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精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除Unit 41. Cognitive Information(认知信息): Consumer Satisfaction2. Language Focus(内容重点) Key Words: . bargain, trick, extort, silly, innocent, novelty, whereupon, rush, breathtaking, impertinence, plead, outrage, sane, trifle, extravagant, loo, sticky; . persuade, rational, checkout, counter, thought-out, vulnerable, economy, dependability, convenience, rock(music), nutritious, package, intelligent Phrases: . to start with, might as well, for the sake of, in ones defense, as though, for ones life time, pile up, fall for, serve sb. right, all the same; . at other times, for pleasure Word Study: accuse, offer, resist, fade, prohibit Useful Structures:I feel certain that . It will sell well.even though . do a good job Grammar: Subjunctive Mood of Verbs (1)3. Communicative Skills(交际技能) Expressions: Expressions of “Complaining” Practical Reading: Advertisements of Bargains4. Lexical Knowledge(词汇学知识): Suffixes: able/ible, al, ant/ent, ary/ory, an/ianbargainan effective sales technique to encourage customers to purchasegarage sale 现场旧货出售chain store 连锁商店five-and-ten-cent store/dime store 廉价商店grocery store 杂货店e-business in the Internet 网上交易supermarket 超级市场auction market 拍卖市场sky market 露天市场flea market 跳蚤市场(旧货和廉价商品市场)night market夜市public produce market 农产品零售市场street market 路摊secondhand market 旧货市场Pairwork: Discuss with your partner the following questions.1.Do you often bargain with shop assistants when you buy things?2.Do you often look around the shops for bargains?3.Where or when are you most likely to find a bargain?4.Have you ever bought anything that you didnt need just because you thought it was a bargain?5.What was the best bargain you have found? Describe it to your classmates.1. Definition of consumer satisfactionConsumer satisfaction is a business term used to capture the idea of measuring how satisfied an enterprises consumers are with the organizations efforts in a marketplace. Every organization has consumers of some kind. The organization provides products (goods and/or services) of some kind to its consumers through the mechanism of a marketplace. The products the organization provides are subject to competition whether by similar products or by substitution products. The reason an organization is interested in the satisfaction of its consumers is because consumers purchase the organizations products. The organization is interested in retaining its existing consumers and increasing the number of its consumers. Consumer satisfaction is an ambiguous.and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person. The state of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical variables. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other options the consumer may have and other products against which the consumer can compare the organizations products. Because satisfaction is basically a psychological state, it is difficult to measure quantitatively. In other words, there are no units of satisfaction that have been defined. The usual measures of consumer satisfaction involve a survey instrument with a set of statements using a scale. The consumer is asked to evaluate each statement and then select from a scale how much the consumer agrees or disagrees with the statement.2. Benefits of consumer satisfactionConsumer satisfaction has a positive influence on the consumer: the perception of the risk that preceded the purchase disappears; the consumers self-concept might improve because the purchase was accomplished successfully; and positive information is frequently spontaneously communicated to other consumers. If a consumer is satisfied with a product, he or she would in future buy that particular product more confidently. Brand loyalty might develop as a result. The benefit of consumer satisfaction to enterprises is that they have managed to provide products to the market that satisfy the needs of consumers. This could in turn ensure the continued existence and growth of the enterprise, particularly if the consumer is satisfied to such an extent that he or she shares the experience with other consumers. Therefore, a successful purchase is not only beneficial to the consumers, but also to the other parties involved (the retailer and the producer that could be represented by a brand or a trade name).3. Factors influencing consumer satisfactionConsumer satisfaction is sometimes defined as a consumers evaluation of the actual performance of a purchase (product or service) in terms of pre-formulated objectives and expectations. Consumer satisfaction comes when a purchase is evaluated in the course of its use and the consumer concludes that it meets or exceeds his or her initial expectations. The interaction between expectation of a product and the eventual performance of
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