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中考英语听力复习一、中考听力题的特点学习英语的目的是让学生能听懂日常生活中的实际用语并作出恰当反应。听力测试的目的是对学生通过听音获取语言信息能力的考查。听力测试在英语中考试卷中所占的比例是四分之一,也就是30分。测试的难度系数基本稳定,与学生日常生活有关的信息在增强。2009年云南省中考听力题型与去年保持一致,没有发生变化,还是分四节进行测试,共25个小题,30分的分值。二、听力测试的形式和难度云南省英语中考听力的试题基本是按照从图画单句对话短文的顺序;试题的内容由浅入深,从易到难;从单纯考查学生的知识上升到考查学生的能力,具有一定的梯度,难、易搭配适当,循序渐进,能顾及到不同地州,不同听力水平的学生。同时,力求从句子到语篇对学生的听力能力进行全方位地考查。在听力测试中,听句看图和句子理解的材料内容较少,难度也较小;对话理解和短文理解的材料内容多,难度也稍大。一般来说,录音文字材料的难度略低于教科书上的阅读材料,而且全部采用口语化的语言材料,听力材料的语速慢于一般英美人日常生活交际的正常语速。但2009年中考英语听力的难度可能会提升,主要体现在对话的加长。三、做听力测试题的三个时段1、听前观察三个图画或三个选项的异同。根据所给信息,画出重点,预测录音内容。2、听时勾划词、句注重首尾句用心记忆的同时做简要的笔记3、听后及时确定答案,并在所确定的字母序号上划上适度的斜线“/”,以便节省时间。四、听力的题型平时训练要求学生对听力的试题结构十分熟悉,必须知道每节听力的题目要求,以便能更好的做题和为做题赢得时间。第一节:1、观察图片、捕捉信息、弄清画面表达的主题。2、预测将会出现的词、句。3、听句子同时观察图片例1:(08年云南)第1题A B CIm sorry, you cant take photos here.(C)(有关日常生活物品的话题)例2:(08年云南)第2题 A B CThe young woman is drinking a glass of orange juice. (B)(有关日常饮食的话题)例3:(08年云南)第3题 A B CMy little brother likes all kinds of ball games, especially basketball.(C)(有关体育运动的话题)例4:(08年云南)第4题 A B CThere will be an elephant show in the park next Friday. (A) (有关动物的话题)例5:(08年云南)第5题 AB CIt was raining on my way home. (B) (有关天气的话题)第二节:考查:交际、语言能力(30个交际用语新课程)听力测试的材料和话题。 一般疑问句? 提问型问句 特殊疑问句?相符的正确答语 选择疑问句? 反问疑问句? 自然流畅 非提问型 符合习惯例如:1、提供信息I was ill yesterdayIm sorry. I forgot to bring my homowork 2、社交套语Happy New Year!Enjoy yourself!Happy Birthday! 3、祈使、请求Would you mind opening the door?May I borrow your pen? 4、询问信息How does your brother go to work?How many birds are there in the tree?这种题也可称做情景反应题。这类题型主要以简单交际对话的形式考查学生对单句的理解能力,也是对学生的基本交际能力和语言运用能力进行的考查。它要求学生能用所学到的语言知识和技能,根据不同的交际功能项目和不同的语境,选出符合要求的句子或答语。一般有两种类型。例6:(08年云南)第7题卷面:A. Well done.B. Quite well.C. Theyre fine.录音:How are you getting on with your classmates? (B)例7:(08年云南)第8题卷面: A. In a month. B. About a month.C. Once a month.录音: How often do you go to the cinema, Jenny? (C)根据How often就可判断应该选择哪一个答案。例8:(08年云南)第6题卷面:A. Me, too. B. Really? C. Id like to.录音:I havent seen you for a long time. Nice to see you again. (A)例9:(08年云南)第9题卷面: A. Im afraid not.B. Sorry to hear that.C. I dont think so.录音: My sister fell off the bike and hurt her left leg. (B)例10:(08年云南)第10题卷面: A. Thanks.B. Dont say so.C. No, thanks.录音: You look so beautiful in red.(A)第三节:特点是长段落型对话,角色说话一般在三次以上,出现的角色可能在两个以上,且设问会多一些。建议:1、理解大意,把握5个“W”和1个“H”。 2、根据所设问题和选项,对比分析,预测可能出现的人或地点、职业和关系、肯定和否定、数词和计算。3、适当记录(简易笔记)4、合理推测例11:(08年云南)第13-14题:听第二段对话,回答第1314小题。13. Where are they talking?A. In a school.B. In a shop.C. At home.14. What is the boys mother? A. A teacher.B. A soccer player.C. A housewife.录音材料:第二段对话,回答第1314小题。M: Mum, the summer holiday is coming. Id like to do something for others. Could you give me some advice?W: Sure. But you must clean your room first. Look! Your soccer is on your bed.M: Sorry, Mum. I wont do that again. Does your school have a soccer club?W: Yes. Why? M: Im good at playing soccer. I can help your students play soccer.W: Good idea! (CA)第四节教会学生看表格,听时表格与备选答案一起看。例12:(07年云南)第21-25题:A Shopping ListVegetablesDrinksMeatFruits 21. _22. _beefpearsbroccoli23. _chickenbananasonionsCola24. _25. _21. A. tomatoes B. cabbages C. potatoes22. A. milk B. juice C. tea23. A. orange juice B. coffee C. water24. A. seafood B. duck C. pork25. A. oranges B. apples C. strawberries录音材料:W: We have nearly eaten up our foods and drinks, dear. Lets make a shopping list before going shopping.M: Good idea. Then we wont miss anything.W: First, we are going to buy two kilos of potatoes, one kilo of broccoli and one kilo of onions.M: We need some milk, coffee and cola for drinks.W: Right. We still need some beef, chicken and pork.M: And what about fruits? Lets buy two bags of pears, two kilos of bananas and one bag of apples. W: Of course. Oh! At last, dont forget oil. We have no cooking oil at all.M: One bottle or two bottles?W: Two, I think.M: All right. Its up to you.W: Is that all? Anything special in mind?M: Nothing special. Oh! I think wed better buy some eggs. Theyre good for our health.W: Eggs
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