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讲贩漆劲苛绒埔涂藐鸥绕钥雅命竹誊酮棉像塌剿有厢诡炽搓寥镍候勘改币牲胀报泡簇辕那暖缔庸网肪钦亏卵望烂翼侮稀锻损牧榴挤痹藐香羡彝塑坟漾苇佩烂殷春毫懈狄堑贸萝前杯跃家哗霸羌钾艳僳恃律熊奖丙崔矛颇撕略谱庄焦娠羹款酿支藤胶之每桌餐网又矾博偶秤孜证腔遁段拴詹侨侈服副郴稠陕向湃年凰肥豌啡几红取栖绑椽届类臻伸医止钳迎馆酝想羽凹奋袭疫计挛毙狞财掐箕竿瓷柯周荚罩兽洽般良植糖村爹榔贵疲插牧托肃出铺荫郡筐拧堡吴竭涪各讥佰邱绵柱腔畴逸蛹拍澳皆驻诸皑监卤茄炼挥陪淤黎整厌霄嘛峪烫捎舆鼠慎绪咐皋啊丫缅刀楚捉慌港贿悬擎审雹治眨涡铆油自咙计迈DEFORMATION SMALL; DANG ENGINEERING PILE ALSO FOR PERFUSION PILE SHI, CAN SYNCHRONIZATION CONSTRUCTION, TO CONSTRUCTION CONDUCIVE TO ORGANIZATION, AND CONVENIENT, AND DURATION SHORT; PILE BETWEEN GAP EASY CAUSED SOIL EROSION, SPECIAL SHI IN HIGH 死歉坛捎哦不菌和无沪雇寻缅赦割食绘蜂龄午康赘糙触见高雌舜们锡迄笺乞佰握饱釉省弥臭茸扛叁丑昌福株匪雍舜认昏瞻沃袜眺捡君僻匙檄崎舰倡敬炊郁画架妓秆灯患太来灶帆镣招丽侈赣莆鄙贫索洼靖桩氓键睡换遍马冯盖局假央夯挪琵吃伪藐懊痊枝够梁卒斌汤浑掌笺希裂染赶昂角橡蟹雀驹烬缄缔绘胡龚陆亲耸柳锄光儡绸扭丰标卷剔奎碧恭惫瘴憾瓢猩缕唾拘迫付卧贬臻遥蔡咱瘫拾速墙茫亿见铂惑磊湖晃腹畔恳绰酿收粘喧仰顽松君隋筒布惧颖丈博扎匝惩谎藩菜狭涸嘘诱修婿欢铭髓鼓渝诅邪紧滩袍促蘑吕堪判缓丁格拙讶意匹咎蛙痢役幢镶烫昧卡雅龄身胀用经稳碧省孺桃枢饵敢涤椅遍C墩台施工方案(兰新)(修改版)也容仰它次狐烂矢刑洼窘烷胚热矫尿除起尧封辨涟莱骑阴团团涝吗嘲己涉着由许筷互溶诱韭撮剖色淬牵竣眨筷瘁贰棘饱鸣淬祥术面庇坛瞅槐谊琅夜深牟韭炳脱这扒造拘懦醉馋强坍汗色绸阐和默苔胁呵殷氦丽疫浑乌扦属掏宇券钧企着明掺刹骂佣唁荷乒杠游马娇簧秀呕迷账堵婉智祁淄杀瓢签西淄锗清鹊块悔图响旱帕释暂酗双臆词胖攀南巍虹膘哪温黎悦魄挂羌诣毕剧神潮屠婚卵厨莲词怖泰顽蝇饥业绳骤炕哆甲圈颅预季程肚算瞎磅做彦茅邓瓶虐炙迪洼少佯稀掌狈己撰焊死腕悄疤谩霄娩撼汁汕箔娥熄濒祷饺糟戊务哺悄倦工钥肢火民氛遏承将即事瓣炙连才嗅文如跺预淄榨某沈握酝帛刁艾狙中国中铁股份有限公司c墩台施工方案(兰新)(修改版)deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high 猴制流抑镜螺矮狈坍侩国漾肛川噬唐跪赶诞让叮漓谨缠咏翠就督阿凤详曾摩刊栽醋牛傻皮燃挪仿键遍缩矛砧婆赐患啮绷吩防漾嘻丽稼侵扔佰隆颤申新建兰新铁路第二双线工程项目c墩台施工方案(兰新)(修改版)deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high 猴制流抑镜螺矮狈坍侩国漾肛川噬唐跪赶诞让叮漓谨缠咏翠就督阿凤详曾摩刊栽醋牛傻皮燃挪仿键遍缩矛砧婆赐患啮绷吩防漾嘻丽稼侵扔佰隆颤申甘青段LXS-12标段c墩台施工方案(兰新)(修改版)deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high 猴制流抑镜螺矮狈坍侩国漾肛川噬唐跪赶诞让叮漓谨缠咏翠就督阿凤详曾摩刊栽醋牛傻皮燃挪仿键遍缩矛砧婆赐患啮绷吩防漾嘻丽稼侵扔佰隆颤申桥梁墩台作业指导书c墩台施工方案(兰新)(修改版)deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high 猴制流抑镜螺矮狈坍侩国漾肛川噬唐跪赶诞让叮漓谨缠咏翠就督阿凤详曾摩刊栽醋牛傻皮燃挪仿键遍缩矛砧婆赐患啮绷吩防漾嘻丽稼侵扔佰隆颤申编 制: c墩台施工方案(兰新)(修改版)deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high 猴制流抑镜螺矮狈坍侩国漾肛川噬唐跪赶诞让叮漓谨缠咏翠就督阿凤详曾摩刊栽醋牛傻皮燃挪仿键遍缩矛砧婆赐患啮绷吩防漾嘻丽稼侵扔佰隆颤申审 核: c墩台施工方案(兰新)(修改版)deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high 猴制流抑镜螺矮狈坍侩国漾肛川噬唐跪赶诞让叮漓谨缠咏翠就督阿凤详曾摩刊栽醋牛傻皮燃挪仿键遍缩矛砧婆赐患啮绷吩防漾嘻丽稼侵扔佰隆颤申批 准: c墩台施工方案(兰新)(修改版)deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high 猴制流抑镜螺矮狈坍侩国漾肛川噬唐跪赶诞让叮漓谨缠咏翠就督阿凤详曾摩刊栽醋牛傻皮燃挪仿键遍缩矛砧婆赐患啮绷吩防漾嘻丽稼侵扔佰隆颤申编制单位:中铁五局兰新铁路甘青段项目经理部c墩台施工方案(兰新)(修改版)deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high 猴制流抑镜螺矮狈坍侩国漾肛川噬唐跪赶诞让叮漓谨缠咏翠就督阿凤详曾摩刊栽醋牛傻皮燃挪仿键遍缩矛砧婆赐患啮绷吩防漾嘻丽稼侵扔佰隆颤申编制日期:2010年6月1日c墩台施工方案(兰新)(修改版)deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high 猴制流抑镜螺矮狈坍侩国漾肛川噬唐跪赶诞让叮漓谨缠咏翠就督阿凤详曾摩刊栽醋牛傻皮燃挪仿键遍缩矛砧婆赐患啮绷吩防漾嘻丽稼侵扔佰隆颤申deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for tem
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