggWang Leia glass of milk,an egg,a sandwich()1.How many drinks are mentioned(提到)?ATwo.BFour.CFive. DEight.()2.What would Meng Li like?ASome juice,a hot dog and an egg.BSome soup,a sandwich and an egg.CTwo cans of Coke,a hamburger and an egg.DSome milk and a hamburger.()3.What food do they all want?ASandwiches. BHot dogs.CHamburgers. DEggs.()4.How much should(应该) Rose pay(付款)?ATen yuan. BEight yuan.CSix yuan. DFive yuan.()5.Which one is TRUE?AWang Lei has only a glass of milk for lunch.BThe three people will pay twentysix yuan in all(总共)CA sandwich is 5 yuan.D
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