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备课时间:2015 年 月 日 上课时间: 2015年 月 日 第 节课 题Module 10 AustraliaUnit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.教学目标1. To make a poster about a country.2. To understand a conversation about visiting a country.3. To know more about Australia. 4.To master some words and expressions about Australia. 教学重点 1. To learn some words and expressions:magical, height, sailing, sailing boat, sheep, wool, ant, fly, hat, scissors, diary, keep a diary, central, hate, according to, keep sb./sth. away, cut off, brush, brush sth. off sth., at the time.2. To learn some expressions about describing a country.教学难点To learn some expressions about describing a country.教学准备Multimedia and some pictures教 学 教 程集 体 备 课 思 路个 人 补 充 调 整Step 1 Warming up Using some pictures, answer the questions:1. Where were the Olympic Games held in 2000?2. What is the largest English-speaking country in the southern part of the world?3. What famous things can you see there?Look at the pictures and say new words. Step 3 Listen and read, then complete the table. Step 4 Reading Read the dialogue and answer the questions.1. What is Tony going to write about?2. Why does Tonys dad show his photos of Australia to Tony?3. Who are the people in some of the photos?4. Why do many Australians speak English?5. What did Tonys dad not like about Australia?Step 5 Language points1. 1. They may help you. Here we go. here we go意思是“我们这就看看”。 e.g. Right, Here we go! 好, 我们这就去看看!2. This is a rock called Ayers Rock, in central Australia. central adj. 中心的; 在中间的 central 在句中可用作定语或表语 e.g. The capital is in the central part of the state. 用作定语 My house is very central. 用作表语3. According to the local people, its a special and magical place. according to e.g. According to Ben, they are not getting on very well at the moment. You will be paid according to the amount of work you do. 4. Does it lie off the northeast coast of Australia? northeast adj. 在东北的 n. 东北 adv. 向东北; 来自东北5. They wear special hats that keep the flies away. keep sb./sth. away (from sth.) (使)避开; (使)不靠近 e.g. You must keep away from the dog. 你千万别靠近那条狗。6. The scissors that theyre holding are used to cut the wool off the sheep. cut off 切断(水、电); 中断; 关掉; 切下来; 剪下来e.g. He cut off the branches from the trunk. The heavy wind cut off the wire.7. I hated the ants that were all over the place. hate v. 憎恨; 讨厌 hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事 e.g. Jill hates Monday mornings. I hate doing housework. 8. I had to brush them off my clothes, especially my trousers! brush v. (用刷子)刷 n. 刷子 brush sth. off sth. 把某物从某物上刷掉 e.g. She brushed the dust off the tablecloth.9. It wasnt funny at the time! at the time 那时; 在那段时间e.g. In1969thefirstmenlandedonthemoon-Iwastwelve atthetime. 【拓展】attimes 有时; 不时 e.g. She visitsmeattimes. atatime 作“一次,每次”讲,常用于“数词 + atatime”的结构中。e.g. Entertwoatatime. 每次进来两人。 Step 6 HomeworkWrite a passage about a place you have visited. 备课时间:2015 年 月 日 上课时间: 2015年 月 日 第 节课 题Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football.教学目标1.surf, kangaroo, ride, riding, lazy, ham, salad, grape, period, relationship, relative, be surprised 2.Enable students to read about some famous places in Australia and learn to describe them.3.To be glad to take part in the group work.4.To know more about Australia.教学重点To learn how to describe a visit to a place教学难点1. To get information from the article.2. To write a composition about asking the way and giving directions.教学准备A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures教 学 教 程集 体 备 课 思 路个 人 补 充 调 整Step 1 Warming up Australia is a beautiful country. Lets enjoy the charming scenery.What do you know about Australia? Do you know about Australian football? Lets watch a video about Australian.Step 2 Consolidate new wordsStep 3 ReadingLook at the pictures and describe them. Now guess what Tony is going to say in his letter. Read the letter and find out what the pictures show.Keys: Ayers Rock and an Aboriginea kangaroosurfingfields, hills and sheepStep 4 Read the letter in Activity 2 again and find:1. five colours: purple, red 2. three animals:3. four kinds of food:4. four sports:Keys: purple, red, dark blue, yellow, greensheep, kangaroos, horsesham, beef, salad, grapesAustralian football, swimming, surfing, horse ridingStep 5 Complete the table.Keys: 3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres high; a centre of local Aboriginal culturehave lived in Australia from the earliest timesham and beef with lots of salad, Australian football, going to the beach sunny English, special expressi
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