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英文实习报告it is in jin xiu travel age ncy that i have my are six departme nts and i was in two departme nts: treatmemt departme nt and ticket departme nt. my job is recei ving guests in the office and orderi ng pla ne ticket for costomers, and some times i also an swered the phone, help ing visitors un dersta nd traveli ng route of travel age ncy or tak ing tickets for them.because tourism is a service in dustry,so i want to lear n how to muni catewith differe nt people and lear n somebus in ess about travel payatte nti onto others every action and every movement, must learn the skill which conv erses with the visitor. this is i lear ns the most useful experie nee in the travel age ncy.through this experie nee, i received some kno wledge we must un dersta nd first as follows,first, i ought to kow n the traveli ng place s in side and outside traffic and the en vir onment protecti on.second, the travel agency s service regulations and management tips.third, the travel agency s nature and managemenbusiness and management model.travel age ncy is the professo inal orga nazati on which provides traveli ng service for people. since the professioal n ature, the tourism is the service in dustry. it provides meal, hotel, route etc service.service atitude is very important in tourism. you ought to smile to every pers on in order to make them finding you are frie ndly. and i must strive for the opport un ity. regard ing this poin t, i have the depth experie nee. because is an intern, therefore the pany cannot inv est too many resources to you. the pany thought the practiceborns with is the practice finished must retur n to the school tostudy, future not n ecessarily will be ablein the practice unit practised the unit to arrange the work for you, could not specially teach you more things.after i entered pany period oftime,i realize this questi on. how the n solves this problem? whe never after i plete the work task, i all can help other staff to han dlesome trivial matters on own in itiative. for example: printing, typ ing, scheduli ng.this proce dure advantage is obtains outside other staffs favorableimpressi ons, they in uncon sciously cen ter already relied on you, some matters were used to it you to do. thus, i have the opport un ity to ask for advice other staffs,learns more knowledge,obtainsmore experiences.in addition, i must work hard and serious. i found everything is not easy. i can t make any mistakes when i check the plane ticket or seting a fax, or i can make a worse con seque nee. and i also should be careful for my writing, it s very important to makeother people understand you meaning well. from this experie nee, i feel sin cere to every pers on are so importa nt, if you are sin cere to others, they can sin cere to you too. sin cere is very importa nt to muni cate with others. and whatever you do, patie nee and obligatio n are so importa nt, you should be calm dow n first and you can do it intern ship is a stude nt must have some experie nee, it en abled us to un dersta nd the social practice, we lear ned a lot in the classroom atte ndance less tha n the fun dame ntal kno wledge, but also ope ned up a vision and experienee, as we move further toward the munity after laying a solid foun dati on.but this experienee also makemerecognize a lot of shortings for myself. it petes very seriously between travel agencys. you not only should take hold of professional knowledge but also you should understand how to get along with different people. i find i mlack of education and experienee.it s very different between school and social, i feel the theory which learned in school are not the sameto the work concept. that s the reason why weare practice. it can makemestrengthen and understand the knowledge in class and bring up our liv ing capability.i ama foreign Ianguage professional tourism students and i learn in books on the management aspects of the knowledge and english, it seems easy to understand, but not put into practice. during this experienee, to the unit after the intern ship experie nee difficulty of how to pers on allystood upto the time before aware of their knowledge, abilitiesand experienee ishow the lack of. duri ng the intern ship, i have broade ned our horiz ons, a growth of kno wledge, experie nee the brutal petiti on in society.and i have to talk about someth ing about traveli ng.first, i fo und some advertiseme nts in the n ewspapers and magaz ines published the almost same routes as in the dining trip acmodatio n, tran sport and other more or less the same by diffe nent travel age ncy. because this is the same sin gle product, leadi ng to big price war among travel agencies, travel agencies are bring downthe price of a line, which will in evitably lead to a decli ne in the quality of service, and travel age ncies also do not want to develop new tourist routes and tourism products, as a new tourist route developme nt requires sub
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